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Everything posted by Stan

  1. I can beat that oh Beefy one! Today whilst you were sleeping, there were 210 yes 210 guests logged into this site and 1 member. It reminded me somewhat of the British economy,1 person productive,210 observing.
  2. Little pink tablets? They are for girls ,Den.Tell your doc you need the little blue ones! Mick,the smileys don`t work
  3. Alternative Explanations? Are there other possible explanations for what happened to Dr. Day? The simplest possibility is that her cancer was not aggressive and was entirely removed by surgery, and that the rest of her problems were emotional. She withdrew from ordinary living for several years, during which time she spent many months in bed and was fearful, depressed, and in pain. Withdrawal is a symptom of major depression. She also exhibits grandiosity ("I know more than other doctors"), messianic feelings ("I can cure the world"), and unrealistic fears (all drugs are so dangerous that it
  4. Stay Away from Dr. Lorraine Day Stephen Barrett, M.D. Lorraine Jeanette Day, M.D., would like you to believe that she has discovered the answer to cancer. She would also like you to believe that her experience as a patient has qualified her to give advice about cancer. She warns people not to trust the medical profession and claims that all drugs can cause cancer. Her Web site states that "the entire foundation of conventional medicine is based on ERROR." [1] Her videotapes state that standard cancer treatment has never cured anyone and that nobody should undergo chemotherapy and radiation f
  5. Ayup, you obviously are deeply committed to your opinions(as you have every right to be) and nothing I say will change them. Its rather like people brainwashed by religious or political belief of any type. It is very difficult or impossible to alter it. In the case of your fractured leg. I well remember a friend and my C.O (a Brigade commander) who after jumping from a plane,fractured his leg. Had he been given rat poison,he would probably have survived(he died from an embolus from his leg to his lung) Rat poison(warfarin) was the second part of his treatment-no use just fixing the fractu
  6. Ayup and Loppylugs, You have both raised very valid points. I am a very slow typist and it would take me days to write a full reply.Suffice to say`alternative doctors/naturopaths are in my opinion `quacks' who merely delay diagnosis, or once a person has delayed diagnosis themselves by not attending their doctor early enough ,prevent proper treatment. The quacks then take over again with their useless remedies. Treatment of cancer especially in the early stages has improved out of all recognition. Indeed some,e.g. cervical cancer can be prevented by vaccination. It is impossible to explai
  7. ATTACKER BIT OFF MY NOSE IN NOTTINGHAM BAR 09:00 - 14 March 2008 This man had part of his nose bitten off in a brutal attack in a city centre bar. Scott Sheehan, 23, was left horribly disfigured after the assault in Liberty's, in Upper Parliament Street. Sounds like a crap pub to me ! (Unless you have a `nose' for trouble)
  8. Dear Katyjay,and Ayup, Suggest you read the excellent article in Wikipedia on American Healthcare.They spend almost 1/5 of GDP on Healthcare The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2000 ranked the U.S. health care system first in both responsiveness and expenditure, but 37th in overall performance and 72nd by overall level of health (among 191 member nations included in the study) Uninsured Americans are less likely to have regular health care and use preventive services. They are more likely to delay seeking care, resulting in more medical crises, which are more expensive than ongoing treat
  9. To reduce demand, a gate-keeper, usually a nurse, screens the patient's complaint and approves or denies access to a general physician who is expected to handle a far greater range of services than under the FFS system This is what I am on about Ayup. The professor's son was denied access to hospital by the nurse gatekeeper and it seems that their is little that can be done legally . How do you go for medical care if you need admission to hospital without insurance,Ayup?
  10. I saw a TV story this evening about the death of Heath Ledger. The facts reached the paper almost as soon as it occurred but had to be delayed for an hour before being put out on the internet version of the newspaper concerned. This is the way of the future Red. No chopping down of beautiful forests for newsprint and fish and chip wrappers.
  11. Managed care combines financing and delivery of health care in a single entity with the aim of improving quality of care while controlling costs. In the traditional system, the employer pays a fixed premium to an insurance company. A patient with insurance coverage can go to any physician or hospital and the insurance company pays 80% of the charges and the patient the rest. In Managed Care, the employer negotiates with a Managed Care Organisation (MCO) to provide for the health needs of their employees and their families. The MCO hires physicians, or contracts with physicians to provide care.
  12. I think you have been exceptionally lucky Ayup. Firstly you had insurance(vast numbers don`t because they cannot afford it) and secondly because you did not seem to come up against the horrendous administrative screening process before getting your wife into hospital. How long was she in for?
  13. Recent true story ,Ayup. The Professor of Surgery at University of California took his son to Mexico where he developed appendicitis. Returned to California and tried to get his son(in acute pain) into hospital. It took a multitude of NURSE gatekeepers telling him what to do and deciding if his desparately ill son could be admitted!!! This is how the system works for well insured people,imagine what it is like for the vast remainder!
  14. At least its free in UK,Mick,even though you are going to die waiting! In America you are just going to die!
  15. Does anyone agree with me that the standard of journalism at the NEP have reached rock bottom? Not only are they extremely left wing and ultra politically correct, but the standard of their stories and reporting has plumbed the depths. e.g. Notts residents have given their reactions after the biggest earthquake to be felt in the county in more than 250 years struck in the early hours today. The last major quake to be felt in Notts was in October 2002, which measured 4.8 on the Richter Scale. Before that the strongest quake in the region measured 4.1, with an epicentre in Uppingham, Rutland,
  16. The one major factor you have to consider at your great age,Mick if you go to America is Health Care. Become ill over there and your Motel could be sold to pay for it! Anyway have you considered being stabbed in the shower in a 50`s Motel? !sickly!
  17. St Ann's Allotments, the oldest in the UK and thought to be the biggest in Europe, has been awarded £2,443,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The money will be spent on renovating and preserving historic features, including a Grade II listed garden shed
  18. Spoil sport Beefy, what would the poor Muslim extremists have to blow up in Nottingham if this tower were not built!
  19. So the earth moved for Rob and Beefy last night! !laughing!
  20. Chandos St. seems pretty tame compared to this place! Sniffer dog hunts for more bodies in Jersey children's home A police sniffer dog that located a human skull buried beneath serveral inches of concrete in a former children's home has indicated several other areas where remains could lie. Police are employing radar scanners in co-ordination with the specially trained dog, previously used in the search for Madeleine McCann, as they carry out an extensive search of the property now serving as Jersey's Youth Hostel. Police believe more human remains may yet be found Police began searchin
  21. On the subject of guns, I always remember the case of the South African man who shot a burglar entering his house through a window,only to find he had killed his daughter coming home late without her keys! (when he turned on the lights)
  22. Now,this is perfectly true. I was really poor as a student,so my lessons were in an A40 which belonged to a girlfriend`s dad. I had a final `tune up 'with BSM and failed miserably. 3 further tune-ups with BSM followed by the obligatory failures.On the 5th attempt we were going through Basford and the examiner told me to take the next left,which I did. As a result we ended up having a tour of a Brewery! The examiner was so embarassed he passed me,otherwise I would still be taking the test.
  23. Ah yes,Rob,there are plumbers and ...plumbers! Britain is loaded with people from the sub continent and Africa who can barely converse in the Queen`s English not to mention the thousands of doctors and dentists from Europe. Having a `body' in post in the NHS is far removed from the highly skilled local product. Countless pathetic first-aid posts purporting to be `new medical schools' have sprung up, with students achieving joke results in their A levels to gain admission in the UK. The NHS is in a state of melt down with dirt and the lowest standards in Europe.Anyone with get up and go has
  24. Biggest brain drain from UK in 50 years Britain is experiencing the worst "brain drain" of any country as highly qualified professionals settle abroad, an authoritative international study showed yesterday. Record numbers of Britons are leaving - many of them doctors, teachers and engineers - in the biggest exodus for almost 50 years. Over a quarter of qualified professionals who have moved abroad had health or education qualifications There are now 3.247 million British-born people living abroad, of whom more than 1.1 million are highly-skilled university graduates, say the researchers.