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Everything posted by benjamin1945

  1. Yes Jill..........shame that......never dated an Audrey.....obviously lots of Maureens...
  2. Thanks for that Jill........i had forgot Peter's first name..he went to Padstow or Whipple for only a short time.....he told me about his footballing brother...........just looked him up........he's still about and is President of Shrewsbury football club.........
  3. Col..did your friend Melvyn Starkey live on Bancroft street ? The reason i ask is i had a school pal named Starkey who lived there...he was a very good footballer.......but he had a brother called Malcolm...who was even better about ten years older..who was a Pro for Blackpool...Chester and Shrewsbury..... Another famous son of Bulwell....who most people i doubt have ever heard of.......... I know ive gone off the thread here.......but his Mam did shop at
  4. Hated Metalwork at school.......but made a ''Caddy Spoon'' which i 'Titivated'' with a small Hammer.........still got it.. The 'Caddy Spoon'' that is.............
  5. I wouldnt know a ''Feeler Gauge'' from a ''Cheese sandwich'' I inherited all me Dads Tool ..a Hammer''.....which he was left by my Grandad........i'll leave it to my 'Eldest son''........who will be over the 'Moon''...........
  6. Happened all the time down Locarno.....Tuesday nights....... Well my heart went boom..when i crossed that room........
  7. Should have done that down Northgate....they can be made to look good.....instead of demolition.........
  8. I know what you mean Jill..........don't know whether to carry on with my little mission..........
  9. Think thats what Alpha meant Margie.......... Went to find the Marsdens that used to on the corner of Northgate and Gawthorne st............sadly fact the whole area was a mess......few terraced streets remain.....surrounded by bits of neglected the 60s it was full of terraced streets and happy looking people.....very depressing now with miserable looking folk.....
  10. Had a couple of hours seeking out my old Marsdens shops this morning.........left me realising that the world we once knew back in the 60s was far nicer than todays... Dirty streets... Whole areas just a mess... Dirty shops with poorly dressed Assistants (owners) When they were Marsdens......the staff wore clean white coats and Aprons......customers were Addressed as SIr or went in the ex Marsdens...and was shocked by the overall standards of Dress..speech and general cleanliness..... One chap..i took to be the owner was wearing a dirty overcoat and sat
  11. Commercial road Beekay.......youre right with the butchers and Pub.......but the Penguin Cafe was a bit further back.......... Great pictures of Marsdens with the sign.......starting to think Marsdens was much older than i thought......thanks Stuart........
  12. Took these pic's the other day.........relief Managed this store when i was 17. for about a was a Vernons self service in was converted from being a Marsdens ....very small and didnt last long...on Derbyshire lane Hucknall..
  13. Marsdens way back in the 50s stood here.......there are lots of photos of Bulwell showing the Marsdens sign on the big wall ....i worked there as relief when i was 16 or 17..........I had learned how to bone and roll and then display the bacon whilst at the Andover road shop........learnt the till operation and how to ring in 1/10pence halfpenny using many fingers and my mental arithmetic was i was well thought of....and being willing to travel was just what the company wanted........... The Manager in 1961-62 was Jack Pinder a lovely Bulwell chap who took me under his win
  14. Funny you should say that Jill..........been trying not to mention the girls from way back.......but i'll have to capitulate.....this morning in Hucknall couldnt help but remember.....Dorothy and Val............Dot's Dad wanted to know what i was doing under the kitchen sink behind a curtain...late one night......
  15. My mission for collecting photos of today where once there was a Marsdens/Farrands or Vernons (all the same company) where i worked in the 60s......continues have 3 in Bulwell and two in Hucknall to add.........won't bore you with putting em all on at the same time.........try not to get too excited in
  16. Good memories there Col..........the people that had the Paper shop before 'Westbrook' were named ;Parsons........and the chap who owned the''Hardware shop ''was Jim Conduit'...... Being there yesterday with my happy memories also made me feel very sad...thinking about all the folk i knew...who have now gone.......remembering gives 'Funny' emotions.........
  17. Marsdens andover road....this morning....where i began my magical mystery tour at age 15 in 1960........too many memories of lovely people staff and customers.....ive never seen another photo of this store.....even Cliff Ton can't find one.......think it closed about 1969...and apart from being a Cafe for a short time..has sadly sat empty........ At one time there were a few shops in this little parade in the 60s.....Off licence...Greengrocer....Hair dresser.....Hardware....Paper shop...Wool shop....Chemist.....only the Off licence remains.........
  18. Miss you Carni.................when will i see you again....when will we share precious songs ?......go gel x
  19. Yes it was Jill...........Balby as you go into 'Donny' from the of my sons used to live quite near..........
  20. Used to work a bit in and around Doncaster and went to find the shop where it was filmed......Arkwright and Granville had moved on............
  21. Ian...didnt work 60 years for em...........worked IN the 60s....LOL
  22. 1967.......A memorable song in every way.........was listening to it just before nearly 'Drowning' in a car....... Sat in the backseat of a Morris 1100 coming back from Skegness;;;;I was the only non-swimmer and was last out the car holiday monday.........Did Cartwheels into the river'' I was feeling kinda seasick''