nequest music

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  1. for those of you who remember Nequest Music Shop im sad to say my uncle David Nequest passed away to day please feel free to add any comments if you remember david and the music bussiness

    1. Jill Sparrow

      Jill Sparrow

      Sorry to hear of David Nequest's passing. As a child, I bought much of my sheet piano music from the stall in Central Market and still have it, stamped with the Nequest name. Was there not also a shop which sold records on Clinton Street? Seem to remember ordering The Magnificent Mr Handel from there. Still have that too!

    2. siddha


      Very sad to hear this. It was a good shop, I bought music from there regularly.

      I think I knew John Nequest , he was one of the Outlaws (scooter boys)

  2. head offices were in nottingham then moved to beechdale as i worked there
  3. No .The nottingham concert hall is now on the site of the shop
  4. Yes im a nequest .It was founded by my great grandfather then my grandfather and his brothers took over the bussiness finally my uncle took on the bussiness before it sadly ended
  5. I worked for fords in the wearhouse from sept 82 till april 96 the year it finished.i had many happy years there and i still keep in touch with director Andrew Pink