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Everything posted by MelissaJKelly

  1. Haha thanks for clearing that up Kath!
  2. I shall accept when it comes through Tomlinson!
  3. By Gran was born in the house her parents lived in on Saville Street in 1918 I recently found out. No longer there as it's where the Hyson Green Asda is today. DaveN was kind enough to show some photos of how it looked before!
  4. Hi Mick the link didn't work but I did request to join a closed private group if that's the right one?
  5. Hey and welcome Dillb! Hope you're well. I'm exactly the same, don't think I could ever live anywhere but Nottm, love it far too much as well!
  6. Got to love Facebook for getting back in touch and staying in contact with people though. It's great!
  7. #22 - haha! Oh dear! Actually, I sometimes regret having my Father on my list. Embarrassing Dad comments!! I hate all the constant changes as well Enigma1st, as soon as you get used to one layout they change it again!
  8. Well at least you all know where to find me now
  9. Nope not me. I wish! Guys a legend!!
  10. Wasn't sure I was searchable as I didn't know what my privacy settings were! Haven't received a request though :/
  11. This may already have been posted or mentioned previously but any users of Facebook on the forum? If so, feel free to add me so we can stay connected! E-mail to search is xxxxxxx or PM yours and I'll be sure to add anyone!! Cheers in advance!
  12. #1 I always smile at people on the street if I catch eyes with them. I'd say only 40% of the time people actually smile back though!
  13. Beards on young lads seem to be all the rage at the moment! I suppose it depends who's sporting it. Father has a tash and I dislike it tbh but can't imagine him without it now!
  14. Lol. I thought the same Poohbear! Thought Derby Road was a bit of a way off to be considered 'just off'
  15. No idea either. Thought it had always been Radford Mill. Thanks for the link Dave. Didn't expect them to be building houses there at all!
  16. Kind of miss those old decrepit buildings. Wonder what they plan to do with the area now!
  17. Oh gosh haha..I can just imagine that as well. Bless him. Least be got some free veg though eh!? What year was that in?
  18. I'll be on my way into town tomorrow passing Denman Street on my way so may see you out and about Babs. Thanks for the link Dave. Will check it out! Didn't know it was used for filming period dramas Poohbear. Thanks for that info