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Everything posted by DJBrenton

  1. #39 do you mean carrot root fly or another sort? If it's carrots then there are a number of organic ways of keeping clear. As they fly low then either a barrier around the bed or using a raised bed works. I also used to only thin late in the day when they were less active or grow alium with the carrots to mask the smell that attracts the flies. Surrounding the bed with marigolds helps as does watering with wood ash weekly too.
  2. #34 sprouts only cause flatulence if they're boiled to destruction in the old fashioned way. Don't cut the stem and stop cooking before they get too soft and they won't have developed the chemical that causes the problem.
  3. You can still get Capstan Full Strength and yes, they are £9.90 a pack.
  4. Anyone remember Paul Madeley's family's shop on maid Marion Way? Some DIY but mostly wallpaper as I remember.
  5. #10 is the EU website that only says it is a patio cleaner. It also kills fairy rings, honey fungus, white rot and other fungal infections that almost nothing else will kill.
  6. Where horticultural products are concerned, quite often they are still on sale but are not allowed to be sold for their original purpose. An example is the wonderful product Armillatox. Because the company who manufacture it couldn't afford the costs of the new testing regimes they stopped selling it as a fungicide. It's still available in it's original form as a patio cleaner which doesn;t require the same testing level.
  7. So Jill Dando went to her bosses about an investigation and a mere 'few years' later she was shot. Either the conspirators are amazingly slow at covering their tracks or this is just internet bullshit. I know where my guess is. Why does every famous murder invite nonsense conspiracy theories? Actually I just read to the bottom of that piece and it's disgusting innuendo and unsupported libel. So Nick Ross 'pretended to grieve' and was in on the lot was he? 'Cliff is also incredibly close to Tony Blair and, according to insiders, the two have been….how can we put this delicately….intimate (what
  8. #41 There never has been a law specifically outlawing murder on Sundays, whether of Welshmen or other. It's a complete myth I'm afraid.
  9. I've seen plenty of sites to find the pop number 1 when you were born, but of course the charts started too late for many of the members here to have had a number 1 on their birthday. What was the number 1 film (in America I think) when you were born? Mine was Zarak which I had to look up Zarak is a 1957 British Warwick Films CinemaScope in Technicolor action film based on the 1949 book The Story of Zarak Khan by A.J. Bevan. It was directed by Terence Young with assistance from John Gilling and Yakima Canutt. Set in the Northwest Frontier and Afghanistan (
  10. It's funny how the same stories of laws supposedly still in place (if they ever were) survive. A couple of 'existing laws' debunked Is it legal to shoot Welshmen from the walls of Chester? There never was a law permitting the shooting of Welshmen as such. In 1403, the then Prince of Wales (later Henry V) demanded that the Welsh be driven from the city after uprisings in Chester. That is all. No law permitting the killing of Welshmen at all. Even if it had been his intent that they were killed, there have been laws made that would since have overturned it. Pregnant women can urinate in a po
  11. Well as children have been warned about drawing hopscotch with chalk maybe that one's still on the books.
  12. #34, the parliamentary party banned christmas celebrations including feasting in the 1640's. The law lasted until 1660 when all laws enacted between 1642 and 1660 were repealed by the Restoration so it's not been on the statutes for 275 years.
  13. The sue of 'your' when it should be 'mine'
  14. Our old school bully is now a director of an international bank.
  15. #3 The Prince of Wales has always said how much he loved the Goon Show.
  16. I'm curious. how do you preserve the Goon Show or is it a fan club.
  17. So let me get this straight. You're OK doing 35 or 37 in a 30 but not 34 or 36.
  18. Actually, the requests tends to be Irish jive and country. Big Tom and of course the Fureys are popular.
  19. #10 yes I've been burgled. the police came round, gave me a referecne number and told me not to disturb anything until SOC had visited. 24 hours later I gave up waiting. My point is that if police resources are going to be even more limited then there are jobs they won't be able to do. My guess is that visiting homes that have been burgled has such low results that not visiting won't make as much difference to the detetction rate as spending time on other crimes. Imagine you've been raped and the police are too busy commiserating with the victims of burglary to attend. With unlimited resources
  20. Silver is for paupers. I only have gold. Emerald studded of course.
  21. Firstly I think it would be fair to say that the police are being starved of resources so really do have to prioritise. Far too much of those limited resources have to be devoted to late night city centre work which reduces the man hours available for other policing. Secondly the time it takes to process each arrest has increased dramatically over the years which again reduces hours available for what we think the police should be doing. I wonder how effective visiting burgled homes is too. If there's almost never any evidence that could lead to an arrest then maybe it actually is a waste of t
  22. When the facts don't agree with your opinion it's not the facts that are wrong.It seems obvioous that all the facts in the world won;t touch your opinion in any way. That's a sadly closed mind in that case. And it's quite rude to say I'm mani[pulating the figures as that would be dishonest. It's really noticeable that none of those arguing against me come up with any facts or figures. Is that because none of them support their opinions? And of course we're not FULL. It's a nonsense statement. If we'd had this argument back in the 50's some of you would have said the same. Anyway, it's obviou
  23. That's exactly how I feel, and I have facts on my side.
  24. I find it sad that so many of you have so little compassion. Many of these people have escaped war zones ( of course they should have stayed and been killed). There are several reasons why so many want to claim asylum here rather than in France. Firstly, most of them will speak at least rudimental English rather than French or Italian. It is the most common second language after all. France is far more racist and unwelcoming to immigrants even though (or because) they take more than we do. Believe it or not ( and I'm sure some won't as it doesn't correlate with them 'all coming here for the be