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Everything posted by philmayfield

  1. Technically a local authority cannot be made ‘bankrupt’. They can, however, be forced to sell off assets to make good the deficit. There could also be large staff redundancies as they may be unable to pay wages. I’m not sure what would happen to certain councillors if misfeasance or negligence is proved against them but I’m sure legal action could be taken. It’s all governed by section 114 of the Local Government Act which is a lengthy piece of legislation and is best Googled rather than cut and pasted here. Having looked at the map referred to they have an abundance of property for poten
  2. That’s tonight. We’re having a dummy run. I got the pork chops from Hockerton farm shop yesterday, biggest I’ve ever seen! Barnsley chops yesterday. It’s national chop week.
  3. Let’s open up a kitty and buy him a get well card.
  4. Local raised Lincoln Red roast beef. First time in years we’re not having that dreadful turkey thing with the family just because it’s ‘traditional’.
  5. With my experience of cats that will be nigh on impossible.
  6. I truss they’ll be feeling better soon.
  7. @Jill Sparrow The cat will mew and the dog will have its day.
  8. When have any of the decisions in this debacle made any sense? Some are based on science, some are based on politicians’ opinions and the chap coordinating it all doesn’t know which way to turn. It’s difficult to apportion any blame because this is a unique situation with no precedent to follow.
  9. The ball is in Jill’s court Brenda but I think we’ve done this one to death!
  10. @BeekayThe rowing course was a good way of finding the airfield when returning to Tollerton from the north on a murky day. Just aim for the mid point and then head due south.
  11. Back in the 80's we had a seaplane come to Nottingham for a week. It had wheels in the floats so it could land at Tollerton to refuel but basically it operated from the rowing course taking trips. The last time I saw one of those was on Loch Lomond a few years ago.
  12. I remember going to a car 'do' sponsored by Sytners at the watersport centre. We bombed BMW's along the road at the side of the rowing course!
  13. Yes, I know the ponds of which you speak. Wasn't the skier pulled by some mechanical contrivance and not a boat?
  14. There’s never been water skiing on our ponds, that was done on the Trent at Hazleford, but some people skated on them when they froze over in around 1963. I walked to the middle of a very big lake but there was an almighty cracking noise and I’ve never moved so quickly in my life!
  15. When we came here in ‘62 the gravel had been long extracted in the Bleasby area but still continued until recent years in Thurgarton and Hoveringham. The resultant lakes have very much returned to the wild although they are actively fished both for trout and carp in dedicated lakes. There has long been the Trent Valley Sailing Club between Thugarton and Hoveringham. A lot of local people worked at Hoveringham Gravels and the orange gravel lorries are well remembered. I taught myself to sail on the lake at Gibsmere in a Mirror dinghy which I built at home and I subsequently sailed an Enterprise
  16. I’m closing the curtain on it.
  17. I’ve told her I’m the Merchant of Venice so it would be a Venetian blind.
  18. I was going to send you a case of wine Jill for your Shakespearean quotes but I’m Titus Andronicus!
  19. I’ve just been down to switch the lights on and see that half the lane have got lights. It’s lit up like bloody fairyland out there!
  20. It’s a long way to come just to view some measly lights. It’s so dull and miserable all round at the moment that I thought I would get into the spirit of this pagan festival of Winterval and bring joy into the hearts of others. I can’t see it lasting for long though! It’s the switch on ceremony at 4.30.
  21. I’ve done something festive! I’ve put up some twinkling lights along the fence at the end of the drive. It’s not really worth a trip to view but if you do, please put donations for ‘The Cats’ Protection League’ in the post box. I’ll buy them all a drink at Christmas.