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I have only just found this forum as it was right at the bottom of the page.

I have a large(ish) allotment here in Loughborough

It is about 300sq yards in area & is abot 5 minuets walk from my house.

I have going at the moment Celaric,potatoes,parsnips,carrots,leeks,runner beans,squash,spinach,beetroot,sweed,turnips,French beens,tomatoes & courgettes.

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Someone who lives near my parents have an allotment, they bring carrot tops, broccoli and cauliflour leaves etc for the guineapigs, we end up with two big carrier bags, so we have one each. so handy!

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With the price of food going through the roof an allotment is an ideal way of providing for your family. Do you have problems with folk stealing produce, I wonder? It seems to be an increasing problem these days. I saw an item on telly a few weeks ago where the allotment holders clubbed together to install security cameras an lighting to protect their produce - sad but true.

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With the price of food going through the roof an allotment is an ideal way of providing for your family. Do you have problems with folk stealing produce, I wonder? It seems to be an increasing problem these days. I saw an item on telly a few weeks ago where the allotment holders clubbed together to install security cameras an lighting to protect their produce - sad but true.

No problems with stuff getting nicked we have a six foot fence round the site and a gate with pad lock.

The site is in the middle of a small council estate and a few people who live there also have allotments.

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I'm usually thinking of Blight at this time of year - this year the spuds were burned back to the ground by frosts and are still only a few inches tall. Another frost last night :o(

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It was our turn to have the sun yesterday - back to wind and drizzle today.

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I knocked this up yesterday...the hardest part of digging this meadow of mine is bashing each sod to get the soil out.Damned heavy work especially when the soil is damp.Using this I just fork each chunk and the soil drops through.....So naturally it's back to wet and heavy again.. :glare:


Doesn't bother my birds they like a shower first thing...


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Same here. builders sitting outside in their van waiting to get on the roof whilst the rain pours down preventing them.

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Seems nowadays the only difference between winter and summer is that it rains for approximately one day less a week in summer.

Sad stuff and frustrating for those of us who like to get out regularly in God's good fresh air.

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I am sick of seeing weeds this year. The constant rain provides a double-whammy in that they grow faster and that you can't get out there and get at them.

After doing my annual planting up of baskets, troughs and pots it makes me wonder if it has all been a waste of time and money. I've felt like this on occasions in previous wet summers.

We live in hope.

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