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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. Lizzie glad you had a good day, just like i would like. I dont know if there are any sales or closing downs anywhere near but love to find out. Ive put on 5 kg in this last year and am having a job losing them, consequently the clothes I bought in Sicily 14 mths ago are too tight. Summer is just round the corner so they will be no good to me as they were all or mostly winter/ spring items. I wanted to buy things to go with them all ( mostly trousers) but couldnt find anything that either matched or didn't like so I thought I would find them at home. But no we came into lockdown. Never mind whe
  2. While the cats away the mice shall play proverb springs to mind. I too like to have the house to myself. Enjoy the rest of the day or should I say weekend.
  3. Wallpaper isnt popular here and besides especially in our house that is very old,( 170 yo) the walls need dozens of layers of primer to make wallpaper stick. Our tasted in colours have changed over the years. We bought this cascina in 2000 and had bright walls the ceilings were vaulted and it seemed the house needed that bit of colour. We've changed many times and now have a soft white with touches of colour to break the starkness. The kitchen is mahogany and beige, the lounge has a strong blue- green wall. Houses here all have tiled floors so sometimes wall colours are governed by the floors.
  4. We have a well but have never used it for drinking although a couple who live nearby said that when they were kids they often use to ask the former owner if they could have a drink from the well. Apparently it was good. We have it connected up to a tap and hose to water the plants. We have used the irrigation point that we put in to water the grass. ( which we pulled up and now have paving blocks) but its still useful for hosing the courtyard down after a windy day and cleaning after the dogs wee.
  5. Since living in Italy my eating habits have changed. Sunday roast as in England doesnt exist. Its called roast but not in the english sense. The "roast" is cooked in Barbera wine for many hours until tender. The juices and "gravy" is made into a sauce to accompany tagliatelle. ( hence tagliolin con sugo d'arrosto) A typical sunday lunch here is usually 5-6 starters, 2 pasta dishes or/and rice, a main course of beef, rabbit, chicken, guinea fowl or veal and 2 sweets one usually being fruit. After that you dont want anything else to eat but many go out and eat a pizza. That is typical
  6. Lizzie I can sympathise with your views about your daughter in law but as you say its better to stay away from arguments, but it is worrying when you know it makes sense to be vaccinated. People who refuse the vaccines make me so mad and I want to shake them to make them realise the importance of having them. My DIL has some strange ideas but vaccines aren't one of them. My 3 grandchildren are at school in Alba and have to catch the bus every day. They say the school buses are extra loaded and have all the windows closed so the children are scared to say the least. They all wear their masks an
  7. Jill my daughter slipped on a tiled floor a few years ago and broke a couple of ribs. She'd just come in to our house from coming home in a thick snow storm. She had boots on and had just stepped to go into the kitchen , her boots slipped and she went straight down like a ton weight. It winded her and she had difficulty breathing. However straight to hospital, she needed to go to the loo but the nurses told her she couldnt move and to use a bedpan. She refused and got out of bed and went to the toilet and was caught by a snooty nurse who told her off. She wasnt strapped up,at all and had to ju
  8. Very interesting. Seems like everybody in those years talked with a plum in their mouths. Its lovely to hear but it wouldn't go nowadays. Will definitely try to watch the film later.
  9. MMR vaccinations. When our Dr said that my daughter was due to be vaccinated I hesitated because of all the publicity. He was an Indian Dr who advised me about the risks and disadvantages .I went home thought about it and rang him to say that she would be vaccinated. I have never since then, refused a vaccination for whatever illness. Just look at the lives it probably saved. Over the years I've had so many vaccinations and different sorts of chemical treatments and I believe if I hadn't done them I wouldn't be here now writing this. The medical world have done and still do wonders. Things cha
  10. I've just eaten my lunch mozzarella and tomato with a glass of Barbera. Nothing spectacular about that but after all these lockdowns and preparing meals that I'd got out of habit doing, I'm on my own and its heaven. Eat what I want when I want and take as much time as I want. Husband gone back to work as restaurants are now open. So when the cats away........ Not really but it makes a lovely change. Shame the bottle is empty. There was only a glassful left. But it was good.
  11. Love parsnips in any form but we cant get them here. One year after a visit to Nottingham i brought back 2 packs of parsnip seeds. Lovingly sowed them and watered them, protected them and the ::::::::::mice ate the seeds.
  12. May be i've posted somewhere before about this but we understand that first dose AZ is fairly strong and second dose consequently can be up to 3 months. So maybe people are suffering reactions more frequently than with other vaccines. I really wanted to have the Pfizer one as it seems to be the one that was " reliable" and it was recommended for our age group. But as things went , lack of constant supply etc we were given AZ. At the end I don't suppose it makes much difference what you get as long as it does its job in protecting us. We have a cousin in Sicily who we spoke to yesterday who ref
  13. I know that when we look at certain objects on PC that we are followed with a certain amount of suggestions etc, but the other day as your mind has this unique way of controlling you, it starting thinking about the summer and what would be suitable to wear. Taken in mind Alexa was unplugged, phone discharged, on my own in the house and not one word uttered ( I promise ) out loud although it does happen sometimes but not on this particular day. My daughter came over for a coffee and we were looking for something on the ipad when up popped the artcles I had been thinking about. I laughed a
  14. Nope, sorry BK. My husband goes to the wholesalers every so often and buys in bulk, it works out very cheap.We eat mostly chicken (red meat is out apart from lamb) so there was a box of wings to be shared between us and the dogs. (4). 6 full double chicken breasts, box of chicken thighs, about 12 double packs of shins for the dogs ( occasionally we'll have one roasted) and the 2 sides of ribs which were separated and chopped in half for when we have a bbq. All packed up in portions and put in the freezer. He paid €120 for the lot and this will last us ages so we dont have to shop every day on
  15. We both had AZ vaccine with no reactions whatsoever. My neighbour had the same and she had temperature and headache. Shes the first person i know who has had reactions with AZ. Think of it though some reaction with any vaccine would react in some people and as they are saying theres more risk in getting covid by not being vaccinated, Those who do not want the vaccine are self centered and irresponsible and may be accused of causing the spread. I dont think I'd like that on my conscious. I'm sad to say that still some Italians are afraid to have the AZ vaccine because of the publicity when
  16. Sorry chips went in freezer with this lot.
  17. I can't remember who it was that was discussing about Mc Vities digestives but think it might have been OZ. Did some shopping yesterday and spotted these two pkts of McV. Photo is of the whole meal one. In my opinion they are awful but love the normal ones.
  18. And on the far side 2 sides of ribsr
  19. " Fer mi Dinner". Well you did ask
  20. Marriage to a foreigner seems a bit complicated but it wasnt. My husband told the priest he wanted to marry and he saw to everything else including his confession. The bans were put up in the cathedral and there we were. Father Cummins was the priest in the cathedral and he was at the side of Padre Sebastiano he also accommpanied us to register. We have a marriage certificate signed by him. My husband had to register with the police and had to checkin every week or so until they told him it was no longer necessary as Tug Wilson was a friend and colleague of my father so he was under "control".
  21. Almost 51 years next month. My mum wasnt chuffed because I was marrying a " foreigner " Dad was happy. She eventually came round but at first she said" as long as you know what youre doing, because if theres another war........." ( I was 26) She did say after a few years that she'd got it wrong about us. Mentioning legality, we married at the Nottingham Cathedral by Father Sebastiano the Italian preist. He said the vows in Italian and said he would repeat them in English. He never did so maybe we are not married either.
  22. Suppositories are often used here to lower temperatures and many other things. When my children were small they were given them, easier to treat rather than tablets. At first I thought it was rather strange but after time I realised the need for them other than the obvious. I always opt for tablets
  23. Never thought of that but a good description.
  24. Happy Holidays BK hope you got your life jacket on.