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Everything posted by carni

  1. As oldphil says the distance is irrelevant, and your walk sounds so lovely, with your description it is so easy to imagine your view. On these dry days we manage to get our cycle rides every day, just home from one. Our routes don't vary much, but just to do a route in a reversed order can give the feeling of being a totally different area. To day we rode part of the Staffs and Worc, out and across the A449 up towards the prisons, Brinsford/Oakwood/forgot the name of the third one, around the prisons and back down to the A449, down the lanes back onto the towpaths again, and along
  2. Keep your eye out for Ancestry offers Beekay, every so often they offer two weeks free to tempt you. Yes it does cost if you join, but some Hobbies would anyway. I have the basic, which cost me £100ish a year and I have so much enjoyment from it. We have recently travelled to Arnold to meet up at 'The Robin Hood and Little John Pub' with people who have my Gt Gt Grandparents in their tree, and a Gt Gt Aunt. Very distant, I know, but we had a lovely couple of hours amongst these very distant relatives of mine. No likenesses about any of us, but fun anyway. The lady who arranged it,
  3. My son and partner lost their holiday not long ago when the airline folded, but thankfully they got all their money back. As expected a lot of flights and holiday destinations upped their prices making it difficult for people on a tight budget to find alternatives. They found a caravan holiday just outside Newquay Cornwall for a week, and a flight. The bit that amazes me is that they left Birmingham at 7am and just 40mins later arrived at Newquay. I didn't even have time for a second cup of tea while I was tracking them. Brilliant. Started my day happy.
  4. Nonna, from what I have learnt through reading 'The King Makers Daughters', it seems they are lucky to make it to 30. They may be royalty but would have their own family members executed to get at their wealth and lands. I have about a third of the book left to read, but I will definitely look out for the titles Beekay has mentioned. Phillipa Gregory is a brilliant writer, she has gained a new fan.
  5. Beekay, Would that be ''CUSTARD SCREAM'
  6. Thanks David, I did wonder if it was Home Bargains or the other one B@M. You have saved me a journey.
  7. Mary, I know they are about because we see them, but can't for the life of me think which shops. We don't buy them anymore. When the kids were small, we used to buy them often but now there is only two of us we would end up with soggy biscuits. I looked on the internet and they are advertised under the name of 'House of Lancaster Broken Biscuits', but you have to buy bulk., at least four boxes. If I remember the shop, I will let you know.
  8. Mmmm, We wont call the therapist in just yet Benj. Not til we get to 'Broken Biscuits' in Bulwell or 'Cows Heel' at Calverton?
  9. Whoar,' Luncheon Meat'. I haven't had any for years. Only seem to see the posh stuff these days, 'Chopped Ham and Pork' You know how to spoil a gel benj.
  10. Bloomin' dog on the next street woke me at 1.30am again, I must have got back to sleep because I woke again at 3.15am. We call it two bark dog, because that is what it does, until it is exhausted. Has a rest and then starts again. I read my book for a while, titled 'The King Makers Daughter written by Philippa Gregory' brilliant story written in such a way that even I can understand it. Followed that with a session on my laptop, all done without sound on so as not to wake hubbs. Somehow I ended up on WW2? not the most restful thing to be reading up on. Ended up re readi
  11. Soz Katyjay, just a teeny piece left for tomorrow. I promise to think about you when I eat it. Mmm so tasty!
  12. Twas Delicious, she got the recipe off the internet, I think it could be used for a 'Coffee/Walnut recipe as well, she hadn't got any walnuts so she put Chocolate Rolos on top instead. Beekay, I'm sure you could use them for stabbin' your pickled onions, but the fat prong might just get stuck in yer 'Winkles' . I haven't had any decent 'Potted Meat' for years, I could just eat a nice crusty cob thick with 'Lurpack and Potted Meat' Cor, You set me longing now!
  13. We do Margie. Very ettikety in our house. In fact Granddaughter made us a 'Coffee Cake' today, to welcome us back from our hols and we had to use our little cake forks with one fat prong and one two fin uns, because the cake was so moist it just fell apart.
  14. On the rare occasions I visit Gedling , I still love to look at your house SueB as I drive by, it holds some lovely memories for me as well, we went from babes to teenagers together in our Gedling homes didn't we. I have walked past 3 Hardys Drive as well and my imagination and memories can make me so emotional. I too would like to go inside. I would like to wander around the house and walk up the stairs, and run my fingers up the banister and walls and see if I can imagine I am 5yrs old again. We drive by the house I was born in on Chatsworth Ave, and it upsets me to see
  15. It,s OK now Beekay..................They have changed the 'Chip fat' since then................I think!
  16. My cycle is a Raleigh Transcend. I love it. It is rather knocked about now and they don't make them anymore so I can't have a new one. I asked Chris what his bike was, he said a green one? No, he is being cheeky. I will swat him if he doesn't behave. His bike is a Claud Butler. I will take some piccies tomorrow. Hope I don't forget! I'm a big gel now Beekay, I can balance without my stabilisers.
  17. Well we set of for Mablethorpe, but afraid we didn't get far. We stopped at the new Observatory at Chapel and the sign told us to stay on the beach for 900 mtres , but it was impossible to push our cycles through the sand. We decided to get off and onto the roads, trying again further down the road at Chapel Six Marshes. Still no clear path, just more sand, so we decided to about turn, as the road was too dangerous for us to continue. A couple of close encounters put us off. We had a lovely day though riding around the lanes of Skegness. Tea and toasted Teacake outside a cafe at the back of Ch
  18. trogg, No chance of getting past one of those, if there happens to be one. Hubbs favourite bakery of all time. Me, well, I suppose I'd have to sample something as well. Just to be sociable.
  19. Thanks oldphil. Just been decided to definitely do the route. At least we know there is a cafe at Anderby Creek if we start flagging. Not the people we once were!
  20. Cheeky. Lol. Will be cycling towards Mablethorpe today. We are interested to see if the route has been opened up along the sea front so we can stay off the roads, it can be a little bit dangerous on the bends with the speed some drivers reach. We haven't completed the run for a few years, it is approx 35miles, with only a few actually on the roads, will be interesting to see how far we get. So long as there are a few cafes on the way 'We will be happy'.
  21. Sorry to read of your health problems Col, I hope all goes well for you. Also for Paul, and any one else going through worrying illnesses. Over the last few years I have and still are going through worrying times, and as Lizzie has said we will support you. To come onto NS and be able to talk about our health problems can be a great help, I know it has been for me at times. Best wishes for a good result for you all.xx
  22. We are here at Skeggy for the next two weeks. Some things a bit dilapidated but all still standing. Will keep my eyes open for owt falling down, doubt if we will see a tower though?
  23. Aaaah Beekay, don't be sad Miduck. I think you may not have recognised the clues because most of them were probably pre your Nottstalgia discovery. Bits and pieces all put together from past topics. Many moons ago.
  24. I didn't want to give the show away too soon. Here's my logic. I recognised the little girl on the left, from a picture of her up to her neck in sand posted a few years ago. ( We have all been there?) Nonna and the Little girls mum are good friends. That is why she possessed the party photograph. The little girls mum being married to (The one with the Saffron Robes) who is the brother of our Katyjay, so I reckoned that because of the connection they would all have been together for their childrens birthday celebrations. Most of us have seen Katyjays picture, but only a few
  25. I did a bit of logical thinking and I could be right! Should I post my workings out, or hang on a while. I can't wait to know if I have guessed correctly.