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Everything posted by DJBrenton

  1. The problem is that it's not the people who made the decisions who will lose all those billions. It's the pension funds etc who own the shares in VAG who will suffer so it will actually cost retirees rather than the dishonest managers..
  2. I hope theyVAG haven't misled us about Lamborghini emissions too. I might have to rethink my next car if so.
  3. Nottingham is probably one of the worst performers because, thanks to the 'round the houses' one way system, cars have to travel twice as far to get through or round the city centre as they used to.
  4. The ladies don't consider anything we say worth repeating.
  5. Mick hasn't answered my questions. Is it so unreasonable for me to wait for him to do so or say he's not going to? I'm not arguing for the sake of it. There is no excuse in this day and age to worry about storage space when it'scurrently only at 1GB. I am genuinely interested in why Mick thinks it's a problem when 10GB costs so little. Other people butting in and crying about it being a rule etc is not really useful or adding to the discussion. If people don't want to debate the issue then that's up to them. If Mick wants to come on and say 'I'm the boss, your opinion is of no interest to me'
  6. So that isn't open for discussion. I misunderstood what a forum is then.
  7. No-ones throwing their rattles out of the pram. It's a discussion. If you're not up for a grown up discussion then feel free not to join in. If you don't think rules can or should be discussed then you're wrong. Mick has the final say but it doesn't mean he's always right or can't be questioned about his decisions. We (or most of us) are NOT children. If Mick isn;t prepared to allow discussion then I'm sure he can say so and doesn't need you to defend him. This site is not perfect so suggesting, or even arguing for, improvements should be ancouraged. I presume NewBasforLad, you'll be equally
  8. What's so hard to understand? Of course Mick provides that and if he does't care one jot what anyone else thinks then I'm sure he'll say so. Until then I'll make my point and he can either ignore it, argue with it or agree with it. I'm pretty sure he doesn't need other people to fight his 'battles' though. The point I keep making is that his reasons given as 'storage space' are ten years out of date. For all we know Mick hasn't re-looked at hosting for years and is being ripped off with only 1GB storage when you can get 10GB for next to nothing. I have no idea other than that complaining about
  9. So I AM allowed my opinion then. That's very kind of you. I've run and been a member of many forums so of course I understand that forums are benevolent ( one hopes) dictatorships. You seem to be saying, however, that no-one else's opinions can or should be taken into account by the dictator though and I disagree. Forums become communities and should ideally be run in ways that suit the members I believe this forum would be more usable for the members if quoting posed less of a problem. Do you disagree or do you think putting #3 and everyone having to go back 3 pages is somehow better? If you
  10. Sorry Stan, I thought this was meant to be a community. Obviously this forum is entirely for Mick's benefit and he doesn't value anyone else's opinions. Is that what you're saying Stan becuase I'd hate to think you're right. I think this forum would be more usable if we were allowed to quote more. the only reason ever given why that shouldn't be the case is storage space. I have pointed out that this is not a serious issue these days and if cost is a factor then the members (or at least me) would be happy to help out. Why do you have a problem with that opinion? Are we not allowed them either
  11. Bangs head on same table. There ARE restrictions on quoting. This would be considered an overquote and it's nonsense. We don't live in a world of dialup and 20GB hard drives any more. There is NO reason whatsoever to limit quoting. Storage space is NOT an issue these days and I have not suggested charging to use Nottstalgia. I am just pointing out what nonsense it is to try and pretend that cost and storage space are a factor. I'll tell you what Mick. Why don't you ask if people would prefer this forum to be as user friendly as every other forum I and everyone else uses and if people would hap
  12. 10GB storage is £2.75 a month. I still don't understand the problem. I'd happily pay £2.75 a month to keep this forum going and have it more usable by being able to quote. When the forum started this may have been a problem but storage costs have dropped so much it really should't be an issue any more.
  13. #37 I presume that means you don't think this forum is worth chipping a tenner a year in? I seriously doubt raising a few hundred pounds a year would be a problem. I donate to a number of forums as do many other people. You see forums go beyond being owned by their owner and if run properly start to give their users a sense of ownership. If people want to quote and are prepared to donate to make that possible I don;lt understand why that option isn't on the table.
  14. How big is the database in MB Mick? Simple question.
  15. Text takes up so little space and storage has become so cheap now that I don't understand anyone worrying about it. What takes up space is pictures and we don't host them here. I used to run a forum that had probably 20 or 30 times the traffic here (a couple of thousand active users per day, 2,000 or so messages a day) and it still didn't cost much or take up much space. That was some years ago and storage costs have dropped considerably since then.
  16. I just checked and 100,000 posts generally takes up around 200Mb. You can get 30GB for a tenner a month. Storage space really isn't a cost factor at all.
  17. Indeed. that's one of my gripes with not being allowed to quote. Firstly, who cares what it costs. Storage space is peanuts these days and if Mick doesn't want to pay more I'm sure we'd all chip in to make the forum more usable. As regards being more usable, I can't be the only one who finds having to go back to find out what #4 on a previous page was so I can understand the point really annoying. It's quite simple. Tell us what 3 times the dtabase size would cost and then we'll chip in to cover it.
  18. Generally speaking I've always found the old established landed gentry to be down to earth with no pretensions. It's the newly rich who seem stuck up more often. Some years ago I used to spend a fair amount of time with Alexander Lord Hesketh and others in the Towcester area. I remember one old boy, a 70 year old army vet. He told me stories about how he used to pass beer or wine round behind a settee when he was at Easton Neston parties for the then young Alex to drink. He said that quite often still, Lord Hesketh would turn up in the evening to his council flat with a bottle of whisky for a
  19. They're a Mexican gherkin. I grew them succesfully some years ago before switching to West Indian gherkins.
  20. #11 What makes you think a poll is binding on the government? We have polls every now and then that determine the government. We call them elections. Other polls are merely informative. They have no legal standing so I'm not sure why you think any poll is binding.
  21. Word Origin and History for golly euphemism for God, first recorded 1775, in a source that refers to it as "a sort of jolly kind of oath, or asseveration much in use among our carters, & the lowest people." For everyone who is supposedly overly PC there are 10 people claiming that the PC brigade will be offended by things that aren't going to offend anyone.
  22. The idea of throwing beer away offends me.
  23. I created two ponds to encourage frogs and also made my allotment as hedgehog friendly as possible. Another trick is to lay polythene down between the rows then lift it every morning and you'll find slugs underneath. I used to do this alongside bean rows to protect young plants too. Digging the ground twice, a week apart before planting seed potatoes also brings slug eggs to the surface where they may be eaten by birds. If all else fails, try only growing early varieties or some of the Pentlands as they have good slug resistance. Also, keel slugs DON'T live underground. They normally feed ab
  24. I worked on Charlie's Garden Army once in Peckham. On the final day when the community garden was opened to the public there was a particualrly annoying lad hanging round all day. After the event, as we were packing up, his mum and dad(?) turned up and kicked him down the street. As his mum hit him round the head I heard her say, Well next time someone says yer mums a slag, tell 'em they're a f***ing c**t'
  25. A whole new tram pub trail. The Clifton line not so much.