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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. That's what I was looking for...a big house with extensive gardens in the middle of the terraces...Now I've got to find who lived there.
  2. Ta mate....ayup! I got emoticons for this one...that's a first for a while.... !jumping!....No,spoke too soon!
  3. This is part of a Radford street map posted some time back...1920s I need the area to the right of Ilkeston Road....Cobden street/Salisbury Street area. 1920s would be great...but any other periods from 1890s to 1930s would be of interest.....Thanks.
  4. That could be anywhere today...what gets me is millions unemployed,100 thousand on their backsides in prison.It's about time we had road gangs out like in the States.
  5. A girlfriend of mine worked there as a hairdresser just after it opened.A lot of the departments in there went under the Gem name but were actually independant businesses leasing the space.
  6. And in the seventies we didn't have the technology to prevent this? Do you have a source for this information Beefy?
  7. I've got a Nissan now...8 years old 1800cc...Just a common or garden small car not even 2 litre and it's £245 road tax.It's ruddy disgusting,I doubt if I could even sell it now.It's all right having tax on cars at £30 but I couldn't possibly afford one of those models.These taxes might encourage the better off to buy these models,but when you're on a pension you get screwed as you're forced to buy one that's more expensive to tax.....More taxes to help the better off...typical.
  8. Half past 11pm every ruddy New Years Eve, the announcer on the black and white telly saying..."And now over to our Scottish studio" where we were accosted by Jimmy Shand and Moira stewart sitting on stools belting out their flippin' awful Scottish stuff.... while a load of blokes in frocks pranced about in the background....Then "BOING! BOING! from Big Ben....and that's yer lot.
  9. Thanks for the link....and yes,my lot were all in the hosiery and lace trade until the 1900s.This is my Great Great Grandfathers family in this 1861 census printout....Even the eight and eleven year olds were in the trade....poor beggars.
  10. I saw a little girl about 20 years ago with a whip and top...I had a look at it,the top was plastic and the whip had a piece of string that was rapidly fraying....used to be leather didn't it? I got quite good with the old 'Window Breaker' when I was a pan lid. As for marbles I had the mandatory draw string bagful...some ancient and scratched, added to when Mum was in a giving mood by some of those bright glass ones with a twist of colour in the middle.
  11. I've got back as far as ancestors born 1791 and 1808 but can't get any further info as nothing shows up in parish records for my lot...No doubt I could find more if I visited the library but health prevents me from leaving my PC and poring through records.Shame,but I'm pleased to have found what I have without leaving my house. Interesting to see that my Great Great Grandfather on my Fathers side in the 1861 census shows two children were born in Nottingham and then the next two born in Calais France around 1830...followed up by the youngest, again being born in Nottingham.So they must have b
  12. Cracking pictures...But if my memory serves me right you had to decend steps about fifteen feet to the kids area at the rear of the Five Ways where the swings and play area were.(yellow spot)This would be at the level of the brook so I would imagine the pub itself would be at the higher level same as 'Jacobs ladder' and not built in the circle of trees, but further back in the picture.This would put the little girl in the area of the modern play area.Unless of course they built up the area where the pub was built.The one thing we can be sure of is that the brook is still at the same level as i
  13. It appears one of my relatives was in hospital during one census in 1871...top of the page was this young lady....34 year old Sarah Churchill...occupation...prostitute... They didn't mince words in those days did they?
  14. Looking through many old street directories I've noticed many house numbers missing. I don't know why they bothered if they weren't going to be comprehensive. Some streets, in for example the Whites 1885 street directory for Nottingham,just listed the odd numbers...or jumped several houses.Many streets only list half the properties...it seems the publishers had a very hit and miss approach to their street directory. I did however find the house where my Great Grandfather lived in 1890,it gave his name and trade (Cotton Warper)and strangely gave the name of the factory where he worked.I sear
  15. Strange game this tracing business...Mothers side I've flown back with ease tracing ancestors... Fathers side,a bit slower until I get birth certificates. I've found Great Grandfather age 6 in a Nottingham street...house still standing...House number 248...but in later years in street directories number 248 has just disappeared.247...249 and the families living there clearly shown.Number 248 has been alien abducted...weird!..As I say...still there today but in late 1800s it has just totally gone off records.
  16. Some Nottingham Scouts used to camp in this field on Kingston Road Kegworth every year some fifty years ago...and I spent half my childhood at the top of that conker tree collecting engine numbers off the rail line at the back of the camera...dunno why ...but it seemed like a good idea at the time... In those days those ugly damned pylons weren't there.
  17. I've got sod all now...let alone January.
  18. I've been married in both....one of 'em twice... !rotfl!
  19. I thought they were at the Odeon...probably wrong though.I saw Freebie and the Bean at the Elite in '74 so it was still open that year.
  20. Can't afford the £300 petrol bill nowadays.
  21. This is England Y'know!...We still got Apaches nicking the telegraph wire to make bracelets.
  22. Like a visit to the Star at West Leake in '76...Two of my mates,contract farm workers called in on a blazing hot day with a raging thirst. They were refused service as they appeared 'not to be appropriately dressed' The pub was full of the Volvo brigade chomping on Ploughmans Lunches.....but they denied service to the only two ploughmen in the pub...
  23. In the front door...then right was a snug...only maybe 15x15 Next time in it was knocked into a restaurant.Like I say some years back.
  24. I used to like that place 20 odd years ago when the restaurant was just a snug...I bet it still gets busy at night.Terrible location to park at when it does.It always did have character though,unlike some.