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Everything posted by barclaycon

  1. Ah right. Well let's all becoming addicts then.
  2. There is no 'War on Drugs'. Everybody knows that you will never eradicate drugs. But that doesn't mean you just give up and let everything go to shit. What you are suggesting is a recipe for chaos. Half the population as zombies. Government participating in the supply and addiction of people? NHS swamped with drug addled victims...... And do you seriously think that drug dealers will register with the inland revenue? It's almost too horrible to contemplate. And comparing herion, meth and the like with a pint of beer...... come on!
  3. Whenever I hear people talking about the legalisation of drugs, I despair at their total nievety. The most charitable thing I can say is that they really haven't thought it through. What kind of message would that send out? It's OK to become an addict ? Dependence on drugs is an acceptable lifestyle choice? Don't worry about when you are totally messed up because the NHS will pick up the pieces. The logic of their argument is that drugs haven't been eradicated, so let's just legalise them. The fact is: we're never going to get rid of drugs - I think everybody knows that. But you have to d
  4. These are not facts. They are just things that you've read somewhere and assumed to be true.
  5. Y'mean like the Stonehenge Vistors Centre ? Have you ever seen such a load of modernist crap ! At least the tram bridge looks OK. Fuctional. Not displeasing to the eye. The Stonehenge thing on the other hand looks like something scaled up from a matchstick model - with matchsticks propping it up. £27 million pounds to build an eyesore. Seems to be a current fad to build things that look like they are unfinished.
  6. I like the alien ship in Monty Python's Life Of Brian which looks and sounds like a Ford Cortina.
  7. Ah but you see Wallace and Gromit are all part of a conspiracy. When will people wake up to the fact that the plasticine people are going to take over! All the facts are there, you just have to put them in the right order.
  8. Did he force them to drink Shipstones ?
  9. No. Things like that don't happen these days Mick (!)
  10. Accountants run clubs now. They think that splashing cash (a bit of cash in Derby's case) will buy success. Nige did a decent job at Derby - certainly as good as the 'stream' of managers they had up to 2009. I'd love to know who they think is going magically produce a promotion place for Derby instead of him. Paolo Di Canio maybe ?
  11. Mr. Tyafans. You don't deal in facts. It's all fanciful fluff!
  12. Ahh, conspiracy theories. There should be a comparision website for conspiracy theories. How about 'Uprove' or 'Conspire with the' Since we've had the internet, these things have become ever more fanciful. We live in a 'soundbite' world and just the notion of a conspiracy seems to be enough to convince a lot of people - no matter how bizarre or unproven the conspiracy theory might be. The latest one I've come across is to do with 'Chemtrails'. I was given a whole list of websites and blogs that apparently had conclusive proof that the government is dropping chemicals on us from
  13. Yep. All of this sounds depressingly familiar. I've had to sort out computer problems for friends and family for years now and have therefore become fairly proficient at sorting through and eventually getting a computer that does what I want it to - rather than what Microsoft wants. It must be a nightmare for people who get a new computer from Currys or PC World these days. The amount of 'bloatware' on them is staggering. Programmes that you don't want or need. Antivirus (which you do need) which runs out after 30 days and then irritates the hell out of you with constant popups. Trial vers
  14. No you won't! After hours and hours of fannying around you'll think - XP good, Win 8 bad. It's a stoopid, stoopid OS. That's why PC sales are down 29% this year. It's also the reason why they've got warehouses full of Surface tablets that they can't sell. My bugbear with any new system is 'can it do stuff that I couldn't do before'. Is it faster, has it got features that make my work easier. Is it worth learning a whole new layout and operating procedure? Quite frankly, in the case of Windows About 46% of PC uses are still using XP. It's the OS that just won't die - despite Mi
  15. Maybe they'll be able to raise this bridge without it falling over. And hopefully they'll remember to put spacers inbetween the rails and the road this time so that they don't buckle.
  16. Ed. There's a road called 'Sidings Lane' off Coventry Lane which would seem to indicate that there were a load of sidings there. (For coal traffic I would imagine). I'm not sure whether the book is a commercial release. It might just be only available from Bramcote History Group. Alan and Graham Crisp did a really thorough job of digging up so many documents on the area.
  17. The names Sherwin and Gregory crop up a lot throughout the area. As do the Hanleys, Longdens, Willoughbys.
  18. The coal mine at Trowell Moor definitely had a tramway. Re. Bramcote Hills House. I can remember playing football many times on the flat bit in front of the house (must have been about 1968). I always wondered why it was in ruins. Looking back at old pictures - shows how beautiful it was. PTP has got pictures of cows grazing in front of the house and also pictures of the landscaping of the park. I went to Bramcote Hills Secondary Modern which was very close.
  19. Cliff. First of all I'm glad that you have identified the railway (Radford - Trowell loop). It's possible that the station at Bramcote was never even used at all ! The Midland Railway was committed to building it as a stipulation of the landowner. Quite a few Lords of the Manor did this in return for having railways on their land. They had their own station's built and the right to stop any train that they wished to use. Brocklesby in Lincolnshire is another example. I've seen the documents AND several maps which show platforms and the approach road from Coventry Lane (I think one was a
  20. Yes. All spot on. The cottage you mentioned was White House Farm. (I used to deliver their evening paper). There is still evidence of tram tracks in that parcel of land. When they were ripped up they were sold on and used as boundary markers. Littlebro posted a good map earlier on which showed the place where Bramcote private station was (plot 14). it shows the access to it from Coventry Lane.
  21. I think it's more likely that PTP has got their terminology wrong. I'm sure that coal was transported through Moor Lane cut-through to Bridle Path and Beeston in Elizabethen times, but there is no evidence anywhere that it was a tramway with rails. There is definite evidence that there was a tramway on the other side transporting coal and indeed the rails were later used to mark boundaries. Believe me, the two guys from Bramcote History Group have gone into incredible detail about this.
  22. It's fascinating that the owner of Bramcote Moor (presumably until Henry 8th. stripped the churches of their lands) was Sempringham Priory which is in Lincolnshire. Shows how powerful the church was. Sempringham Priory had land all over the place. The discovery of coal in the area and its exploitation by the Willoughbys is what paid for Wollaton Hall. Somebody here mentioned something about a cottage in the middle of Bramcote Moor. Apparently this was something to do with the operation of a 'sough' which is a drainage channel to take water out of mine workings. When the surface coal was e
  23. Yes, they said it was just near to the Bramcote Moor canal bridge and was accessed from Coventry Lane. We're talking about the Trowell extension line here. The one that was built in 1875 from Radford through to Trowell and passes through Bramcote Moor at the top. I believe it was built to relieve congestion and enable fast trains to dash up from St Pancras, along the Old Dalby route, across the Lady Bay bridge into Nottingham then off through Lenton, Radford and through to Trowell - bypassing Derby completely. Alan Dance showed us 2 maps that detailed the station approach road from Coventry
  24. I believe it will be out on Oct 21st. It's mentioned here (scroll down to bottom):