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Everything posted by Mess

  1. At the other end of the scale Peter Brough with Archie Andrews was the worst yet he was extremely successful on the radio where his vent skills were irrelevant.
  2. Gottle of geer. Fly2 you're quite right that technically Arthur Worsley was an outstanding vent but it was Nottinghamian Neville King who made me laugh most.
  3. Very interesting thoughts Deepdene Boy. You're so right about how the style of play changes through the leagues. A few seasons back when Notts were relegated from L1 to L2 I noticed how much more physical the games became. I really can’t see Enzio or Vaughan doing any good at all in non league. I believe Vaughan is out of contract anyway. It would seem that to succeed in the lower leagues you need huge strong players who can take it as well as dish it out. The best example I saw this season was when Newport came to Meadow Lane. They were huge and battered Notts. Jamille Matt w
  4. I think bringing in highly paid players like Dennis, Hemmings, Enzio and later Vaughan didn’t go down too well with the other members of the squad especially when, with the possible exception of Hemings they didn't perform on so many occasions. It happens so often in football these days. Some of these highly paid prima donnas secure a lucrative contract then couldn’t care less.They still get their obscene salaries no matter what. Some even feign injury because they can't be bothered playing. No pride just greed. One or two of these overpaid wasters are still on Notts books and their cont
  5. Phil, I think it’s a classic case of “beggars can't be choosers”
  6. NEP saying that a South African consortium have just completed due diligence. The price will depend on which league Notts are playing in next season. I've just checked the table and next week if Macclesfield v Cambridge ends 0-0 and Notts win 9-0 at Swindon then Notts will stay up on goal difference. Now that’s what you call optimism.
  7. I think that Notts are well capable of winning at Swindon next week but if Macclesfield don't lose to Cambridge then we're down and out the league. The sad thing is I can think of several occasions this season where Notts have thrown away precious points that would have seen us safe by now. Here's hoping that next season the new owners will give us something to cheer. I have heard many pessimists say that if Notts go out the league it will take several seasons to get back. I have to disagree because I think the momentum that the new owners will bring will make a massive differen
  8. Hi FLY2, What years were you at FFGS? I was there 1961-6 and lived on Russell Rd. I was in a band in 1965/6 and we used to practice in the hall under High Church St. Methodist church. Happy days.
  9. In the early 60s my school friend and I would climb over the wall and explore the abandoned station. Trains still ran through and it was a bit spooky when they rumbled out the tunnels. My pal used to say the house above the Sherwood Rise portal was haunted. It would certainly have shook at bit when trains were running underneath. We got a good telling off and had our names and addresses taken by a policeman who caught us one day.
  10. OK, OK it would seem we will have to beat Grimsby as well to get the 49 points I predicted. Unlikely I know but the fat lady isn't quite singing yet although she's certainly warming up lol
  11. Recent away form would suggest Notts could win all their last three away games. I also think they can beat MK Dons because they (MK) will be playing to win. Against Grimsby we'll do well to get a draw. Lower half teams usually have gigantic defenders who Notts struggle to get past. So I reckon Notts will finish on 49 points which will see them safe by one point. I don't expect Yeovil to pick up more than two points so I think they're gone. Sol Campbell's Macclesfield are doing well but I think they're going to run out of steam. Call me an optimist if you like but after
  12. Saturday's performance couldn't have come at a better time. I could hardly believe it when I looked at the score 1 minute into the game to see the mighty Pies were one up and it just got better and better. It's so ironic how Notts home form has been their Achilles heel when last season we rarely lost. This season it could be that away wins like yesterday will keep us in the league. It's the bottom half teams at Meadow Lane who we have struggled against. They have huge defenders who just close it down looking for a point and Notts can't break through. I wouldn't be surprised to see
  13. I've been really enjoying reading my newly procured copy of The Football Post from Saturday February 2nd 1952. It's started to bring to life the stories my dad used to tell me about the Lawton era as we walked down Arkwright St to Meadow Lane in the late 50's and early 60s. I was born in 1950 and dad took me to my first Notts game in November 1959. The 59/60 season was Notts first in the newly created Div 4 and they'd arrived there after two successive relegations from Div 2. They were promoted back into Div 3 that season and Tony Hateley made his first team debut. Notts didn't return to
  14. Well the Morecambe game was pretty uninspiring but the pre match Carvery was excellent. Morecambe like many bottom half League 2 teams playing at Meadow Lane just closed it all down and wasted time. Dire to watch and Notts lacked the quality to break through. In an attempt to lift my spirits I bought a Nottingham Football Post from February 1952 off eBay for a bargain price of £1.20. It arrived yesterday and is a really fascinating read. I will post again soon when I’ve digested it all. For the record it's a white tabloid which cost 2d. and has Thomas Henry's parade of
  15. Never a dull moment when you support Notts County. I'm going to Meadow Lane with my son this Saturday. It's his birthday treat and I've booked the hospitality package. If we can beat an in form Morecambe then we might, just might survive.
  16. That's right. According to Wikipedia the neck was made from the mantelpiece of a Victorian fireplace leading Brian to refer to it as The Fireplace. The three pickups were Burns trisonic wired with peculiar phasing.
  17. I watched this film on Sky last night and really enjoyed it. Rami Malek's Oscar winning portrayal of Freddie Mercury is superb. Love or hate Freddie Mercury you have to accept he was one hell of a performer. Queen have always been one of my favourite bands since I saw them perform Killer Queen on Top of the Pops in 1974. I loved their multilayered vocals and Brian May's guitar work. I couldn't work out what guitar Brian was playing when I watched them that night. I later learned it was a homemade instrument that he and his dad had constructed in 1963. My favourite Brian May gu
  18. I've followed Notts for 60 years and there have been many low points but this season is without doubt the worst. I just hope the new owners who Alan Hardy tells us will take over in about six weeks time can pick up the pieces and get us back into the league quickly because relegation to non league looks almost nailed on now. Lincoln, Mansfield and Luton have come back from non league better for the experience. I just hope Notts can do the same but they need to rethink their approach. Kevin Nolan and Sam Alladyce understood that hoof ball up to a centre forward built like a brick s**t
  19. In the early 70s as a 21 year old I used to lust after a Ford Capri 1600. I thought the Daytona Yellow finish with a black vinyl roof was to die for. Thing was I didn't pass my test until 1978 and due to lack of funds I had to settle for a Cortina 1300L but at least it was yellow LOL. A few years later I wanted an Escort 1300E and then a Cortina 2000E but never managed it. I did buy an Escort 1600 Ghia in the mid 80s and when I aspired to my first company car I had a Granada Ghia which brought my love affair with Fords to an end. I drive a Freelander 2 these days and would rather sp
  20. Correction. The last time we beat Mansfield in the League was on 29th August 2005 so it's 13½ years ago. Notts won 3-2 at Field Mill
  21. Too right Deepdene. I read somewhere that we haven't beaten The Stags in 12 years. I was at Meadow Lane in March last season. There was a snow storm and Notts were winning 1-0 but gave away a penalty in the last minute and Kane Hemmings tucked it away. It would be nice to see him score against his old club on Saturday and help us bag a very much needed 3 points.
  22. Too right Deepdene. I read somewhere that we haven't beaten The Stags in 12 years. I was at Meadow Lane in March last season. There was a snow storm and Notts were winning 1-0 but gave away a penalty in the last minute and Kane Hemmings tucked it away. It would be nice to see him score against his old club on Saturday and help us bag a very much needed 3 points.
  23. I've just read on Wiki that Tommy Lawton took on Tony Hateley and Jeff Astle as apprentices when he was Notts manager in 1957/8. Both of course were fantastic headers of the ball like their mentor. I heard somewhere that one of Lawton's training methods was to get centre forwards to jump onto the edge of a snooker table starting from a standing position. That's some feat! If the Wiki entry is accurate then it would appear Lawton got a raw deal when he was sacked by Notts at the end of the 1957/8 season. It states he only received 3 months salary when he left having been verbally offered a
  24. Best Saturday evening for ages. Then I find I've won £30 on the lottery as well. Shall I put it on Notts to beat The Stags?
  25. As a player Lawton was real hero for Notts but when he became their manager he struggled.