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Everything posted by Stan

  1. Stan


    The only fire I heard of in SA ,Limey was a very small one(by Australian standards),and was quickly controlled. The Adelaide Hills are our biggest risk,but so far OK. FIRE chiefs have revealed that yesterday's "horrendous" bushfire at Gawler River in South Australia came within 500 metres of homes. Over 100ha of land was destroyed as the flames managed to jump across the river and towards homes on the Angle Vale Road. However householders are being warned there is still a danger posed from burning embers and debris, the Sunday Mail reports. The blaze started at midday and quickly spread
  2. Stan


    I came into Melbourne Airport on Saturday. A memorable event. At 35,000 feet the clouds were white,from just below this there was a blanket of thick black smoke which was so dense you felt you could get out and walk on it! The plane was thrown all over the place by the heat induced turbulence. Below the smoke looking around,it seemed that all around Victoria was ablaze. Interesting though,when we left en route to Adelaide the ascent was fairly smooth,but the smoke still as bad.
  3. This might put it in to terms you can recognise. United Kingdom — Area: 244,820 SQ KM so 4 times GB under water.
  4. It`s true then ! More than 60 per cent of Queensland - or one million square kilometres - is flooded. At least 40 people have been killed by the fire. 38 people in Adelaide died of heat stroke. Still want to come to Australia? -and what about the cricket results. Beefy will have the last laugh yet.! !tanning!
  5. Just arrived back in Oz after3 weeks in New Zealand. Temp NOW in Avalon 49 degrees,yes 49 ! Heard (but need to check for myself) 62% Queensland under water! More to follow later.
  6. Absolutely brilliant I reckon! 2006 the request and Terry has gone to the effort of producing the goods. Now how about my long lost friends Brian Turner 1951 Mundella and Catherine Wood(R.C. School behind the RC cathedral)
  7. Thanks for that useful information,Littlebro. !clapping! I understand the Australian award is no longer under the Imperial System. Wonder if the same metal is used. Interesting that even the canon was made in China(or the metal at least)
  8. Wonder if the V.C. awarded to an Australian SAS trooper last week is made from the same supply?
  9. Many many years ago, there was a Jewellers or some such place down there called HAZARDS. He was a relative of mine,,,,,, don’t know what happened to the name tho’,,,, surely they didn’t emigrate to the U.S just to take the micky out of the ‘Hoggs’ ?!?! I wonder if it was the same chap I had my very first watch from in 1948.It cost 2 pounds 10 shillings(half a man`s wage in those days) The shop was at the end of Handel St at junction with Carlton rd. Mick T has posted a pic. of the building you refer to earlier in this thread.The cemetry is still there it is now a park,with the tombstones aro
  10. Sarah Rutherford Rutherford, S. 9.2003 The Landscapes of Public Lunatic Asylums in England, 1808-1914 PhD thesis, DeMontfort University. Includes a gazetteer of most of the English public asylums (which I am using). "In the early 1900s the asylum was superseded by the new asylum at Saxondale, and was closed and demolished. The grounds were reused as King Edward Park." (Sarah Rutherford) Now I am really confused! !faint!
  11. Extremely slow typist but will try to pull in 2 threads-hope you cotton on. Someone mentioned the old cholera cemetry on Bath St being spooky (the one where Bendigo is buried in his mum`s grave). As a kid I would climb the cemetry wall from the little park and cut down branches for my bow and arrows to imitate Robin Hood. This was cheaper than taking the 44 Trolleybus from Carlton rd/bus depot junction.(this was acheived with my mate Johnny Hardy(both of us 6 years old) at the unheard of price of 1/2d each way to Colwyck Woods.(also 1/2d on the trolley no. 45 to fish at Trentbridge). Th
  12. As it is so close to Lincoln,probably a `New Town' for illegals,dole bludgers and GLB`s from Nottingham council(not to mention those found to be giving houses and flats to their families as in Nottingham!)
  13. If you go,Rog,enquire at the guardroomfor the chap who will show you all over the base without hassle.There is a small 617 squadron museum in station HQ Nigger`s grave is still intact with rail around it. A lot of the base dismantled though.
  14. R.U.Sure? (cannot be shore,must be the sand in my sore eyes!)
  15. Federal investigators say that both engines are missing from the US Airways jetliner that ditched into the Hudson River. Kitty Higgins of the National Transportation Safety Board said Friday crews are using sonar to search the river for wreckage from the engines. She says both engines apparently came off after hitting the water. Crews plan to begin hoisting the plane from the water on Saturday before putting it on a barge and removing the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder. NTSB officials say it's unclear when the engines separated from the plane. Experts say it's not unco
  16. The photo in the NEP shows the building to be a very good example of Victorian style and elegance. The ground swell of opinion against the mosque is huge. 1.Cars parked 3 abreast. 2 Some of the outbuildings demolished without council approval. 3.Doubt as to whether planning permission ever given for the conversion.etc-read the report Would some kind person put the NEP photo on here to show what I mean.
  17. I suppose that says it all about the modern attitude to the enormous Bomber Command Sacrifice,Ashley. Whilst I agree it is horrific to see women and children slaughteredby the Israel armed forces their deaths are usually quick. Compare this to say the lot of a 19 or 20 year old boy aircrew member. 1. He has to fly a minimum of 30 missions . 2 He has a 1 in 20 chance of being killed each time he flies. 3.If shot down,he has a 1 in 10 chance of reaching the ground alive. Little wonder that very few aircrew came out alive,and those that didwould have been mentally scarred for life.
  18. See notes above,Limey. I still think it is a magnificent piece of flying.(probably still on a `high' after watching another `hero' receive his V.C..First Australian in 40 years.)
  19. The FAA does not require commercial pilots to train to ditch, regulating instead the distance a plane can stray from an airfield.[1] Nevertheless, all commercial aircraft are equipped with flotation devices in case of water landings Ralph Nader's Aviation Consumer Action Project has been quoted as claiming (though not offering proof) that a wide body jet would “shatter like a raw egg dropped on pavement, killing most if not all passengers on impact, even in calm seas with well-trained pilots and good landing In December 2002, The Economist quoted an expert as claiming that "No large airli
  20. Sorry to disagree Bip. To land a fully laden Airbus(or any other jet aircraft on water,and save all passengers has never been accomplished before).Without his 40 years of skilled flying,remarkable thinking and actions,the plane without any power would have hit the city,with huge loss of life. To get the angle of attack spot onwith reference to water was brilliant-just a few degrees out and the plane would have broken up or submerged. I think it was a little more than `doing his job'
  21. But don`t try this pub! A GROUP of Muslims is seeking permission to continue to worship in a former pub. The Jamiat Ahle Hadith group was given permission to use the old Le Grand pub as a temporary mosque in November 2007. The permission, which allowed the group to worship there and use it as a learning centre, was originally granted for just 12 months. Now the group is applying to permanently use the pub at the corner of Alfreton Road and Gregory Boulevard, between Hyson Green and Radford, as a place of worship.
  22. Just the politically correct morons ,Rog. Why have British people given their lives over so many wars,just to hand it overto any Tom ,Dick,or Mustafah who decides to land on Britains coast. To further answer your note.Have a look at the mortality rate amongst Bomber crews in the last war.
  23. Yes,just imagine an Airbus with a full fuel load crashing into New York city. 9/11 all over again or worse! The Captain must be a genius-he deserves America`s highest award.