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Everything posted by Bilbraborn

  1. Not worth a thing if would be shoppers are going to be put off by the cost of parking.
  2. And many more. Just down the road from me is an area called fountaindale. It is part of that huge wood the A60 goes through before you come into Mansfield. Part of Fountaindales claim to fame is that is supposed to be the home of Friar Tuck and near where Robin Hood and the Friar had their first encounter. But Fountaindale has something else. Sir Walter Scott once stayed at Fountaindale house and it has been said that Sherwood Forest gave him the inspiration for many of his books, particularly Ivanhoe.
  3. 1967. I was a very fit young teenager. I probably wouldn't change anything because I wouldn't have met my wife and had the great nearly half century together.
  4. Thanks for that Tom. For me the interest will always be Bilborough. I know that there was a 'Barbers' pit situated at the end of the Bilborough Cut. This would be somewhere near where the old Early Bird pub was situated. When I was a kid there were remains of Bilborough Cut in the Roughs on Glaisdale Drive, in a curved shape from Old Coach Road train bridge to the back of what was originally the SPD warehouse, and more importantly, in the woods (now maybe playing fields) at the rear of Glenbrook school and Haddon Park High (then Glaisdale) School. On my old large scale map of the area from
  5. A least in Britain there is chance some Brit may be involved. When I left the railway 10 years ago there were still plenty of British technicians . But what about this blessed carbon footprint all the trendies keep spouting about?
  6. They come in handy as small bin bags. When we had a dog we often used them when we took dog for a walk. There are ways round it.
  7. I vaguely remember reading somewhere that JM Barrie was walking with a friend (might have been someone who is now famous) along Clifton Grove when a ragged assed waif walked past going the other way. When his friend said something like "what's the matter with him?" Barrie is supposed to have said "He's looking for his shadow". This bit may be inaccurate. The other item I heard was that he got his inspiration for the kids flying out of the bedroom window from looking across the Park Estate from near the Ropewalk.
  8. I complain long and hard about that. I know that Bombardier can make trams. They would do if our MPs had enough shares in the company. If we are part of Europe, why don't they take their green policies seriously. You can't have it both ways. Either a free market or a rigid policy on the environment. It seems that green policies only count if they can fleece the s--t out of the British in their utilities bills. Or make a mockery of our beautiful countryside.
  9. I note the article in todays Nottingham Post about the new trams. Built by Alstrom. In Barcelona? Sod the British worker. Lets have them built somewhere else. Surely even Alstrom have a works in the UK where they could at least have been built by a homegrown worker. And then what about all this green bulls--t that seems to be all the vogue these days. How much more carbon footprint to transport the things all the way from Barcelona. Or does it not count when they get the pleasure of denying British workers a job. And don't forget what Spain is doing to Gibraltar. It is as if nothing
  10. Pixie, we have lived in local authority houses and my wife was pregnant at 19 (although she miscarried), but that never made us chavs. You have to meet all the other criteria, particularly so.
  11. Stephen. I thought all modern buildings were camouflaged warehouses. Talking of which, any opinions of the university buildings on Triumph Road at Radford?
  12. Sorry mate. Looks like you've had your chippings on that one.
  13. Sorry. Losing the thread again. Maybe we can market that blast furnace thingummy. Or I could take out a patent for my treadmill idea.
  14. Or words not usable on this forum. We can all laugh, but what a divided society we live in. Them as can but won't work, them as can't but are determined to work, them as can and are happy to work, and those who can't and are being forced to work because of the idle gits who are milking the system. I work for an agency who are absolutely brilliant and are good to me, but I still don't know what hours I will be working from one week to the next. I try to claim working tax credits but they want to know the exact hours I work. There is no provision for people like me.
  15. Be no good mate. If everything is that good I'll have nothing to moan about. And that will be the finish of me.
  16. Trev. I need to copy that plan and frame it. It is a masterpiece. It should be hanging in the Tate. Or even that oversized container near the GC tunnel.
  17. Ayup Baz. Too old now. But my dad told me years ago that as he was stationed in Australia in the war, him and my mum were going to go back and live there, but she had serious health problems at the time and the idea just dried up. So I might have been your neighbour if things had turned out differently.
  18. Weren't all cars noisy in the 70s? I know about five keys opened most Fords, and if that failed a strip of packing tape did the trick.
  19. Back to the blackout. I have a cunning plan. Surely there's a firm in Britain that can produce treadmills in large quantities. I mean the ones that are actually operated by running on them. There are enough chavs drawing money for doing buggerall to produce electricity for decent people. Well it's a thought.
  20. Basfordred. Can anyone do a private members bill in Parliament on that?
  21. Piggy and Babs. My dads old neighbor was a supply teacher in an infant school. The children there used to have to write in their diaries every Monday what they did at the weekend. She told me that one little girl wrote "Every Friday night, Daddy comes home from work and gives my mummy some Pennies". Except she didn't spell pennies like that. Oh. And thanks for reminding me of Janet and John. They were good books for teaching children to read. I think in Geography at secondary school we had text books by Ward and Lock.
  22. I remember the blackouts of the early 70s. I can't forget. The product of the blackout then is 41 next birthday. Anyway. What is a Chav? anyone? Then we'll get back to the blackout.
  23. Basfordred. You think the way I do. When the GCR came under the control of the London Midland Region, they ran it down and openly discouraged passengers from using it. They shoved all the coal traffic on it knowing that the 1960s round of pit closures was imminent. Then they handed it open to chopping Doc to finish it off. WHY did they close a railway with a continental loading gauge when they knew the Europisation (is that in the OED?) of Britain was gathering pace. Anyone with any inside knowledge of plans for Europe would have known that the Chunnel would be here sooner or later. And t
  24. Looks like you've had your chips on that one. All right. I'll leave the stage.