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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Caz

    Hot Pants

    Can't tell you Bazza then you would be as wise as me
  2. We have had rain on & off since Friday,not heaps but enough to wash some of the dust from the recent bushfires away. I am sooo glad I finished mowing the paddock yesterday,just in time for last nights downpour. Still not cold though,just a little cooler. I am a little concerned about our Autumn festival which takes place in Bright in May,lots of leaves are falling to the ground,it resembles early Autumn,& that's the reason people visit from all over Oz to see the trees in all their Autumnal glory, not this year me thinks?
  3. And there's one up there as well LOL LOL
  4. Couldn't stand either programme sorry. And Benny Hill what a sad excuse for a comedian he was. My favourite was Only Fools & Horses. David Jason was excellent.
  5. If you could bring back an item of clothing what would it be? I know what Den will say his airtex vest,the one he used to wear in the days he used to go to Skeggy & sunbathe !tanning! I would bring back hot pants,they weren't around nearly long enough in th 70's. Mind you I wouldn't wear them now no1
  6. Stop eating the mushy peas Den that will help !hungry!
  7. Hi Bip Did you notice I didn't answer the last but one post !tony! OK All you Aussies what will you do to celebrate on Friday?? And for all you Poms who don't know what i'm referring to it's Australia Day,when we all stand up hand on hearts & sing at the top of our voices oh i'm glad I don't live in England................................. !bravo! No No sorry I didn't mean that, we all sing the National Anthem bighug
  8. Yeah that would be good Den I need an odd job man
  9. You wouldnt believe it would you I just wrote an entire post & deleted it dugh!!! Anyway I will start again. Yes I do remember there was a post office Den but i'm not sure where it was in relation to Trowell Rd. I quite enjoyed living in the flats & they were the means to an end,in that it was the only way to get onto the council list,after a year we literally queued outside the Technical services dept on Derby Rd all day & night to be able to pick up the keys for a council house & that house we stayed in until we emigrated,we paid the princely sum of 33 quid a month for the
  10. Yeah I agree the meat pies are to die for over here. But I must say we didn't really have a bad meal when we were in the UK. We stayed at this divine cottage in a place called Ashford in the water & the Ashford Arms had the best food,on a par with anything we have eaten anywhere else. You should see the size of the ribs they serve up,boy were they big !hungry!
  11. We have had rain in the last couple of days,not much but some which has to be good. We are having problems running the spa at the moment,if we run it until it's full it fills with sand & thats not good,sand in your crevices!!! I mowed the paddock today only 5 acres, took me all day but I couldn't see any sign of the rain we have had. I've been sitting on the verandah watching the rabbits & wallabies & asking my self why I live where I do...........................aah yes now I know
  12. Yeah Den I know all those places. My eldest son used to attend Firbeck School. I used to regularly walk to Bilborough, Glaisdale Rd I think ? to do my shopping in the days when I didn't have a car. The flat was great but the surrounds !tony! I once had someone flash me on Hartington Walk & I didn't even have to pay him LOL! I remember the pub very well,I never went in there though. I also remember there used to be a caravan shop which used to come to Balloon Woods on certain days or times & we used to be able to buy our groceries from them,not much choice I remember but it was
  13. Not sure if Ive posted previously on what I want on my grave stone if I have one, but it would be "She was a lot of things but never boring" I couldn't bear to be thought of as boring Ha Ha. Keep quiet please Mr Gxx
  14. oooo fish chips & curry sauce yum!! I only had fish & chips twice when I was in UK,they were good.Once in York & once from Kamikaze Island,you can get small fish & chips there for 1.99 good value & big enough for me !tony! A dollop of mushy peas on top of the lot doesn't go amiss either.
  15. I used to live at Balloon Wood flats many moons ago................nothing else to tell you really just thought I would mention it...................LOL!!
  16. Nah i've met him he's harmless
  17. It never did take much to impress my sis,big feet & a cheap bottle of Brut & it was all over hey me duck??
  18. God you are a miserable git Den Smithylass don't sympathise with him you will just make him worse . I heard it's still mild weather in UK.Well it is very warm here as I said,we had friends visiting from Perth & they too are melting & it's always hot in Perth,so we are suffering the same. But guess's raining yeehaaaaaaaaaa!! It's wonderful too,my partner just decided to move machines & as is always the way when he decides to do that we always get rain,maybe he should have done it sooner LOL I find the best way to keep cool is lay down
  19. OMG it's so hot here in Victoria at the moment. Don't know what it's like everywhere else in Oz. I have just had a cold spa bath to help cool me down. We have had no rain to speak of for weeks & weeks & it doesn't look like we are going to get any either. We are in drought & it's awful. Low river beds,no streams & we are running low on water,even our bore is struggling. We are off to Mel CBD in the morning & it is going to be 39 deg min...........phew!! even drinking the amber nectar doesn't help,in fact it makes it worse. I'm not whingeing mind, just thought you might
  20. Hi Craig Do you or have you DJ'd at what I call "normal " pubs? I ask because my son is a musician & gigs regularly in Nottm as well as everywhere else in between!
  21. Sounds to me like you need a holiday me duck.