school or sunday school days out

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as i posted my bit about wickstead park made me think that i should have really have started a new topic for this rather than put things in other posts as sometimes people miss this kind of post because were it is posted dosenot interest them.

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I remember at primary school, every year we used to go to the tennis centre, every time we went it was boiling hot & would often come home with some serious sunstroke and curse my mum with a vomiting child haha! We played with some of the big name tennis player's too.. It was one of my favourite school trips! .. My other favourite that we wont ever get to do again would have to be the milenium dome in london, amazing! Its a shame they didnt keep it really.

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Sunday School for years was always to Wickstead Park near Kettering in Northamptonshire, it then took a rather boring turn and we went to Clumber park for a number of years, then it just seemed to 'fizzle out'

I know there's those of you who will say "Clumber Park isn't boring " but believe me it was!. We were some how just left in a field there with nothing to do. No cricket set,no football, no rounders, nothing !!

Come to think of it it's pretty damned obvious why it 'fizzled out ".....LOL

In the top class at junior school we had two trips the first was a trip to Derbyshire. Visiting the "Treak Cliffe Cavern", "Eyam plague village" and the "Tissington Well Dressings" The second saw us in York.

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Been clumber park a few times, didnt see the interest myself, one of those places once youv seen it, youv seen it all. Although i do love old buildings etc, i prefer places like newstead abby...

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clumber park a lovely place if you older and like to walk , but kids need more to stimulate and occupie them or they get board and get into mischife. hence when working on the play centre tripswe always went places with fields to play games in when the money ran out and the children started to get board,we always took bats balls ectwith us so we could play games with them before getting on the buss to come home. matkeaton park in derby was always a good place if the weather was good and cheap but not much to do with 40 plus kids if it was raining heavy ,and we often had to come home early we were lucky because our driver usually stayed with us and would come back the long way home via derbyshire some of the kids who did not have cars thought these were the best trips.

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from what i am told twin lakes at melton mowberry and wheelgate at ollerton are some of the popular places to go at the momemt and they have big indore play barns if the weather not good for babies to adults to enjoy.

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The only trip I remember was the school trip to London around 1960, we did all the usual sites finishing with tea at Lyons Corner House.

The thing I remember most was all the boys up at the train window to catch a glimpse of the new road the M1.

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Went to the Lyons Corner House in Nottingham, had tea and a cream cake, end of.

Back to the subject in hand, Sunday school/ School outings.

I forgot to mention we had one (yes just one) day out at senior school, it was on the day of HRH The Princess Royals wedding day in November 1973. We went to Twycross Zoo, and the Chimps threw poo at us !!

(Strange how the mermory works !!)

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My friend took her son to the zoo a few weeks back & one of the monkeys wiped poo on the glass... Charming. I had a lovely experience when i went to the zoo a few years back, one gave me a kiss through the glass :)

..We also had the one trip throughout senior school, Drayton mannor. Where our teacher still insisted on talking about that weeks homework & seeing how where doing with it & following subjects that school year. Thanks miss! lol

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Just the one trip in the senior school, to London and Windsor by train. The train broke down, it poured with rain, but the thing I have never forgotten is going in the Royal Mews and seeing all those coaches up close.

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Our school trips were usually to somewhere close to Matlock, involved much walking, & looking at wild things both animal & fauna/flora, very good but nothing stuck except for staring into caverns & deep well holes................................

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Wollaton Hall - had egg and spoon race there!

Southwell Minster - brass rubbings - still love the place.

'The Sound of Music' - Nottingham Odeon.

Hardwick Hall - bit boring as a kid - nice place though.

The big deal for Sunday school kids in Arnold was managing to secure a place on one of the dray lorries for the Whitsuntide parade. Lovely days.

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carnt remember going on many trips at school but kat and i both remember going to nottingham playhouse to see judy dench then quite a young ladyin joan of ark she was brilliant started my real interest in live theater but she was infact the understudy and had taken over the role at the last minuet that nightas the person who had been playing it was ill she played the part for the rest of the plays run that was in 1966 or last year at school.

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I remember going to see joseph and his technicolour dreamcoat at the threatre royal. It's been one of my favourite musicals since!

We went to Wollaton hall to collect bugs in our plastic cups, my friend found a centipede, I'm not a big fan of bugs, so I mainly got ladybirds and little none creepy ones.... I remember falling and scraping my knee though there, my teacher gave me her cookie from her pack lunch to cheer me up! Lol

Remember going to the cinema to see the borrowers.

& eden camp, a world war 2 camp with rooms to simulate the blits, inside a submarine, there was planes, unexplored bombs, I loved it as one of my favourite topics at school was world war 2, not sure why I took such a fascination to it though.

..... This thread has got me thinking back to all my school trips now, might go dig out some photos from the trips if I have any.

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Sorry don't remember any details of Lyons Corner House other than one of the group didn't pay and we all had to chip in to make up the shortfall. The old planetarium was the highlight of the trip for me, even back then with the antiquainted equipment I was still well impressed, even remember the commentary telling us it was the sky over Egypt as they were the clearest.

On the way back three of us were caught with a packet of French cigarettes which we had bought at one of the Kiosks, that was six of the best, got off light rarely as smoking on a school trip was a hanging offence.

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Hi Mgread, thanks for the info, regarding Lyons Corner House. I had to laugh at your naughtiness; smoking French cigarettes - oooooh la la, you bad lads *(big smile).

* this is in place of emoticon.

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another small trip i remember doing with methodist sunday school was going to queens parade at the albert hall. derby rd .every year for a few months we would all sell sunny smiles , these were small booklets of photos of babies and small children all over the world i think you had to sell them for a minimum of 6d per photo and there were 100 in each booklet 2 pounds 50 pence per book. a lot of money in them days i once sold 10 books and raised 25 pounds. once all the money was in it was counted and changed into a cheque for the charrity i think it was to help methodist misions around the world, the queens parade involved each methodist church around nottingham chose a queen from the sundy school older girls and six princeses to escourt her on the parade the queen carried a small draw string bag with the cheque in dad a cape and a crown and they and the princesses would parade onto a platform in the albert hall for all to see them in their splender, i was only ever a princess because i stopped going to methodist church when i was 12 and not old enough to be chosen. when i was a princess i wore a pink bridesmaids dress that should have been my bridesmaids dress when my eldest sisters was due to get married when her boyfriend broke his leg so wedding had to be postponed. i also wore the white socks and shoes and gloves i was to have worn but as i was growing out of them so it was decided i should wear them for this occation and the christmas parties that year as they would not have fitted me by the time my sisters boyfriend got out of tracktion and the wedding could be re arranged.

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I remember that well but it was called "The Festival of Queens" in my day.

We were from Carlton "Main Street Methodist Church"

Just spoke to my sister as I remember she was one of the escorts, we think it was around 71. I can remember her getting rather upset because the "Master of ceremonies" announced her as "Jessie" not "Jackie"

Thanks for the memory jog Babs.

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your right beffy it was called the festival of queens. did you still sell sunny smiles.

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once took my kids to twycross zoo one boxingday when they were young proberly about 5or 6 and 10 or 11 at the time it was dry and sunny but quite cold there were very few people about that day when we got to the chimp nursery molly bagden was just fetching a baby chimp and orangatang out to take them to feed them there afternoon bottle she let the boys and me hold them it was a great one in a lifetime experience but i have loved orangatangs ever since there faces when small are so human much more so than the chimps i thought.

no camera in those days so no photos

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Yes , we did sell sunny smiles (Not very well though!!) and I had a rubbery type material collecting box in the shape of a Chaple for you to collect money in for JMA, (Junior Methodist Association) although this never got any money put in it , it just sat on the windowsill in the living room gathering dust !!

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