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We tried all ways to get her to not keep the money in the house but she would have none of it. When we had no luck we even suggested two places in the house, so at least they wouldn't have the lot. We tried to warn her that these wicked people might now have her down for a soft touch for the future. The only thing that probably saved her from a beating or worse, was the fact that there was no resistance from her. We had a distance of 65miles between us, but towards the end of her life sometimes we visited 2/3 times a week. We tried always to get her to live with us, but no chance. She was a sitting target, and had no idea of the danger she was in.

Just had an after thought. These men were clever. They gave her a few minutes upstairs before they followed her up. Just enough time to get her money from her hiding place.

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it's so very sad darkazana, my heart goes out to you and your mother. I think as we get into old age we shall tend to learn from the victims of today and bring security up to date, and if need be, move into an old peoples home to be safe. I know its easy to say these things but for your dear mother to be treared like this then what other choice is there?

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Re #28 & #30

A bloke at works only got one hand, if they removed crooks hands people wold think my workmate was a criminal & AFAIK he's not... I've heard that a USA State has implemented a 'three strikes & you're out' law: You commit three crimes & it's 25 years in the slammer with no parole. That sounds about right to me...

Hope your Mum soon gets over it Darkazana..

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Catfan #30

I agree with you but the so and so's would probably go on assistance then by saying they couldn't work!

Only real solution is capital punishment or the lash, but there doesn't seem to be much will to do that in any of our countries. Political correctness rules.

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Well an up date of sorts:

Went over to clear up the mess they had made, one curious bizarre thing was that they had very carefully moved two old dolls out of the way to somewhere safe. I had fully been expecting them to be damaged as they have a seat immediately beneath the window which was smashed in order to gain entry!

Also had a chat with the police as they phoned while I was there and apparently an image was picked up on one of their cameras (which were fitted a month ago following a previous incident where the man had walked in through the back door) and it seems he is known to the police so may be he will be "apprehended" as they the jewellery has long gone though. I have kept an eye on ebay but nothing has turned up there.

On the plus side Mum has now agreed to have someone come and give a quote for upgrading all her windows and getting the garden done, as I told her it is now that rainy day for which she was saving....infact it is p*****g it down, and that dad would not be happy with what was going on!! Sometimes I just have to come out and say it as it is!

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I sincerely hope that when the identified scumbag is invited to go along & have a cosy chat with the boys in blue, he manages to fall down a few greasy steps & when he hits the ground he unfortunately breaks a few bones.

So sad, but these things do happen.


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