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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. Rickets,scarlet fever,diptheria,dysentry?...Where the hell did you grow up...New Delhi?
  2. Of course they haven't heard of hot aches...you don't get 'em sitting in front of a screen.We were out at every opportunity,the snow was a giant toy to be played with..... not having a house full of Chinese plastic crap at the time.So of course we overdid it and nearly got frostbite.
  3. Personally I think the castle is the most rubbish building built on the most wonderful site in England.It looks like a concrete monstrosity from the 1960s.Cromwells lot have a lot to answer for by destroying the original both here and in Newark.If the Duke of Newcastle had copied Wollaton Hall...it would at least be an impressive addition to the skyline,not the unimaginative heap we are stuck with...bring back the Luddites,and let's start again.
  4. Not sure if it was before or after, but it was on Talbot Street. Another site for car tax that didn't have car parking...brilliant! I also remember people filling out the forms staring at a sign on the wall because they didn't know how to spell 'Department of the Environment' ....another fancy name for a tax department.
  5. Good quality bags too... http://www.kitepackaging.co.uk/
  6. I remember the one at Midland Station...used it a few times but can't remember for what.
  7. I ordered some poly bags yesterday at 10am...they arrived this morning at 9am.I'm glad I didn't pay the extra £10 for guaranteed next day delivery.We could do with more firms like this nowadays.
  8. Circa 1881...Now just Huthwaite.
  9. http://www.nottshistory.org.uk/hucknall1909/hucknall1.htm
  10. New work eh! Taken from an old history of Notts.
  11. This place is on Southglade Road opposite the leisure center...had a jar or two in there years back but can't remember the name.It's a playcenter now.Unless you mean the Deerstalker near Tescos Stu...I believe that's gone.
  12. Wall vending machines.. And these things...I forget what you call them...
  13. I seem to remember a couple of years back one of our brilliant MPs pointing out that the Russians have us plonkers by the goolies.They're having the ability to turn off a large proportion of our source for gas to Western Europe at a whim. 'Because we haven't the storage facilities'
  14. One of the most highly populated and filthy towns in Britain until building was allowed in the suburbs. http://books.google....nepage&q&f=true Page 369.
  15. Well I'm glad I don't live in those days...With Gin at 65p a gallon I'd have never afforded a drink.
  16. I 'lost' my Grandfather in the late 1800s...he just disappeared from Nottingham.He was to set up a sweet business a few years later so I knew he was around somewhere.But where?....Quite by chance I found the name of a family he had boarded with in Nottingham aged 16, then they disappeared.After much searching I found their name again in St.Pancras...I wasn't sure if it was the same family or not until I saw their 'visitor'...It was amazing when I spotted his name...and his trade...'sugar boiler'...that convinced me I had the right person. He must have learned his trade there then returned to N
  17. Probably...but we used to do the same with rope and lamposts.
  18. I guess you don't have so many cats or RSPB protected sparrow hawks up there to decimate the numbers.Plus the disappearance of hedgerows/allotments etc.
  19. Song thrushes bashing the crap out of snails on the garden path.
  20. Sold a van a few years back to a guy from Stoke on Trent....He drove over and got near Arnold then rang me,Our conversation was as follows... (Me)..."Hi mate...I'll come and meet you,can you give me an idea where you are? Can you see a street name or a local landmark?" "Well I don't know if it's what you would call a landmark but I'm on a wide road just outside Arnold and just over the road is a burned out pub still smoking!" (Me)..."Ah! that will be the Green Barrel...I'll be with you in ten minutes" He must have thought it was a right dodgy district,and at the time he would have been dea
  21. Well after a bit of searching I found that the Maltings were the property of WH Hutchinson who had a brewery on Church street Basford.But it listed his house as being West Hill House on Church street. So I searched further and found that Cobden House was listed under the name Charles Walker(And I figured the posh name would make it the big house I was looking for) An 1885 street directory brought up this... And a census search came up with his family at No.1 Salisbury street (Gotta be Cobden House) and surprise surprise....he was a Maltster. Looks like he rented the house from the lady at