anyone got warning about postimage?

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Tonight tried to upload a couple of pics but got the message that the website wasn't private.Website may impersonate postimg cc. to steal info. you should go back to previous page.

Safari warns you when a website doesn't have a certificate that isn't valid it may happen that its misconfigured or an attacker has compromised your connection.

I had post image saved on bookmarks but it still comes up with this message when I type in search.


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I posted a picture onto the 'Nottingham Falcons' thread earlier today and there was no sign of a warning message. I have just clicked into 'Postimage' again to check and there is no message again. I feel concerned about this. Does anyone have any information on how to check the safety of 'Postimage' and have I compromised my Laptop by adding a picture earlier?

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On pc (mac laptop) it comes up but not on ipad. Havent tried on iphone yet. Switched pc off so will have a look tomorrow.

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Just done a quick search and on April 11 2018 postimage are having problems being blocked etc but didnt mention my problem. Didnt look into it deeply though. So it seems a problem losing photos.

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The IPad is ok, Mick.  :). I don't think it was ever really intended to replace the PC.  It's just a quick and useful little computer that I can sit on my knee while I have a coffee.  Beats sitting in the back bedroom with my PC or even the laptop.  I'm just guessing but it seems to me that there is some issue going on with Post Image.  Can't say for sure because I don't use it much.  Biggest problem I find with it is that when the music threads get big with YouTube links. It will sometimes not load them so I give up and move on until I get the laptop out..

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I agree Loppy ipads are ok for just sitting and using quickly but anything more important I use my laptop. My old pc had had it and I couldnt be bothered setting it up and it got so slow.

As regards postimage I'm reluctant to post anything shame really had a funny photo of my two pups ( sorry I did promise) that looked as thought the bigger one was giving birth to the little one.

On reading some topics though I noticed some photos are missing or theres just the code or a tiny square which doesnt activate when selected. Anyone else found this. BTW I also got this message on PC that the site wasnt private. It seems to work so far then this message appears.

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Yes nonnaB, it has happened to some of my pictures on the Falcon thread, just as you described, a code and small  square though the photo that I added yesterday seems ok so far.

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Still having problems with postimage. I have  a Mac laptop and it tells me that Safari considers this as an unsafe site. Want to change host posting ....any ideas of a reliable one?

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