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Makes a change,everybody seems to want your details nowadays,went to get new tyres once,they asked for my details,which i refused to give,WHY ,?

no doubt so they could "bombard" me with advertising in all its forms!

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Yes Benjamin1945. We enquired about opening a joint bank account from one bank and they wanted to know all about our mortgage!!! At the end of the day we wanted to put our joint income into their bank, right up to that point, when we thought "well may be not!!"

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May as well go on Jeremy kyle" and tell the world all about yersen, :) stupid low-lifes that they are!

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I once went to Screw Fix for some nuts and bolts. They want to know my post code and house number. I go to Wilkos now or one of the little hardware shops in Bulwell.

Another thing that I find intrusive is the question about Gift Aid. I consented once, never again. I tell them I'm not a tax payer.

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Experience has taught me that ALL surveys are trouble! Internet or otherwise.

They are just scams to get your personal info.

They want to profile and pigeon-hole you and then pass your information on to other market research monkeys.

If I thought they would do any good i.e. using your opinion to change something for the better than I might have a different opinion but, as I say, I have always found them to be intrusive time wasting.

What's more they distort information to suit their purpose anyway.

For example, I wanted to complain about a supermarket a while back so went to their website and found that it just directed me to their market research survey. As if that wasn't bad enough, I wanted to say that I was completely dissatisfied with something and the survey asked me to mark on a scale of 1 to 5 how 'satisfied' I was.

That means that even if I put down 1, that would imply that I was 'satisfied' to some degree.

Worst of all, respected instutions like the police and local councils are actually farming your personal info out to market research companies like Populous or Opinion Research because they want figures on customer satisfaction and use these companies to come up something credible. You would think that the police could be trusted with your details.

There's no reason why they need to know all lot of your personal information like date of birth and all your various numbers anyway.

Avoid surveys and market research like the plague. And guard your personal details or they will be used against you!

Actually I have registered with a reputable market research company and they reward me with airmiles with each survey I do. In total I generally get around 12000 air miles per year out of them. A return flight to Moscow is 20,000. The difference I make up with Tesco points!

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Ah well!

I take it all back then.

Enter every survey that comes along, respond to every Spam message and cold call.

Engage with every person who knocks on your door to sell you stuff.

And give your personal details to anyone and everyone.

You might get Tesco points !

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I actually started the survey then gave up 1/3 through the first page of questions, I dont have the time.

The last time I did a survey like that was a psychometric testing survey for a job application.

Similarly questions are asked in a different way later, to check truthfulness of answers.

I didnt get past the bullshit psychometric stage :(

Cheers :-)

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Its shame that many suitable applicants are ruled out even before they get to the real evaluation stage.

Regarding surveys, maybe internet forums are not always the best places to find reliable answers :)

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The survey seems to be about addiction, as Darkazana said in post #24. I think it is aimed at a youngish age group mainly.

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Survey done and hey what do you know my laptop did not explode or ignite.

Yes a little more info would have been ideal, but in this cynical world, sometimes a little trust can go a long way.

I refer back to Compo's thread about "a look at common sense", and particularly at the end "Truth and Trust"

Thanks :-)

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Well this survey does not involve collecting personal info :-) it is confidential and anonymous

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