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Everything posted by DJBrenton

  1. April 1st is on a Friday which is a shame as the Euromillions isn't on live TV. The gag is to buy a ticket with last week's winning numbers having recorded the previous week's lottery draw. So you're sat with the wife checking your ticket as it's 'drawn' (she won't know you're watching last week's TV is the idea) and getting really excited as each number comes up. Hilarity ensues when you point out the recording. You only want to pull this one if you can't get her to divorce you any other way.
  2. The mento and coke bottle trick is funny. Basically you fix a mento into the top of a coke bottle such that it falls into the coke when it's opened. Spectacular results as the mento reacts with the coke.
  3. My daughter brought me a box from Hotel Chocolat for Valentine's tonight and said 'well I know you won't get anything from anyone else'. Way to rub it in girl!
  4. You'd better hope it's for the right lady or he's in right trouble.
  5. Not at all Margie. I'm a stickler too.
  6. My vice is buying too many of the brandy, sherry and rum sauces on offer after Christmas then forgetting about them till they're out of date.
  7. Why does this not surprise me. Taken yesterday in Morrison's Bulwell
  8. Sorry, mistype. Of all the languages to get wrong, it's the one I'm most fluent in nowadays. despite my degree being in Spanish, the different amount of time I've spent in the two countries mean my French is now better than my Spanish, although you wouldn't know it from that post. <hangs head in shame>
  9. I'm told that a number of what are now just houses on Carey Rd used to be shops. Specifically a cafe and a wallpaper shop.
  10. The reason genders persist is because by the time you're an adolescent, you use them without thought so you don't consider them a problem. Think of all the irregular verbs in the English language. We don't give the slightest thought to the different words we use instead of saying I be, you be, he be, they be, we be. It's just not a problem conjugating irregular verbs when it's your native language. It's only when learning a new language that it's a problem and no-one is going to change their language just to make it easier for foreigners to learn. We would have to deliberately start imitating
  11. A favourite of my old English teacher was to ask how you would pronounce the made-up word 'ghoti' as an example of how irregular English spelling and pronunciation was. Ghoti is pronounced FISH. Gh as in couGH o as in Women and Ti as in Station and you end up with Fish The reason English is so nuanced and varied is because it's a mongrel language. The Latin and Germanic languages all have pretty strict rules. Show me any French, Spanish and Italian word I don't know and I can tell you with almost absolute certainty how it is pronounced. The same with German. There are very few irregular v
  12. I saw (and photographed) giant Valentine's cookies in Morrison's today that said 'Your the one' The different complexities of languages I find interesting as I speak a few. The most complex and difficult language to learn is apparently Polish, as it has so many cases and genders. A waitress can ask 'tea or coffee' and there are 9 different common ways of asking using only 3 words. I do maintain that English is the hardest to sound like a native in though as we have so much colloquial or 'shorthand' ways of saying things. it is also the most nuanced language together with Cantonese. Where we s
  13. Yes indeed. Radcliffe Road, 5 miles of it in 1902
  14. There's still a men only club in Kirkby in Ashfield. The only woman ever there is a barmaid and she says that she'd leave if they ever allow women into the club.
  15. You don't need to get a 'return' on the £225,000, it's an appreciating asset so your 'return' can be property value. A property developer I know started out opening a coffee bar. After 3 years he wanted to re-mortgage so had it revalued. Immediately he realised he'd made more on the property value than making and selling coffee so sold up and started buying, renovating and selling houses. In 10 years he went from being a penniless student drop-out to buying a £550,000 house. A 3 bedroom pub such as the Portland could rent 2 of the bedrooms out for probably £700 a month or more. A £200,000 mor
  16. Bull well was apparently just where Moore bridge is. There's an old photo in Wetherspoons.
  17. And they've finally come across the well that was talked about here a month ago.
  18. My oldest daughter has converted me to American style bacon, chocolate chip and ,maple syrup buttermilk pancakes. I have quietly preferred American pancakes with maple syrup since visiting Mexico and the USA in 1968.
  19. I remember my sister's new father in law staggering away from my sister's wedding and climbing behind the wheel of his 'company' jag. Perks of being a Chief Superintendent I guess.
  20. Harold Rd was off Hartley Rd. This is all that's left.,-1.174244,3a,75y,348.56h,79.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sa7ojcG4yqvkmBXOeUnaYGA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  21. If anyone wants to use their car to good effect, the best results I've ever had where when I covered my allotments in 6 inches of spent hops available for the asking at Blue Monkey or many other micro-breweries. As a bonus, the first week I fetched hops from there I spotted a wedding ring sparkling in the hops, It turned out to be the brewery manager's and he gave me 24 bottles for returning it.
  22. You can still get 6 x, it's chicken pellet manure. It went through a phase of being called something else for a while.
  23. It does smell rank though as it rots. It's also not a major nitrogen source but is a better provider of potassium which is why it's so good for tomatoes. Borage is another one that's worth digging in to supply nitrogen. It also attracts bees which is great for the garden.
  24. The problem with growing comfrey in the greenhouse is that it's taking up space during the growing season. Autumn sown beans on the other hand don't stop you growing your usual summer crops. I did used to surround my greenhouse tomato plants with comfrey leafs from outside though.
  25. I don't see how that's possible as it's quite easy to come up with amounts that aren't divisible by 8, £1/3/11 for example which as 287d, in fact anything ending in an odd number can't be divided exactly by 8.