Jill Sparrow

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Everything posted by Jill Sparrow

  1. I don't know what happens in secondary school today but, at Manning, if another member of staff, sixth former or any adult entered the classroom, we were expected to stand up until told to be seated again. In certain cases, heaven help you if you were the last one off your chair! Under the Dome for the next week!
  2. Mine opens downward! Never burnt myself though.
  3. Spoke on the phone with a friend of mine yesterday. We worked together many years ago and she is also an ex Manning girl, although from a much earlier period than myself. Having missed the 11 plus due to illness, my friend was sent to a local secondary school but her abilities were later noticed and she was subjected to the 13 plus examination and subsequently transferred to The Manning. I know many of our members think i'm either exaggerating wildly or merely inventing things when I write about Manning on here. Our conversation yesterday, had you been able to hear it,
  4. Yes, Phil it is and although I'm not a practising Buddhist I do subscribe to their philosophy.
  5. I've used lavender to deter ants. Apparently, they don't like it! Don't take antibiotics as, with me, they all cause worse side effects than the original problem. Flies are dealt with by the moggies, usually before I can intervene. They seem to regard them as airborne crisps!
  6. Apparently, something the conkers give off...some kind of chemical? ... is supposed to deter the spiders. Not surprisingly, there is no scientific evidence to support this theory. As for me, I don't like spiders, but I refuse to kill any living creature...and they do make a lot less noise than conkers!
  7. Speaking of cats, a friend gave me a bag of conkers recently. She has a longstanding phobia about spiders and puts fresh conkers every autumn around her house in a bid to deter them. She finds it seems to work. I've seen several large arachnids this autumn, mostly in a state of mangled rigor mortis when I get up in the morning, the moggies having cornered them during the night. So, I distributed the conkers around various rooms. Ginger Bruno has discovered them and finds he likes them even more than spiders. Have you any idea of the racket that is caused by one cat chasing conkers
  8. Have since read that the cubs are now 3 years old, so it couldn't have been that. Perhaps he just got on her nerves once too often! Female lions commonly attack males, as jonab points out. Maybe it is something common across all species. Only this morning, my female tabby flew across the room to attack Tarquin who was quietly minding his own business. She obviously took exception to something. Still feel very sad that poor Nyack has suffered such a fate.
  9. Sad start to the day reading about the lioness who has killed Nyack, the father of her cubs in a zoo in Indianapolis. They had been together for 8 years with no sign of any aggression. He was a beautiful looking boy. I hate zoos but accept that, in some cases, they are a necessary evil. He must have threatened the cubs in some way for the female to do that. Sad as it is, it sends out a message to all males...don't mess with us women! I suspect our friend Trogg already knows that!
  10. Yes, Brew, we had the twin tub and the Baby Burco spinner! None of it was as good as the copper and mangle according to mum. They didn't get things clean enough!
  11. Ours was a ponch...a stick with a copper fitment on the bottom. Looked not unlike those copper light shades that are all the rage in kitchens. There was a maker's name embossed on it but I can't remember what it was.
  12. And now, for the benefit of those of us who don't understand the first thing about electricity...Loppy will explain why Phil's barber got an electric shock? Please
  13. We had a copper boiler in the kitchen. Gas fired. My mum loved it and said she boiled all the terry nappies in it and they came out sparkling white. My mum had no time for washing machines. Dolly tub and mangle when I was a child. Robin starch and wooden ironing board with asbestos pad for the iron. Wooden clothes horse in front of the fire. Washing took all day.
  14. My mum used Lux for jumpers but Sunlight Soap on collars of shirts. I've seen something called Granny's Soapflakes in various shops. It has a picture of an elderly woman on the box. Ey up...if we can't have Mansize Tissues, Granny's Soapflakes has to go. It's sexist!
  15. In the dawg house again, Loppy?
  16. Don't say I never give you anything Carni!
  17. Excellent news, Carni. Get plenty of cake in ready for the recovery period. Nonna would probably send you a chocolate orange but I'll bet she's already scoffed em all!
  18. Wasn't there a Player's building on the corner of Prospect Street and Radford Road before you reached the big, impressive structure with the clock outside?
  19. They'll be gone long before Christmas, nonna!
  20. Welcome home, Carni. Get some cake down your neck...need to keep your strength up!
  21. Many moons ago, I taught in Gainsborough for a year...and I try NOT to think about it. Tried the quiz. Also scored 6.
  22. You have feet of clay after all! I'm devastated!
  23. Especially when some lard bucket nurse screeches at you about your cholesterol being too high! She got both barrels, I can tell you!