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We had a dog who hated Racoons and Skunks, he'd chase a Racoon until it outwitted him and ran up a tree, where it would just get comfortable and fall to sleep with the dog at the base of the tree. He'd soon get bored and fall asleep then the coon would make good his escape.

One morning the dog was barking from our driveway to the private road outside, this was in California, I spotted a Skunk popping his head up, so I said "Get it Corey, go get it" Oh dear the dog shot off, the Skunk put his rear end up and squirted the poor dog, up his nose, in his mouth, got him good. Then the dog wanted me to pet him...Holy crap he stunk for days.....

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Bad advice I got once was when another kid told me to be cheeky to my Mam! So I said to Mam "why, what are you going to do about it? She went SMACK! WALLOP! CLOUT! That's what she did about it! I then learned to keep my big gob shut. :)

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I think with so much cruelty to animals there is to-day, one tends to jump on a comment perhaps not thinking that its said in an amusing way.

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I must admit, I do.

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I am absolutely against cruelty to animals in any way. But saying that, those of us who own pets know that they can often be their own worst enemies. And when it happens, it is usually hilarious, as often shown on You've been framed.

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We were looking at 5 acre blocks of land a while back, I always walk the boundary to get an impression of how the land lies, well my dog got bless her, roared off up in front of me and then proceeded to roll around as though she was demented !

When I got to her could not believe the mess and stench, she had rolled in emu shit ! now for the uninitiated imagine a pile of chicken poop that would fill a bucket, and you've got it, all green, gooey and horribly smelly.

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It was once explained to me that this behaviour shows the dog going back to its roots. Apparently, to be a successful hunter a dog needed to be able to sneak up on its prey, and that's why they have the urge to roll in fox poo, dead fish, anything pungent that we find disgusting really!

The poor little nervous bunny would sniff the air and think, "Can't smell any predators so I can eat a bit more grass." The last thing that probably goes through the rabbit's mind is, "There's a really bad smell of fox poo that seems to be getting stronger, but a bit of poo won't hurt me!"

It can also be that to a dog's nose, fox poo smells so very much better than dog shampoo! A dog's sense of smell is about a million times better than ours and it may be your dog is simply saying that stuff you wash him in smells really vile to him and it gives him a headache! A bit like standing next to someone on the Tube who has overdone the cheap scent.

To a dog's nose, fox poo must smell like Coco Chanel Mademoiselle does to us! :)

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