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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Charisma is that what it is? maybe the night nurse can give you something for it Bip. Personally I think it has to do with the fact she doesn't want to pay for a hotel & would rather have a freebie
  2. Poor Den, always with the disappointments,my heart bleeds for you. I've had a few disappointments in my life but I don't remember them lol !! !secret!
  3. I read that bird flu has hit your shores,& my mum has the hide to tell me not to go to Hong Kong on our way to the UK !!! Don't worry Bip it doesn't always kill you, just makes yer fevvers fall out that's all !rotfl! Pack up & leave while you still can..........we don't have bird flu in Oz........yet !sickly!
  4. Caz


    Don't encourage him BIP,he's only a young lad,shouldn't have to advertise on here like an old has been,there should be plenty of places to find a nice lady.I'm very sceptical of picking up on the net,plagued with problems,or do you know something I don't?
  5. I can sympathise Den,but i'm not surprised, we have the same lack of interest in our banks here. Same thing at lunch time,2 tellers to a whole bank load of people. I take in large amounts of coins & I would never dream of going in at lunch time,I think it would be grossly unfair to the people who only get an hour to pay their bills etc. I was once asked why I wasn't using the automatic teller machine & boy did she regret asking me that question! Seems to me less service, more fees,just doesn't seem right somehow. Internet banking is definately the better option & much quicker,if yo
  6. Flipping eck BIP, you didn't even have to try........nice one
  7. Caz


    Hello Robin Welcome to the site I have sent you a PM
  8. Ditto. Loved his voice,reminds me of when I was a lot younger in my teens listening to him on the radio......... a great loss. RIP+ Gene.
  9. We had our 1st snow of the season on Friday, 4 cms!! & it's only just Autumn,looks like we might be in for a bumper season. Bazza any snow near you? We have literally turned our reverse cycle air/heater over from one to the other ...........crazy!
  10. Hey Lentonlad what's wrong with Chitterlings?? Iloved them as a kid,a bit of vinegar,salt, & Hovis bread & butter mmmm heaven B)
  11. Looking at the prices of Hotels in UK I am surprised how cheap they are Mick,is that High or Low season? We are hoping to rent a cottage somewhere,with the intenion of the rellies all getting together for a bit of R & R [easier said then done I might add!!]when we are over later in the year & they too are realistically priced. Lincoln might be the go or even yorkshire .....what do you think? Hey BIP you back to weightlifting again are you?? I thought you said you were passed it !rotfl!
  12. This is my son who is, along with several other band members, "theorangelights" The band consists of Jason Hart lead vocals/Guitar Paul Tucker Piano Ewan Warden Guitar Chris Gittens Bass Alex Lucas Drums And the good looks? well you will have to make up your own mind
  13. Not sure about an album release date BIP,but will keep you posted.
  14. Spill the beans Caz whats your sons band called ? Did you know The Beatles played at the Majestic Ballroom in 1963 now the Carling Academy Newcastle ? The band "Orangelights" are making their debut appearance at the Carling stadium Newcastle tonight .They have never done a live gig together until tonight so i'm sure they are all excited & looking forward to it very much. Needless to say their music is excellent,they have had some great reviews. Well what else would you expect me to say Lol!!
  15. So that is George's sister? is he still alive?
  16. Is it the posh bird from Rising Damp?
  17. No but she will need rust remover by the time she's finished her holiday !tanning!
  18. She looks very familiar,give us a clue Rob?
  19. Where in relation to this photo is the Post Office?
  20. Mmmmm just don't know Bip,it certainly looks like it could be, as I was working on scant info anyway it was always going to be hard to find. When I get to talk to my superstar son [who is doing a gig in Newcastle at the Carling stadium this weekend by the way!!] I will ask him for the address of the above cinema? Thanks anyway Den,you have the nose of a Beagle. !rotfl! BTW did it have any signage on outside of the building at all?
  21. Somebody Lloyd Webber?
  22. Hello Cali Welcome back hope all is well with you. It will be hard work travelling with 3 kids,& expensive too! Where r u staying this time? Caz B)
  23. That was sneaky Hugh I fell for it ..............second time this week i've fallen into that trap!!!!!
  24. Hi Angi Perth is a great place,I lived there for about 9 yrs before moving to Victoria. Melbourne & Sydney are great too. I consider myself to be truly fortunate to live here in Oz. Wherein Perth is your sister? Keep trying with the Didge,my son taught himself & he can now bellow like a baby elephant!!