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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. Our new cases today 6,599 and 24 victims. Its increased very quickly but they say its still rising but more slowly. Green pass started today and the people who agree and dont agree with it are spouting their opinions on FB. Some agreeing and others really aggresive. Stupid really. Its a new law so like it or not we have to obey.
  2. Sorry Ben that youve got this ....whatever you call it. It sounds similar to what I had that seems to be starting again. I had cortisone injections into the base of my thumb. Once every weeks for 3 weeks. It eventually eased and Ive had no more problems until now so I try not to think about it too much. Hope it works for you and hope you feel better soon.
  3. Yes PP youre right about juice from supermarkets and that includes cider. I love drinking juice in the mornings and dont like supermarket brands so I juice my own. I know what goes into it and I can select what I put into it. Much better and healthier.
  4. Nissan Micra, that was my old car which is being handed down to our 18 yr old grandson. Until he gets his license we still use it. It’s a four door and I loved it. My new car , now old is a Mitsubishi We don’t need a “ posh car” to have the roads here ruin it. As long as it goes from A to Z thats all I’m concerned with. I’m not interested in makes of cars and can’t now distinguish one from another. This car suits me, I had Bluetooth installed when I bought it and as far as I know there are no other “extras”. Shows you what I know about cars. Anyway posh cars get you where you want to go and th
  5. When will people realise that being vaccinated does work and that it doesn’t hurt and doesn’t make everyone ill but it does save lives. I’m so annoyed, yesterday we heard that Sicily and Sardinia are now in red zone. We can still travel next week when we should be going and taking our 16 yr old grandson but we’ ve had a setback. Telephoned relatives last night and apparently they haven’t been vaccinated, they “thought”we knew. We couldn’t see them a few weeks ago when we went because the village where they live there were too many cases so we avoided them. We are now wondering whether to cance
  6. Thanks Jill , the ecograph went well ( for the way the dog behaved as we thought she would panic but she didnt and it was easy to turn her) . Its not her liver they said her stomach lining has thickened so maybe it is gastritis. Shes been given a course of tablets and the vet has to ring us tonight with more info. Misty is very alert and perky so its reassuring.
  7. Not a happy morning, Misty our older dog a pinscher hasnt been eating much lately, took her to the vet and she saw a slight infection in her gums. Took a blood sample and asked to collect a stool sample. It seems that all the values point to an emphatic problem. My husband has taken her to have an ecograph. The vet gave us a tablet to calm her down first thing this morning but it doesnt seem to have done much. We cant both go in to the studio because of restrictions so hope when they turn her onto her side she doesnt struggle. The other 2 ( chihuahuas) are getting bathed and having their nail
  8. I've just looked at the recipe and it does look nice. Are you going to try again? The nonstick baking tray,..... I don't trust them. Years ago I bought 3 deep cup cake tins from Lakeland, quite expensive but thought they'd last,and every time I used them they stuck. I ended up not using them or using the paper cup to line the tins. I use ordinary baking trays that came with my oven and use greaseproof paper or a non stick cake spray. I think sometimes when you see a recipe and think" I must make that but I haven't got .....or the wrong size or whatever" and Then I just use what I have and adju
  9. Brew I've been wanting to make granola bars for a while but never seem to get round to it. I think my recipe puts everything in together and I'm sure i have all the ingredients. Good you had a good laugh as it turned out , it could easily have been a disaster. Just looked at recipe, all dry ingredients first then liquids. I think its one of the things you put in what you like. Next time? ..........
  10. Self serve Japanese restaurant. Every now and again waiter comes round with various things on a skewer and carved it at the table. We have family from France who stayed for 3 days. Eating out for 3 evenings has left us feeling “flup” Diet or at least eating lighter before we go away for more meals out.
  11. The bean helps to flavour the Sambuca.
  12. It has been known and lips have been treated for burns. Also if it tips over when lit and you have a lace tablecloth have a wet tea towel ready. This happened with us at the restaurant in ROT at the table of one of our local drs. She rushed outside to collect something from her car.
  13. Yes that’s the one, you have to be careful, blow the flame out before you drink it
  14. Sambuca con la mosca? DJ But without the ice. Sorry.
  15. This heat is too much to climb castle walls
  16. SG Ive had a similar experience in the last few days. A few years ago when my daughter updated her iphone she gave me her old one. I used it for ages then I couldnt update anything. So bought. Samsung, silly of me really because Id had one previosly and didnt like it. Anyway for two years Ive used it but hate it, I can never find what I want on it. So the other day we went to the phone shop and ended up with an iphone. Fine, the assistant asked me for my password and I gave it to her thinking that was it. On paying she gave me a slip,of paper with my name and a password to use for apps. Fine.
  17. Good . Actually the card isnt green .Its a QR code with all your details on in paper form or digital. Does it entitle you to go where you want or if you havent been vaccinated you wont have one and you could be stopped for enjoying yourselves. Pubs, concerts, sports activities and restaurants among othe things. I see a problem that those with businesses or heads of activities cant always or cant be bothered to ask for this certificate as they should. That goes for here too. A while ago we went away to,Sicily for a couple of days making sure we asked the Dr for proof of our two vaccinations. We
  18. No thanks in the situation you are all in. We're bad enough.
  19. Dont know if UK has the Green Card or similar for those who have received their vaccinations because from August 6th we must always carry it wherever we go. There are still loads that dont want it and today theres a protest about it in Turin. Those who dont have this pass will not be able to go into public places.there are exceptions and others are closed . The Delta virus is spreading quickly here so we hope that the no vax will see sense and get vaccinated. Just heard on TV after the conference that Draghi gave last night Lazio has had 38,000 new appointments for the vaccine. He obviously g
  20. Today good news and bad. The bad news is that this morning I got the results from the MRI I had a while ago in Turin. My husband collected them this morning and was home for 10 am. When I read the results I sensed something wasnt right so my Dr was called and fortunately got in at a minutes notice as he was going away on holiday this afternoon. As I sensed I have 3 slipped discs that is causing me pain in my hip. So came back home and went straight into the pool to swim. I havent done any for a long while so now Ive got to get my mind round things like walking and exercising as well as swimmi
  21. My research started when an aunt gave me tree on her and my fathers side. Looking at all the names and families it started off my interest. This tree stopped at a certain point and I couldnt get any further. Asking questions didnt reveal any answers and through hard and difficult research I found out that my ggg grandfather was illegitimate. So no doubt the snooty family were ashamed to carry on looking. Since then Ive gone even further back in time and come up with some really interesting facts. On my mothers side difficulty came with my grandfather. His father died, his wife married again a