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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Yeah I remember Colwick Cheese,couldn't stand it as a kid,though my mum ate it with relish. I think our version of Colwick Cheese is what we call Philadelphia cheese in Oz, do you guys have it in the UK?
  2. Thats a rash statement Caz!!! For $35,000 you can buy a house around here. I heard that on the TV don't know if it's gospel Ayup. As you know we can get a lot for our money over here in Oz too. As alway's it's the area & info structure which makes it more pricey. My house is on the market for $525.000.00 AUD,& at present there are people interested in it, though we will have to drop our price a little. Bright is growing in popularity rapidly & is very sought after for people who want a more relaxed lifestyle. It sounds very much like the area you live in Ayup, & I would i
  3. Hey Mick I got the same result as you???
  4. I didnt do very well Mick,only scored 106, but to be fair to myself I did guess a few of them
  5. Nice one Mick Just had a look around, not sure what I'm doing with it yet, but I left a comment,if it's too big delete it will you please???
  6. I think I remember the cycle shop,was it there in the 70's? Talking of the Newcastle pub, my mum lives at whitemoor & when we visit we occasionally go to the Newcastle. When we were last there, Karaoke was on & there was a bloke doing Elvis..............mmmm not to be missed Shock tease. And as Toots said I have a rellie who lived at Aspley & went to Crane school, her name is Christine Jones do you know her??
  7. OOOeer Mick you've got me juices going Kiss .Sounds like a place to mark in my diary for my next visit
  8. Nope Sis had them done Thursday, they look great too, 3 colors this time yahoo
  9. Hello Ayup Where have you been i've missed ya heaps!! things have been a bit quiet,but I suppose we are all busy doing our own thing. Have you seen me browser button ? we have a new dog & I can't post a pic of him.............he's gorgeous too
  10. Aaah too easy,it's in Brisbane Queensland mite Kiss
  11. Do I get a red star for the country Bip??
  12. Is it somewhere like Helsinki Den?? ive seen it before,but it's not helping me one bit crazy
  13. Caz

    we lived

    :lol: silly bu99er,not only lonely but talking to yourself too :o I often feel like that Den,in the mornings when you lot are tucked up in bed & i'm looking for inspiration, is there anyone on here....................NO!!!! so get used to it,I have. It's not so bad, at least you can get a word in without being interupted until the next day!! Caz victory
  14. Caz

    Who's Got It?

    Gordon Bennett Ann, you didnt stop for breath did you?? 4 kids in 4 years is going for it,how many kids do you have now??
  15. Caz

    Esso Blue ?

    Does he fight fir or fire?? lol :lol: & I remember those damn candles they made my throat sore
  16. I do remember going down with all those dirty miners, & the wind rushing through my hair, but I cant remember you there, I must have been a bit nervous
  17. Hey Smiffy are you sure it was me you went with?? I remember going down but not with you
  18. Caz

    Esso Blue ?

    Hello Brian Long time no see. What have you been up to?
  19. stop bleddy moaning Den & get on we it sorry
  20. Just wondering how the Tram project was progressing in Nottm,is it finished yet?they were working on it when I last visited which is about 21 months ago, a lot of the streets in Nottingham were being dug up in readiness.
  21. Hi Mick I heard Long John Baldry passed away too?
  22. That geezer looks like Haile Silassie Mick? tease