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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. Power to the females They need to be admired.........DON'T THEY..?
  2. Oops Rob , manys the time I've said to myself "you shouldnt really do that at your age" but I've done it and sometimes suffered the consequences. Hope you recover quickly and next time use your new ladder.
  3. Ignore the ones that tell you that their dog is friendly. It doesnt help when youre trying to train. Our 4 terrors are outside most of the time and go berserck when next doors dog starts to bark at them. The owner just calls him from the balcony and it leaves us trying to collect 4 small dogs and put them in disgrace in the house. This doesnt happen all the time but only when the alsation comes up to the fence/wall. The smaller chihuahua becomes a lion, its funny but not so funny. Shes all of 2 kg. Shes not frightened of anything. She s the bigger chihuahua s shadow, follows her everywhe
  4. A relief no doubt for you. A similar thing happened here a few years ago. We had a wall built around the pool when it was installed about 4 yrs ago. A cousin who is a builder needed the work so he came to do what was neccessary. The wall faces the road so it needed to be safe and sturdy. We asked that he filled blocks with cement and insert iron rods. Yes he said hed done that. Over the years the wall showed signs of cracks and pieces of cement missing. Cousin was called to rectify it, we waited and waited and after so many excuses we found another builder by chance. We had an old settee still
  5. Glad to hear about supermarket shelves being ok. There were quite a few we hear that are short of wines and spirits. A while back " McDonalds " was sceaming out for chickens. Perhaps its just a piece that fills a couple of minutes on tv news. I did look on BBC news web page and the situation didnt look good for Christmas with a drastic outlook food and drink wise. But I hasten to add it wasnt in Nottingham.
  6. Is the supermarket situation in UK as bad as its reported here?
  7. Some very interesting and rude translations too
  8. I've noticed that anything that your own country doesn't produce or make, costs the earth . As regards freezing bread, I do sometimes freeze it and have in the past when any homemade bread is left over. But then it takes up a lot of room and I find that when its popped in the oven to defrost it ( defrosting normally makes it a bit doughy) the crust flies away and you're left with pieces of crust and fluffy middles. When i first starting making bread I always used strong white flour plus a bit of wholemeal added. When we came here I couldnt find the equivalent but looking for bread r
  9. Black with any needle work is pure torture. Working on fine linen on complicated cross stitch nearly drove me insane. It wasnt black but pale blue with lots of different shades of blue.
  10. They were soft so all the net was pushed to the rear and were made with gathered strips of net sewn to a circle of net and the next layer was sewn onto the edge of the previous layer, so all the fullness was at the edge and was shown off to perfection. The dress being separate and just rested on top. They used to take me a week to make one. Never had to make a tutu though, think it would have driven me to desparation.
  11. I keep thinking I must start making bread again but then think ...useless as we have to eat it because it wont keep.Bread making can be very satisfying. Ive seen many programmes and videos on bread making and each one is easier than the previous. Pour your flour , add water mix lightly and leave a while then add very little yeast and leave to autolis until its full of bubbles , knock back and add salt leave again to rise and finish off. This isnt a recipe but my recollection of one of the many processes. Ive tried so many different flours and I agree King Arthurs flour is best.
  12. Reminds me when we were in R.O.T. Chatting to one of our customers she said she loved Italy and had given her daughter an Italian name. I had to turn away because she called her Padella , ok it sounds nice and Italian but it means frying pan.
  13. Both my son and daughter did competion dancing and won quite a few trophies and medals. I used to make all my daughters ballroom and latin american dresses. Almost a bale of net would make a full underskirt for my daughters dresses. But they were made in a way that the underskirt fit all her dresses, fitting them with velcro. One lady whose daughter went to the same school of dancing , was a dressmaker working with theatrical costumes. She made her daughter a dress for her exams and the judges said to get her a dress that was adapted for ballroom and old time dancing not a Shakespearian play.
  14. Day started off ok. Went to get my new glasses adjusted, walked round market looking for a pair of jeans. The sun was so bright , I couldn’t see properly as all the stalls were in the sun. Oh well I’ll go to the shops this afternoon. As I was just about to change gear from reversing out of the drive my husband and daughter came running out telling me to stop. Emergency my sil was completely blocked, couldn’t move so off we went to A&E. I’m waiting for her now and she is waiting for Dr to give her an injection hopefully. Her sister is waiting outside for her. If she’s not out by 5 pm we are
  15. Yes bread has changed over the years. We buy our bread almost daily, it doesn't keep, but it is good. Very crispy, wholemeal, sourdough, white, spelt or even any sort of bread and comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes. In all the bakeries there should be and is a list of all ingredients used. No preservatives at all. At one time my daughter and I started making sourdough bread but although good was time consuming. Any left over bread we dry and use for bread crumbs. Every now and again we find a loaf of Sicilian bread topped with sesame seeds. The loaf has a yellow inside due to the type of f
  16. And I thought everything in hospitals was fine and dandy but it doesn't appear to be so. Its so frustrating to know you have to have an operation and you're in pain then you have to wait for maybe a few years. Normal channels here being Drs appointment, he gives a prescription to see specialist, we choose from either who we know or has been recommended by Dr or people we know, ring for appointment and it goes from there usually ending with a lurch forward from specialist and ends with an operation. Some appointment for ops do take a long, long time to be released but at least we have the oppor
  17. Hope that post wasn’t repeated. Regarding the post about Carni, Loppy, (PP sent pics. ) Fings ain’t wot they used to be. Sign of the times. Covid has put us into anti social behavior or we are bored and finding other things to keep us occupied? Seriously I hope that our dear friends are ok and I wonder how Jonab is after his fall, has anyone heard?
  18. What a difference a day makes. Feel very different today. All medication apart from cough syrup has finished . Last week a friend gave me 3 large pumpkins, not the round type but like large cucumbers with a bulb on the end. Ive peeled and chopped them and put them in the freezer ready for when the weather is a bit cooler for soup. Its still very warm here though.
  19. Yes. But all expenses paid.
  20. Cheese & Tata pie. Just popped mine back in the oven and it smells really good. Slice potatoes very thinly, chop mozzarella in cubes then I used a smoky cheese and strong flavoured cheese so I grated them. Slices of Mortadella ( or ham) Grease and scatter bread crumbs in base. Layer the potatoes along with cheeses seasoning as you go. Halfway place Mortadella or ham across and continue layering potatoes and cheeses finishing with potatoes and a scattering of parmesan. Before putting it in the oven pour a glass of milk into the border to help cook the potatoes. Cover with foil.
  21. I did ask but they wouldn't tell me.
  22. Will this satisfy your hunger I
  23. Yes there is a driver shortage here but its not affecting us much as we have sources from other parts in Europe. We did say after Brexit (sorry) that there would be difficulty in importing and exporting goods. Uk isnt self sufficient and relies on goods from other countries. Maybe why theres an increase of counterfeit food stuffs. Be careful if you come across dubious goods. We watched a documentary on them and it doesn't make you even want to look at where they come from and what they put in. Whatever the fault or inconvenience Brexit ( again sorry) or covid ) lets hope it finishes soon.
  24. Doh! I should have guessed really because some courgettes are called ( locally) the same. People here dont seem to call pumpkins by their type but put them all into the same catagory....Zucche.
  25. Hope Nottingham isnt affected by the shortage of lorry drivers to deliver petrol. It seems ( as we hear) the UK is short of waiters too in restaurants. Shortage of foreigners who after Brexit decided to return to their own country? Or is this news just to fill in a bit of time?