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Everything posted by DJ360

  1. I can't resist this opportunity..
  2. I have 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7. I could guess at 8
  3. The clocks on the ovens are easy to set.. but a little bit more tricky to get both to exactly the same minute.
  4. I do admire the watchmaker's 'craft'. My Grandad was something of an amateur watch repairer and my Dad collected pocket watches. I have my Dad's 60 year old Seiko Sportsaman and my own 40 year old Seiko '5' self winder. I wouldn't have a Rolex as a gift, because I just don't like the styling and never have. Good watches for sure but over priced and just not to my taste. My 'best' is a Rado Ceramica which came in about £1400. Yes.. I know it's electronic.. but I bought it entirely for the style.. and the quality of the finish. My new 'daily' is an 80 quid Skagen which doe
  5. No source. I figured it out for myself. It's obvious. The Govt knew from early on that they had lost control of the situation and feared that the NHS might be overwhelmed. They were right to have such fears.. but they also projected those fears onto the general population and made the rescue of the NHS a task for the population rather than themselves. Remember the slogans? Remember 'flattening the curve'? Personally I'd say there ought to be. I'd say Govt has failed in playing its part on testing, early action, effective lockdown, and historically maintaining the
  6. Meanwhile.. I took my walk today alongside the small stream that runs in the fields at the bottom of the street. I spotted this small tree. I must have walked past it hundreds of times.. but never noticed before because it wasn't in flower. As far as I can tell Hawthorn and May are basically the same thing, but this little tree has pink flowers, whilst most of the local Hawthorn hedges have white. I love it when you first get a blast of scent from the Hawthorn. As kids we ate the young green shoots. Called them Bread and Cheese.
  7. I really find it difficult to grasp how so many people are so desperate to get rid of stuff that they will queue for hours. It's not as if most people have been out buying new beds, furniture etc. I really don't get it.
  8. It's Monday here... They suspended all re-cycling weeks ago and just suggested we put everything in the normal brown waste bin. I don't participate in the Green Bin service as I think being charged 30 or 40 quid a year to recycle green waste which they then sell off to compost makers is a bit of a cheek. I compost 95% of it anyway. My neighbour has a green bin and we co-operate. I compost his compostable waste and he takes my non compostable stuff in his green bin... Works for us. Meanwhile, Mrs Col has absolutely refused to put any re-cycleable stuff in the norm
  9. Hope you get better soon Nonna. Personally I can't think of much worse than jigsaws.. but if you like them go for it!! Dunno what it is about me and games (inc. jigsaws.) I've never much liked them. Suppose I'm just anti-social.... They always seemed to me to be quite literally a waste of time. Odd times as kids we were allowed into other kids houses during school holidays, to play Monopoly or Cluedo for hours on end if the weather was inclement. But I really wasn't ever that keen. Those days I think I'd sooner have read a book. My day here has started cloudy and
  10. Lots of pressure to re-open the economy. And meanwhile.... the central plank of Govt policy in this disaster is ... 'ensuring that the NHS in not overwhelmed'.. with of course the implicit implication that the responsibility for this lies with the great British public... not with the Govt. Think about that... because there is an implicit assumption that cases will remain or even rise.. but that's OK, so long as somebody.. anybody. but the Govt.. can cope. The whole thing is predicated on the NHS coping, rather than the Govt taking the right steps to reduce cases. They
  11. Today started with everybody in our little close being out in the street at 11:30a.m. One of us was turning 70 so we secretly arranged to sing Happy Birthday to him (socially distanced obviously) since he clearly couldn't have a 'proper' party. His wife insisted to him that he needed to come outside to look at what the bin men had done to the bin. (They'd done nothing. but got blamed anyway..) He was suitably surprised and delighted. I'm surprised that I seem to be eating more and walking less.. yet my weight has stayed well below 14 St. Just after lock down I went ri
  12. Fascinating read about Talking Pics. Thanks Kev.
  13. Welcome Aussiegran! My maternal Grandparents Jack and Ida Whyman lived at No. 4 Grindon Crescent from around 1929, until Ida left around 1972. I also had relatives in Moorbridge Cottages who would most likely be Berresfords, or possibly Chambers..maybe something else... not really sure. I remember the Swans...
  14. Welcome John. I was a Cub and Scout with the 96th Nottm. Sadly now gone I think. I wrote some rather wry stuff about my scouting days somewhere on here. I'll try to find it and post a link. But.. despite my feigned cynicism.. I owe a lot to my scouting days.
  15. MD Very pleased that you seem to be making progress. My best to you both.
  16. Had to send a pic of my leg to the Docs today. A puncture wound I acquired a week ago when a twig jumped out and stabbed me suddenly decided to go red and leak pus. Doc sent anti biotics and strict instructions to seek further help if it gets worse. What fun!!
  17. I didn't see that.. but I fervently hope you are right. Thanks.
  18. So far he is doing so pretty well IMHO. However, until the Meedja start to see it and say it. nothing will change. There is no escaping the fact that the UK press/media is genetically programmed to support the Tories.
  19. Brew, You may be relieved to hear that I'm not going to do a blow by blow response to your response to my views on Corbyn. We won't agree anyway. You should also remember that I was not a fan.. more because of what he didn't say than what he did. Just a couple of points. -He is/was not 'as far left as it is possible to go'.. certainly in a absolute sense. He was on the far left of the Labour Party, which is a democratic party, not one concerned with revolution such as the Workers Revolutionary Party, Socialist Workers Party etc. -It's a mistake to equ
  20. Nonna. I'd prefer it if people who find the topic uncomfortable just refrained from reading it. Your posts are not only informative, but I suspect somewhat cathartic for you too. There are numerous threads on here which I don't read. I don't object to them.. but if they are discussing something which has no relevance to me.. I don't read them.
  21. As I understand it... there is a school of thought that using things like 'Antibacterial' cleaners is likely to encourage resistance by some bugs.. a bit like the over use of Antibiotics. However.. using bleach does not create this issue bacause bleach chemically dissolves and completely destroys bacteria and viruses...assuming you use the correct strength. An acquaintance on another site who is a chemist and food technologist confiirms this.
  22. The point you are making is valid. And noted. However, there is no need for you to make it in such thinly veiled and nastily personalised terms.
  23. Right,. My last word on evangelism. I recognise that it is mostly seen as an aspect of Christianity. however.. a few months back I heard someone on the Radio in a serious discussion stating that Islam was also and evangelical religion. This had not occurred to me before.. but it struck a chord. I accept that most might not (yet) see it this way, but a quick google revealed this: So, I'll concede on this.. but there is clearly some debate.
  24. To be fair.. I think we do try to do so. However.. trying to remove politics from any discussion involving the management of our society.. whether it be its health. its economy or whatever.. is to deny reality. Anyone who thinks that the UK Govt. position on, and management of the CV situation is somehow outside of politics. is mistaken.