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Am i potty? Was there a narrow alleyway past the chip shop on Wollaton St ,just before entrance to car park (opposite scamps) Threadneedle Terrace. Confirmation will settle long argument with the Brother. Ta,ian.

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Might be this. Deering map from the 1750s, including Back Lane (and Back Side, Parliament Street). And if you go back to DAVIDW's post #7 about Mr Lavender, you can see some of the features mentioned

Ha ha think its "truss maker" . I look forward to your support !

An article mentioning how Needle Place used to be, when the Gaumont area was fields ! This from 1862 about an interesting character called Dr Lavender.

That could be it bubble wrap,it was next to the chip shop that was painted white,very narrow like an alley-had a proper style street sign with a black border etc... We ate chips there after being in the Gaumont-thanks everyone our kid now owes me a pint or two!!

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Closest I can come up with........not exactly a narrow alleyway, but there is still a cut-through from Wollaton Street to Parliament Street - called Parliament Terrace.

My God Cliff isn't until I click onto one of your street view posts that it comes home how much the city has altered.

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An article mentioning how Needle Place used to be, when the Gaumont area was fields ! This from 1862 about an interesting character called Dr Lavender.


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Dr Lavender`s housekeeper seemed somewhat formidable being able to hold a two gallon beer glass, I reckon even Catfan would struggle with that!

Anyone know what a trass maker produced?

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Ha ha :) think its "truss maker" . I look forward to your support !

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The reason I hadn't come up with a map so far is because I've realised I'd been looking on the wrong side of the road. This is it, a slightly earlier version because it shows more detail of the layout of buildings; Hippodrome is the pre-Gaumont. The pub - whatever it might've been called - is the P.H. The alleyway seems to ultimately just go behind the pub into a yard.


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Number 4 Wollaton Street was The Wilberforce Tavern in 1898.

But in 1868 it was John James Gutta percha depot next to Whitehall's Factory (destroyed by fire) where the Hipperdrome is on the above map.

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Flippin'ell this one is tricky. Folks i am sure it was on the Gaumont side, immediatly next door was the NCP? Car park one wall was painted white- very high, so probaly a gable end. But when your eleven (54) now and noshing into a fritter after a crappy flick and being mesmorised by the "shakey chandelier" that cinema had: i did'nt pay much heed!!

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