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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. Don’t think it’s any news to UK but this weather is finally getting to me. 39 c and rising to 40 c plus. Suffering with my eyes, when I don’t drink enough water my eyes produce tears which last night got worse and I woke up with an infection. All eye drops we have were out of date. Hoped to get an appointment with dr but he’s full but he did manage to give me the name for some drops at chemist and he would hand in prescription . I have to see him on Monday.
  2. We were all laughing because we were happy but my son set up his photo to take a delayed photo and it didn’t shoot 3 times . The flash didn’t go off because there was too much light. We really did have a good time but sorry the rest of the family weren’t there. Thankyou
  3. Last night we had a family get together. Three days ago my nephew and his mum came to visit us. Its 23 years since we saw them at my brothers funeral. He spent part of his childhood holidays with us and everyone remembers him as much as he remembers them. So last night we gave him a surprise party. There were 30 of us but about 25/30 more either live away or were on holiday. ( its a big family) During the evening he made a little speech to thank everyone for coming and remembering him but the emotional part came when he called his mum to join him. He said he came and did this trip for his mum
  4. Dress sense, the other day my husband picked my nephew and his mum up from the airport and watching all the arrivals he could pick out the Germans, the English, Italians and Australians by the way they dress. Each country has their own way and style of dressing.
  5. Phil no way they are well hidden and so small
  6. We have a volontary service that is run in the village called Croce verde. Donations have bought a couple of ambulances and small van types vehicles for taking elderly patients back and forth for appointments at hospitals etc. I’ve used the a couple of times when I’ve had to go for scans and not sure where they are. They aren’t nearby. We pay for the service usually about €40 for me but driver collects at home and waits then delivers me back home so it’s worth it without the hassle of trying to find the medical centre and trying to find whereabouts to go once inside.
  7. I have a couple of tattoos on my back”. I don’t like them but can’t remove them. They we’re done for radio therapy. Two little dots One at the base of my spine and one either side on my hips.
  8. PP, zucchini bread, marinated courgettes in sweet and sour, courgette risotto, pasta with fresh tomatoes and sliced courgettes, stuffed courgettes with tuna ,parsley and bread crumbs bound together with an egg and oven baked , also a very simple omelette. There are so many things oh and pick the very young ones grate them into a salad. Happy cooking.
  9. Sax player before he played the pied piper trot. People were sitting outside bars. We were sitting at the first table on the right.
  10. My sons friends used to call him Squid. Surname Cannistraro !
  11. Any excuse just to get out in the evenings while its still warm is what we all need as its so hot and humid. Last night we had a musical evening in the historic centre of the village. It wasnt full house as we had expected because lots of people have either gone to the mountains or to the sea ( thats what people do here) but there were just enough to create a lovely atmosphere. There was a mixed crowd. Young lovey dovey couples, young couples with their children and new babies, an occasional dog and old fogies like us. We had a light meal at my sons and listened to the music which was round th
  12. Sounds like you are well on your way to get back to “ normal” activities. Keep going the right way and you’ll be fine.
  13. This is not my work but thought it was so good.
  14. We can’t get away from ignoring paying for tv license. An amount is added to our electricity bill. They got wise as practically no one paid to watch their tv.
  15. I think I have but can’t remember one minute to the next.
  16. Barrie didn’t notice the wind blowing in another direction, I was too concerned with the roof of the gazebo blowing so far and not being able to find it.Seriously though it was very frightening. Today has started well brilliant blue sky and not even a breeze. Trying to do everything before it gets too hot.
  17. It was very scary Margie, it wasn’t just high winds because although it lasted a long time ( or seemed to ) there was a bit of quiet before it started again so I presume it was a tornado. Certainly there was a lot of damage done, coming back from hospital this morning there were lots of trees down and one warehouse roof was completely ripped off. Don’t want to go through that again. I’ve stopped watering my flowering plants and they’ve all dried up. But before we get a fine for using water I decided to forfeit the pleasure of beautiful flowers.
  18. Barrie yes unfortunately it is. We aren’t desperate ( yet) but we are asked to be aware how much water we use. The vines are very precious so there’s worry for them. We are in an agricultural area, as well as grapes we are famous for peppers and hazelnuts. After the storm of yesterday it’s slightly Cooler but still very hot. Don’t know if you’ve heard part of a glacier collapsed yesterday and killed quite a few people. Sad as it was a sudden collapse.
  19. Well , we’ve had quite a day today and yesterday.My daughter had arranged a get together for all the helpers that served for her at the wine festival. They usually take them all for a pizza but this time she wanted to do it here.About 5.00 the sky went very dark, even darker, then a funny yellowish colour. I was looking out the window as it started to rain. All of a sudden it got so windy and I watched the fig tree ( it’s quite big and heavily laden) being blown back horizontally, I thought it was going to be uprooted.Both neighbours next door were struck by lightening. The gazebo roof was blo
  20. Melissa take care hope you recover quickly
  21. Last night a musical evening , aperitifs 1 & 2 and view of part of village under arches.
  22. Havent tried that yet Phil but next time I will. They might tell me where to get off. If pressed I tell them I have priority and to take it up with the nurse. Then she/ he puts them straight. Apparently the day hospital samples have to be at the hospital by 9am in Asti ( 1/2 hr away) Every other time it’s taken at hospital otherwise it’s locally.
  23. Regarding blood tests, I have to have them regularly and I must say it also depends on which arm. My right arm is very co operative and no trouble at all. But my left they can dig all day and still not find a juicy vein ! My problem is sometimes I have to have an exam with contrast then the trouble starts. They wont put the cannula in my right arm because its still weak from blood test so they start tapping and pressing the other arm ( which I tell them wont work) then the back of my hand, wrist and even leg. This time the blood test has left a massive bruise. But its probably my fau
  24. We need a landline but we do have a contract with vodafone which is very convenient as regards free calls national and international. But do we need it? Yes we do because we cant depend on mobiles where we live. There is very little coverage as we are on a hill in a valley which means we have a hill at the front and at the back due to all the vineyards that are situated in the best areas. Selfish people in the year dot when the vines were planted they should have realised that progress would eventually come to this area.