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Everything posted by Beekay

  1. There's one thing for sure LL., I wouldn't be able to reach your winda, even if I stood on board ship !! ( Are you having lunch about now ?).
  2. I am casting a lead one as we speak.
  3. Margie, I've seen the error of my ways and promise NOT to frow a brick frew your winda. Reformed character.
  4. In case I don't get chance during the week, HAPPY EASTER ONE AND ALL !! Beekay.
  5. Never been but, I was once told that most of the buses on Malta were ex London transport. Is that true or was somebody pulling my gearlever.
  6. The Blenheim pub at Sellars wood was a delightful place . Sadly now closed down, worked there till I moved in 1987.
  7. Coulda' bin worse, coulda bin Washington post.
  8. I knew you were watching Nonna ! I'm trying to notch up my posts. Going for Gold !
  9. Maybe I should ask the postman ? I could always ask, The Nottingham Evening Post.
  10. Unfortunately, before I left Nottingham 30 years ago, didn't have a camera so don't have much info about the area. Next time I come up I'll bring a couple of digital units with me and flood the SD cards with data. Got some crackin' shots of Crich though. Think I'll have a look through my 35mm negatives and see what I can find.
  11. Where can I buy 453 posts ??
  12. Hi Lizzie !! I can do that. Shan't bother with word games though, will stick to boring posts. I quite good at that. No untoward comments thank you. I've a low enough self esteem as it is.
  13. How do KJ ! How ya doin' ?
  15. Will be there again next Dec. Planted a Golden Pear tree, for our 50th anniversary in 2015. B.
  16. I WANT A CRAHN, like the others !!
  17. That really would make my eyes water
  18. And warrabhat buses in Moscow ?? Are they Ladakovs.?