A potted History

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When did you leave Nottingham Mick? & i don't recall where you lived when you were younger?


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I moved to Nottingham in the cold snowy winter of 1962/63 at the age of 11 years.

First lived at Holgate Road the Meadow, where I started school in the final year of Trent Bridge Juniors.Moved up to Trent Bridge Seniors in 63.

Moved to Alfreton Road down towards Gregory blvd Junction, just below Players Clock. Then to Alfreton Road above what was then Dewhursts Butchers, Opposite the road where Radford Baths was on (Boden St?). Then on to 86a Norton Street, (Hartley Road Junction, next to the chemist). Left School whilst there to Work for the Nottingham Coop Building and Engineering Department, Abbey Street, Lenton.

A year later we moved to Brora Road Bulwell, where I left home at the age of 17.

Then lived in Lenton and Forest Fields before moving to Wilford Crescent West, the Meadows.

This is the New estate behind the Toll Bridge pub, built on the railway sidings next to the embankment railway bridge.

From there I got Marrid (1975) to a girl I met at The Slipper, and moved to a house near Carlton Square. Got divorced three years later (Marriage is great, everyone should try it once) Remained free till 96, (Not Bad Huh?) :lol: before meeting my current partner and moving to The Independent Republic of Sawley.

Well That's a bit of my life... -_-

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Hey you've been around a bit Mick :P

It's good to see profiles of the members. You never know one of us could even know a friend or rellie?

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  • 8 months later...

This place is not big enough for my history so here it is, potted.

Born 1944 on Aspley Lane.

Learnt to be a barmaid behind the Nags Head Bar sorry

Left home at 23, went to Leeds

Met husband in 1967 on a Saturday night and we have not been apart since

Had two boys and a girl then decided to get married and had another boy

Went to college in 1986/7 Gained 4 'O's a CSE and an'A' level, a City and Guilds 726 in Computer Programming, these were all done in that year

Joined the Revenue with SCO and retired in 2000

Now have 5 grandchildren and 2 I borrow crazy

Would not change anything for the world. When the kids tell me what they have done I think to myself I did it first when it was not the done thing to do. If I am asked if I had a white wedding I always say No, I had nobody to have the kids! I think youth is wasted on the young, all youngsters should learn by their own mistakes and some of them should be put down at birth!!!


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Well I was born on Gunthorpe Drive, Sherwood 1972. Met my husband to be at 16, married at 21 and are still together. We moved to France 12 years ago, as my hubbie had changed jobs, he used to work for "Funeral Services" and was looking for livelier company. Had our beautiful little girl 4 years ago. Didn' move much, just to South Normanton derbyshire, about two years before leaving for France.

By the way here in the south of france it's bucketing down, oh well at least it's preparing me for the move back to Notts. :D

Would love to attach a pic, but not sure how. :rolleyes:

Anyway not very exciting, i also have nephew who is sup goalie for Nottingham Forest under 21's and England. Friends

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:rolleyes: Thought that I would just tell you a little bit about myself, nothing exciting......Born in 1947 lived in Melton St, just off London Rd near Glebe St and Rhyhill Street opposite the canal in The Meadows.

Went to Arkwright infants and junior school and then on to Trent Bridge school for girls, will always remember the school took a group of us to France, Belgium, and Switzerland it cost some thing stupid like £20 the teachers collected bits of saving from us every week that must have taken forever and a day to collect.

Left school in 1962 went to the Nottingham Art College, then got a job window dressing in retail for many years, met my husband in The Salation Pub married in 1969 (love at first sight) so he tells me.....tells me any thing. Had a son, and now have two wonderful grandchildren.

I have lived out here near Eastwood for 34yrs....not very exciting but lots of memories (some I would not be allowed to print) :)

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Found under a gooseberry bush in 1947 in the City Hospital grounds. Lived a life of luxery in two up two down terraced houses in St Anns, Kings Lynn Terrace off Turner Street. Slapped around until I could read and write and add 2+2 and get 4 at Blue Bell hill infants and Junior Schools. Then went on to learn a bit of Shakespere and learned to smoke at Huntingdon Sec School.

Lived a short time on Alfred Street South, where my Mum was Manageress of the Lady Bay dry cleaners. Then we moved to the Medders, Osman Terrace off Briar Street.

Went to work at 15, 1962 for GT Ranby in the Lace Market, then on to an apprenticeship at Clifton Colliery until it closed.

We moved over to Kirke White Street, London Rd end when I was about 17, still had an outside bog though!!!

When Clifton Closed I was transferred to Cotgrave Colliery where I finished my apprenticeship then left and worked at J.Jones rewinds up Daleside Road.

Got married, had two kids, worked for Arco Rewinds, Wilson Ford rewinds down Basford, lived at Clifton Estate, moved over to British Gypsum's Marblaegis mine as an electrician.

Left there and moved the family up to North Yorks where I worked at Cleveland Potash's Boulby Mine in 1975.

Marrage broke up in 1978, so in 79, left for a new life in Australia, worked at Renison Bell Tin Mine in Tassie, Wongawilli Colliery near Wollongong NSW, moved on to Angus Place Colliery in the western coalfields of NSW.

Lived in Bathurst, got married again to an American and eventually brought her home to Sacramento California. Six years back we decided to move to her home state of Missouri.

Thats it in a nutshell.

I did work at Arco Rewinds in Beeston for a couple of months and Beeston Boiler Company in Beeston for a short time too.

Phewww, that Mick expects too much :blink: crazy yahoo tease

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Ok my turn now:

Born 1955 in Nottingham city hospital. Lived on Ryehill Street,until my dad died in 1966 & then went to live on Ryehill Terrace until the early 70's. I'm the eldest of 3 girls [god help my poor mum!!!]

Met the love of my life on Queens drive park in 67ish & went out together until he emigrated to Australia in 1970 with his family who lived on Orange St in The Meadows. We got engaged before he left. After 3 months I found out I was pregnant & had a son in early 1971. My sweetheart didn't return to England & so I was left to bring up my son on my own with the help of my mum & sisters. We moved to Whitemoor Est in 73ish I think? & I lived there until I married in 1977. I had another lovely son in 1980.

I have done a few jobs, machinist, shop assistant,house keeper & I also worked in a gym. I now run a business with my partner who is the same sweetheart I had all those years ago!! If you want to know our history you will have to read my profile on Friends Reunited. :lol: I have a very happy & contented life here in Oz,hope everyone is as happy as I am Friends Kiss

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Hey Caz, if your ever on FRC, I'm Elvis!

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Born at a very early age in Cheshire .We moved to Nottm when I was about 2.Lived in Basford thro my childhood.Went to Whitemoor infants +juniors failed the 11+and went to Guilford sec mod for girls.Left school and worked at the co op in the check office as a punch card op,then worked at the Naafi doing the same.I met Pete at Bulwell Lido when I was 13.We were always good Friends but we didnt start going out till I was17.We married when I was 19+he was just 21+been together ever since.

We moved to Glasgow, had a son Paul,then a girl Maxine born there.We were up there about 8yrs.Then moved back here and went self employed for around 16 years. We sold the buisness and Pete still works but not me.Had a few health probs of late but I'm a stubborn cow and I'm still here.

Forgot to sayI was born in 1944 and married in 64. Kiss

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Hey Caz, if your ever on FRC, I'm Elvis!

Hello Ayup

Whats FRC?

The new free Friends Reunited Connections boards Caz.

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Alright Mick!!!! enough of the playing with words and smilies!!! Fri.ends Reuntited Connections, Caz..

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Where do i find it,does anyone know?? I have had a quick look but nothing yet.

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Where do i find it,does anyone know?? I have had a quick look but nothing yet.

There's a link from F.riends Reunited's main page Caz...try Connections..

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  • 5 years later...
  • 5 years later...

Came out in City Hospital in '61,learnt how to piss the bed and stay on Rusks.

Stayed warm hugging Valour heaters.

Acquired all to know on longshore drift-nomad of the bum job.Hit emerald isle waiting for me death disco.

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A life in three sentences...... !

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