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Everything posted by carni

  1. And a few 'Gottens', about 30ish I think.?
  2. Ooops. Just think compo........................You can do it all over again now!!!!! PS. How many pieces
  3. Not about to discuss religion, just the word 'Gotten'. I believe it is used a lot in the Bible.
  4. Can't have 'Manky Blinds' Ian. You will be the talk of the neighbourhood. We don't have any Venitian blinds we are not that posh. It's curtains for us........I think I will rephrase that! We only have curtains.
  5. Ian, I hate housework. The problem is, I can't stand untidy, dusty, crumbs and definitely unmade beds. If you lived nearby, I would be your best friend and would happily share my house work with you. You could dust and polish to your hearts content Glad you enjoyed listening to Eden Kane Miduck.
  6. Hello darkazana, Well what do you know, it's brilliant to see you are back. I really thought you had left us for good. Yes, you have been missed. Look forward to reading your posts, and hoping you have been saving your experiences to share with us. Good blessings to you as well Deborah.
  7. Beekay, I bet your glad you didn't bet any money on it. Must say the dinner was very very nice. I wasn't sure at first, so I had seconds just to be sure.
  8. I tried nonna......I really tried.
  9. Felt guilty for not doing any exercise lately, so got the bikes out and went for a little towpath ride. It was very muddy in places, very cold and spotting with rain, but glad we went. Ten miler, couldn't go further today, I had 'Tuthayke' (Bloomin Blackcountry lingo rubbing off on me) Toothache to us Nottstalgians.. Anyway, found two 5ps for our 'Charity collection', I can't believe how much money we find, mainly in the same area. It just keeps turning up. Got a bloomin' puncture about five miles into the ride, but Chris has his kit with him. He carries the Co2 capsules which ta
  10. I thought 'THE BLOB' was bad enough, (Seen at the Ritz). Scared the life out of me. But I took consolation and cuddled up to the arm around my shoulder . BUT. When I saw Linda Blair in the Exorcist, I was petrified for months. Darn't tuck my lovely little girl in at night. Bless. ( Only kidding) How did they make her head turn all the way round .???
  11. carni


    Mince Pie update. We decided to give the Supermarket that the pies were bought from a call today as we have heard nothing since October, at which time I received a letter asking me to call and confirm my permission, as in my quote above. I did so and that was it! The Manager of the Supermarket today apologised and said he would contact the Manufacturer. Within ten minutes we had a call from them. They said they had no record of any complaint from the shop and so they are going to contact them. In the meantime they are sending us an E Mail for us to attach the two ph
  12. My condolences to you and your family Barrie.
  13. My Huckleberry friend...........Nottstalgia and me. Start the day with a sing song aye benj. Can't beat it.
  14. Dear Graham, I send you and Sam our condolences. I struggle for words at these sad times , but please know that Nicky, Yourself and Sam are in our thoughts. xx.
  15. What do you mean....Share my cake? You would have to catch me first mate!
  16. We had cause to visit Nottm today, but 'Alas' due to ill relations we had to abandon todays house visits at last minute. So not to waste the day, we dropped son and partner at Wollaton Park, for 4hrs and we drove around enjoying the scenery . Lovely views around Woodborough. Firstly we drove to Stoke Bardolph and enjoyed our sandwiches by the river, in the car park opposite 'The Ferry Boat''. Took the opportunity to get this shot of a Cormarant on the opposite shore, showing off its wing span, which isn't massive but impressive and usefull. At least it wasn't munching a gigantic Eel, as the la
  17. Sorry you have this this extra worry nonna. You definitely have been through it these last few years. Bronchitis can leave after effects, but your bloods and scan in March must seem along while away for you to be worrying. We hope all goes well for you nonna. xx
  18. carni


    I agree wholeheartedly Jill. Sadly, it would be hard to put into action. I don't think it would be an easy job getting the penalty paid. Perhaps the threat of being struck off the Doctors list for non payment would work. On saying that, it would open up all sorts of other problems, particularly for the people with genuine reasons for failure to keep appointments, and also not having the money to pay fines. Worse case scenario, we would probably have people getting ill and possibly dying all because they inadvertently missed an appointment in the beginning, and don't have the funds to pay up f
  19. carni


    Talking of time and money wasting. As you know I am very proud and thankful to our wonderful NHS. They have saved me in times of trouble and still continue to do so, but something has happened this week that shows it is not only patients that waste time and money but also consultants can falter as well. My sister has been going through an ordeal these last few weeks. Breast cancer, mastectomy, and now beginning a course of Chemotherapy followed by Radium treatment. She has been going through all the fears associated with her cancer diagnosis and treatments and prognosis. She
  20. Twice recently we have nearly lost new £5 notes. Chris doesn't use a wallet, he just slides notes into his pocket, we can only think that the movement of walking worked the slippery note up and out of his pocket, luckily I was behind him at the time. On Sunday, we set off on a cycle ride and again hubbs was in front. We were at Chasewater, so lots of people around, again we think the movement of pedalling worked the note wrapped around his bank card as well, up and out of his pocket. He had no idea it had happened. I am aware that removing one from my purse can make o
  21. HUH.Seriously. It looks great, you have got a bargain with your sofas.
  22. What a good job has been done Ian, I love the decor. Someone has very good taste. I thought how much the young lady resembled me, and then I thought 'Well, I am allowed to dream aren't I'. Beats Drums and Guitars any day.
  23. Thank you Compo. One of the problems that we have en counted when taking photos through the window, is reflection of what ever we have on the coffee table, which is just inside the window, in the middle. At the moment we have a white Orchid plant, but Chris took the photo from the right hand side, so we got away with it. Most of our bird feeders and bird bath are just a few feet from the house, so our pictures will always be through glass. Will give the manual focus a try.
  24. Thanks Cliff Ton, Thank you for explaining for me. I thought perhaps it would have been used before. I just didn't recognise the title. I totally agree with what you say about the watermark. I will still look at the site as I never tire of looking at images of old Nottm and always on the lookout for ones we haven't seen before which is getting very rare. Your explanation about the changes to PTP now explains why I haven't been able to find some Nottm images. Money is a big factor in a lot of things, a shame but there we go.
  25. I know we have seen hundreds of Pictures of Nottingham over the years, but I have just been browsing this site and there are a few of interest. There should be, I believe there are about 21,509 to view. If we have seen this link before, then I apologise, but if your memory is as good as mine, you will always be seeing it for the first time? I just pressed Show all and then See More as the notice came up. I only managed half an hour, so I have lots more to see.