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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. Beautiful Ben , my husband would have loved to have those 2 dogs. He’s been and still is worried about all the animals there. Well done your son.
  2. May I add my condolences to you Catfan and your wife. We had a funeral today, a lady who a few days ago was given 2 months to live. Sad when you hear this news.
  3. US seems to be very embarrassed . Not an intelligent remark to make by a president. EU is very concerned judging by the comments of leaders.
  4. Hope Biden's ill timed comments don't make this situation worse.
  5. He will be celebrating a passed conquest apparently.
  6. Good news, wish him a safe journey. I bet you are very relieved.
  7. Wonder what Putin is planning. Hes just announced that the war is going to come to an end 9th May. Should we believe him? I dont think so.
  8. I'm glad when we need the Dr , he answers the phone and we go to see him. As they say simples. Don't think I could cope with all this faffing about on a computer. I know its progress but prefer the real thing.
  9. I had my hair cut last week. We have a new hairdresser so thought I would try her. Never again. My usual hairdresser is very good and I'm very critical of how they cut ( I was a hairdresser) but thought I'd have a change as shes a bit of a gossip. This new one has left scissor marks all over and has cut my hair too short ( it does happen ) now I have to wait at least 2 months until it can be corrected by going back to my gossipy hairdresser. Sometimes I wish I could still cut my own hair like I used to but now I cant turn my head in the position I need it to be.
  10. Margie I love doing these animals. It started just before Christmas when I was searching for an unusual gift for a friend and spotted a felted fox bookmark. I ordered it but it was too long for delivery but sent for it the same as it intrigued me. I find time when I love something. I hate sitting with nothing to do and the lockdowns have helped to keep my mind and hands busy. Yes my dogs especially one of them, she wanted to chew it but then she sits by my side as I’m working. Wasn’t quite so lucky the other day, I was making a tiny mouse and my husband called me outside , I just left the work
  11. This is Parsley a needle felted hare that I made.
  12. My day started washing floors in freezer room and store room. After lunch my daughter and I planted 2 Jasmine trees to cover a wall where we already have a rambling plant but with not having any rain for months its dried out. Then this afternoon I put 30 pansies in window boxes and planters. At least we have a bit of spring colour until the other plants are available in the garden centres.
  13. With new refugees arriving daily, I'm so pleased for them but yesterday there was a lorry or coach from Piemonte taking necessities into Poland for those refugees that had travelled there. The driver was taking back those that he could but was worried about false hope. Some dispicable specimens were taking women with children saying they were with safe travel but were dumping the women once out of the way and keeping the children. Doesnt bare thinking about but hope theres not too many doing it.
  14. My husband is the eldest of 7 so I can visualise what you all did as kids. My husband could write a book about cemetries at midnight and being locked out of school and had to climb a drainpipe to get into his classroom. He lived in a small village in Sicily and they had to make their own amusement which usually got them into mischief.
  15. Mrs B Thanks for the support. We live in Castagnole della Lanze near Asti in the Piedmont area. Near the mountains the sea is only an hour away. We live just outside the village and have vineyards all round us( not ours though) its peaceful. Its never too late to move. We have moved here 3 times and now I wouldnt move again. My husband is Sicilian and has his family here. I only have nephews and cousins in UK but dont hear from them often so the pull to return doesn't exist.
  16. RR Certainly more than you. FYI although its non of your business. My house has 13 rooms plus we have a renovated stable of 4 rooms. We have given all these rooms to my daughter and son and family. Everyone has their own bedroom and we live on the ground floor . In necessity, when it was we gave up the house to help mainly our son. My daughter took over the house where my mum lived but has only one bedroom. The authorities who are trying to house these poor refugees are trying to house entire families. No way would we be permitted to accept them, as much as we would like too. We have spe
  17. Today we have over 35.000 refugees. They've entered into Italy and found refuge, theyve been vaccinated and most have found a temporary home. I am very sad and angry that UK has now such a bad name by sending these poor people away to fend for themselves. Maybe you don't see this in your news programmes but refugees were interviewed and they all said the same thing. UK doesnt want us. Even interviewed some Brits that are helping in Calais and they ALL say they were ashamed to be British. There are women with small children, theyve travelled 2/3 days on foot to reach a safe place only t
  18. Shopping this morning for refugees. Us and my daughter. The back of the car is full and it will go down to the house this evening along with some bedding and towels. We've put in a few luxuries which I'm sure they will be needed after the tragedy of recent events. I watched a film last night that I really shouldnt have but it made this war a reality. Based on a true story about the RAF mistaking a target and hitting a school in Copenhagen during WW2.
  19. Pleased to hear it Margie. Thought Johnson was being ignorant of the fact that these people need help.well done your village.
  20. No they haven’t Margie but there are a few ukraines here. we’ve just phoned our friend and apparently things have changed. Firstly one of them has covid although fully vaccinated so they are keeping the group in Genoa for 5 days. Secondly there are 8 of them but the other 3 are going to the friends brother in Turin. We have just been making a list of basics to give to them before they arrive. We already had a large box along with blankets and clothes but the lorry that we thought they’d be going in had to pull out and stop the collection as there was no more room in the place where they wer
  21. Brew hope you got fed eventually. I love to dismantle things especially if they need cleaning. If it looks a bit complicated I put the parts in order and take photos of them as I'm dismantling. Its annoying ( as I've found) to have something left over that you dont know where or how it belongs, screws are a niusance for that.
  22. Refugees arriving tonight or tomorrow instead. There were supposed to be 3 but instead there are 5. Mother, grandmother a man and 2 children , one an orphan. They arent sure whether its the father of the child orphan of mother or husband. Hope they have the rest of their journey in peace. Theyve been travelling now for 3 days.
  23. First Ukraine refugees arriving today. Some friends have offered their house for them.