Govement now watching internet users - opinions?

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The first past the post system ensures that the establishment always wins. The mainstream media denigrates any independent minded candidates. Mudgie look how the media in the USA are ignoring to Ron Paul.

if voting made any difference they would ban it

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Hi Ace I agree with alot you are saying,Ron Paul has the young people following him,and he freaks older folk out.

I do think America is in for a big change.

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Hi Mudgie, I don't agree with everything Ron Paul stands for, but he comes across as a lot more credible than the others, they are really crazy cold war warriors.

Unfortunately he will not be the candidate. Strange that the young are behind him, just as they were behind McGovern and Bobby Kennedy, and they got nowhere. They had to kill Bobby when it looked like he would win the nomination.

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I would remind people here that for over 40 years we fought a "Cold War" because we believed that everything Soviet was evil. Since the end of the Cold War our politicians have implemented many of the "Evil" policies we fought against. I served on a Nuclear Rescue team in the late 60s and early 70s - that's how much we feared the Soviet "Big Brother" threat; the same Big Brother principles that we are seeing looking down upon us from every street corner. Don't tell me I've nothing to fear if I've done nothing wrong - what happened to the old fashioned 'Principles' we used to live by?! I don't mind a copper batting me tabs for a misdemeanor but I don't want the sod watching me through a video camera where ever I go.

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Rant continues:

Suppose I talk to someone at the bus stop and it turns out he is looking up the politics of the Taliban on the internet? That now makes me a terror suspect and liable to imprisonment without trial. What has this country come to when we happily accept such policies?! It is said that we are now the most spied upon nation in the world and I can believe that. As long as we panic at the slightest threat eg MIGHT be a fuel tanker strike - nation goes mad, we are vulnerable to unscrupulous government departmental policies.

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Glad someone said that! I was going to but was too 'Yitney' - now there's an old Nottingham word I haven't used since I was a child. It was an offence to talk to a Jew in Nazi Germany - how long before such stupid rules apply here, one wonders?

Hear the latest? Dentists are to get you to fill in a questionnaire about your alcohol drinking habits! (On the news this morning)


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I think we should be concerned about what will be the next step on the road to a totalitarian state, for there will be more restrictive laws passed in the name of fighting terrorism.

I do not believe I will be killed or injured by a terrorist act, much more likely to die of a hospital aquired infection. If the state is so concerned about our well being, I would think they would do something about H.A.I.s, but then the politicians care nought for us the people, much more concerned with increasing their power and feathering their nest.

Most on this forum can remember times of relatively full employment, we were lucky that after the war, there were politcians who had principles, whether it be real labour men like Bevan, or the one nation Tories, who when in power supported and expanded the NHS, and encouraged the building of council houses.

All that ended with the evil Thatcher, and later the Liar Blair. We on this forum are mostly little affected by the forces of evil residing in Westminster, but we should have sympathy and understanding for the young whose futures have been sacrificed by self-serving politcians, who now want to 'protect us' by bugging all our means of communication.

Mick, we must not be fooled, these politicians cannot be trusted.

With you Ace.

I recommend that any forum users in doubt about the potential issues read not only Orwell's '1984', for a fictional view, but also his 'Homage to Catalonia' for an historical example of how information can be used when it falls into the 'wrong' hands.

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George Orwell's '1984' immediately came to my mind when reading through some of these posts.

Don't you think we've all become - or those who have access to the Internet - a world of voyeurs?

I have Orwell's 'Homage to Catalonia' in my book case somewhere - it was a text my son studied for A Level - I'll sort it out. :(

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