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Everything posted by benjamin1945

  1. Went in Jeromes in Bulwell this morning first time for about 3 weeks....... Lots of 'EY UPS' WHERE YO BINS''......Nice to be missed...and enjoyed an ''Eggs Benedict Then bumped into an old friend from my football days in the 70s......he's a couple of years younger than me...and sadly in a wheel-chair....not lost his sense of humour though..........told him im making a come-back next season..''.how about joining me?''''..........laughing he said...shan't bother and you wont be 'Gobbing off at every one will ya?''....alluding to my lack of normal speech.......called him a ''Cheeky Sod'
  2. Watched Rumpole last night.......excellent as usual..........''Her who must be obeyed'' fancied going on a cruise.............Rumpole said...theres no way youll get me on a scene he's walking behind 'Hilda'' on the top deck...brilliant...............
  3. Another one for @Oztalgian.......think thats me Dad waiting for a chance to an 'Excuse me'' Full screen please..........
  4. Had me feet done this morning......Danced out the 'Clinic'' all the way to the car park.......Lady gave me a smile and a Quick 'Jig'.......... Sammy eat ya heart out''
  5. Bit more of Kenny for our OZ........He nicked my room in Cleethorpes ya know........(Kenny not @Oztalgian.....
  6. Its all go this week...........yesterday......blood taken..........then today Kings Mill to give my throat its regular going over.......ah yes nearly forgot...Tomorrow down the clinic to get me feet done......... This getting older is loads of fun in i was treated by my lovely 'Speech Therapist'' Bridie........we always have a laugh...especially when i tell her about another little problem ive realised.........IE..ive just realised i cant whisper......playing a game with my 5 yr old called for me to do a whisper......and it came out at th
  7. @brew.....nice to have a brother that cares........hope all goes well mate...........
  8. Must be blood week..........ive just had mine and out in 5 minutes.... The lovely Karen did mine...... Any chance of a biscuit? No...ive ate em all Was i brave ? jumped when the needle went in...... No chance of a date then ? No i don't date cheeky men... Thanks Karen...have a lovely day... And you mi duck...tar ra.......
  9. Yes @lizzieM......Did a couple of stints there as a young Teenager......they had what we called a ''Bacon Window''....and i was kept busy keeping it well displayed............remember teaching a relief Manager how to ''Bone a side of Bacon''.......but what i recall most about that store was the lovely customers and the friendly ''Banter'' they gave no doubt they would call it ''Harrasment''.....the older women were worst (best)...with their 'Inuendo's'' (sp)...which i couldn't possibly repeat on here....
  10. Like the style..........Hats...Dickies...Waistcoats...white shoes...even the ''Tap Sticks''
  11. Love a bit of Jazz in its many forms..........For some reason the older i get the more i enjoy..........started way back at ''The Bell''
  12. Can see me Mam and all her sisters here.........i still miss em............
  13. ... Could go for a year maybe two... But only with my best friend........... Only to be viewed on full screen.......
  14. Just love this advert............especially when the girl looks back after tripping...
  15. I was a bit too young to be a real ''Teddy Boy''....but always mixed with the original 'Teds' on Bestwood estate........think they've all passed now.....proper characters..........Lennie...Barry...Ronnie...Jimmy.....Pete...Len...Ray...Col....and many more..........Anyone who frequented the 'Heathfield' and 'Park Tavern''old Basford back in the 60s and 70s will know who i;m talking about........ My self was never a Ted (too young)..or a 'Mod' or even a 'Rocker''....but nicked a bit of all their styles..........still do......
  16. Too true @Oztalgian it hurts just looking at the picture..........
  17. This is very like my lovely Granddaughter.......who dances where ever she is...
  18. Do you watch Rumpole of the Bailey Jill'? he quotes Shakespeare all the time''' Didn't do much in the way of 'Shakespeare'' at Padstow school......but i do remember our Drama Teacher....who was always reading the works of him'''' He was on the school stage giving the old 'Bard;'' plenty... When he fell from the Stage bounced off the ;Piano'' on to the floor whilst breaking funny.. my class of about 35 didnt stop laughing about it for weeks....
  19. Forced mesen out this morning...sunny but very cold....needed one or two went into Bulwell for a change........ Whilst i was only in Tesco probably 15 minutes i saw 3 seperat males ''Shoplifting''''''''''' Then whilst getting in my car in their car park...parked only 2 feet in front of me....witnessed a Drug deal.....two cars side by side one passing a small bag to the other......then receiving some notes in return....they like the shoplifters seemed completely unperurbed by my close presence......... Sign of the t
  20. No nicer place than sitting in the Park.......having a moan....and making no sense....
  21. Many Wars there Brew..................but not all at the same time......
  22. The future doesnt look bright i m afraid..............I worry about it for the sake of my children and Grandchildren and of course other peoples.........through-out my life the world has never been perfect...but even with-out any 'Rose tinted glasses'' it was better than today...........i'm sure there have never been so many 'Wars''......... And as for having a second Personality....reckon we all need escape all the wrongs in the world... ''' Laugh and the world laughs with you.........weep and you weep alone''' Quote from