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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. That pitch has been used..and a lot worse, I've done it myself on slow days.You have a dodgy one and a clean version..depends who's passing. The public rarely listen anyway...you see the little old lady saying to her friend.."What did he say?"...then you pitch again but with the cleaned up version..They just walk past tapping their hearing aid...
  2. Dunno if that was Beecrofts...but I remember it...Mum used to buy me a new lead zoo animal on every market visit (age 8/10) ...The Beecrofts I visited as a teen for my model aircraft bits was at that time on Pelham street...and was it Gee Dees models over the hill in Hockley?...didn't go there often. Thinking back...it was easy for Mother to buy me presents...I had a zoo and farm with lead animals..she just added to it...simplez!
  3. 'Mimosa'...still remember the name of a Keil Kraft glider in Beecrofts...four foot wingspan...never did get to afford it..
  4. And then along came Auntie Tesco,big business, and their buddies the councillors....No wonder we got Maid Marian Way and Drury Hill disappeared.
  5. Spent many an hour late at night sitting in number two with first wife after she finished work as a barmaid...pie peas and chips...I could just eat it now.
  6. Good...because tomorrows news is always a bloody sight worse than todays.
  7. You'd get arrested by the fuzz under the terrorism act...'Public support of a terrorist organisation'....and I'm only just kidding..
  8. What's the difference?....And you're talking to a bloke that just discovered the on/off switch!
  9. You don't need it do you Beefy old chap?...on the other hand...d-i-s-s-a-p...........MMMM! Yeah! good idea..... !rotfl!
  10. Every year the same old problem with ruddy fireworks...and every year nothing is done...still..gives the looters something to throw at the police horses. You need a Health and Safety licence for nearly everything nowadays.Yet gangs of hoodies can go round setting off explosives....complete madness. Public displays only should be the way to go...then maybe people and pet owners could relax.
  11. Many of those were destroyed or are hidden by the buildings and Victorian railway brickwork.Strange how the early historians always named them hermitages.Some did indeed have altars and signs of early Christianity in them,but only a small percentage. I wonder if they had their attics lagged?...
  12. My Grandad lived on Garnet street many moons ago..the house cost him £150 so quite a while back.An Aunt lived on Arthur Street and used to wind lace in her front room...she let some of her work out to a neighbour,then another and another...she eventually finished up with half the locals doing it and took her cut off each...made a bomb and bought a cottage out of it in Harby,Vale of Belvoir...that was when Nottingham still had a hosiery and lace industry...
  13. From...Links with Old Nottingham...J.Holland Walker. "The first house to be built in the Park was erected in 1827, but about 1850 when the estate was taken seriously in hand and developed for building purposes it was intended to make the main entrance through the tunnel from Derby-road. Mr. T. C. Hine was the engineer of the project, and the Duke of Newcastle agreed that the gradient should not be more than one in fourteen. However, it turned out to be one in twelve, which was found to be too severe, and other entrances to the estate had to be arranged. The old tunnel, with its wealth of g
  14. I've had this picture for a while but can't as yet remember where it came from (mid to late 1800s) ...I would have expected a Roman burial ground to be close to a settlement...and I've not read of one anywhere near the Castle rock...anybody else? Hard to read ..but... A.....'Remains of the Roman Sepulchral (sp) Commune in Nottingham Park. The ??????? still retaining the chimney from the furnace where the incinerations took place' B.....'One of the chambers containing the col????? where the ashes of the deceased were deposited in jars'
  15. I would guess the Castle site would have been a fortified position in antiquity well before the Romans..the iron age people have long been treated as savage barbarians before the Roman invasion. Or so Roman writings would have us believe....latest information shows they had a very organised system of settlements and hill forts and weren't the wode wearing uncivilized tribes the Romans have led us to believe, Some of the iron age finds reflect their skill with jewellery and gold that was as sophisticated as anything found amongst the Mediterranian peoples. I don't think the lace market area w
  16. Me too...and no Roman roads discovered in the greater Nottingham area.Possible Roman wharf at Sawley could be a water link with Margidunnum (East Bridgeford),,,but roads?? There must have been minor roads to and from the Settlement at Broxtowe in the middle of the council estate...but link roads to the North from a river crossing is a first for me.(At the time of the Romans anyway) If this gentleman has knowledge of a Roman road in the Park somebody else must have had knowledge of it.The Park was originally a deer park and warren used by the castle...any discovery would have been about the tim
  17. Another interesting tale from the past... 1765.— Kitty Hudson, born at Arnold, when six years old was taken to live with her grandfather, Mr. White, sexton of St. Mary's, Nottingham. Mr. White's servant encouraged Kitty when sweeping the church to pick up pins and needles for a reward of toffee. Kitty placed the pins or needles in her mouth, the practice of which habit destroyed her teeth, and when she was 18 years old she had to be taken to the Nottingham General Hospital (which had been opened the year previous, 1782) in consequence of numbness of limbs and sleeplessness. Needles were f
  18. Taken from History and Antiquities of Nottingham...James Orange 1840 This is news to me...anyone heard of this Roman Road??...or Hollywood near Arnold? So he's talking of a road around this area heading North from the Hermitage caves on Castle Boulevard over the Park and exiting at the end of Barrack Lane and on to the forest Northwards,
  19. I remember seeing that...about as bizarre as The Prisoner and The Avengers...I also saw him live at the Empire in...'The roar of the greasepaint and the smell of the crowd'...My first and only visit to a musical...never understood why they were so popular down the Smoke with tourists.
  20. My memories of Daybrook only go back to 1959 when I moved there from Nuthall Road near Aspley.I find it very disappointing the lack of info from that area when there are so many photos of other areas on Picture the Past. Searching the site...the majority of photos are of the library on Nuthall Road...none whatsoever of the dozens of shops North of the Newcastle Arms at Basford Road...or Bar Lane/Melbourne road...and few of Cinderhill.Anybody got any?
  21. And even further off topic was the Fruit & Veg.seller with a horse and cart in Colwick many years ago who used to shout..."Won't be round tomorrow..Donkey's pi**ed on the strawberries!"
  22. They are golliwogs for heavens sake...just because it's a word from the past doesn't mean it should be banned.I'm sick and tired of this PC rubbish. I feed my birds Niger seed...there is a state in Africa called Niger,it's on the Niger river.But somewhere in this stupid country some committee...and I'll bet they're white,has decided the word is too close to a sensitive word and has changed the spelling to Nyger...I note in the UN the representative of that country sits behind a label that says Niger though. Can we go back to Daybrook now please?...
  23. Yes it was...I went there in the sixties for .22 target shooting...25 yards with rifles.Bored me to tears so went pistol shooting at Newton Aerodrome...much more interesting.
  24. Following on from the 'Alf Hairdresser' thread.The picture of the barbers on Nottingham Road jogged a memory.Many years previous at the start of the 19th century.... Just a few yards away from that shop up Nottingham Road were the tenements that housed the workers at Arnolds biggest mill on what is now Arnot hill park. No wonder Dickens wrote about the conditions for child labour...this is one of the worst I've come across. The Arnold Mill. The mill at Arnold was principally a worsted mill. It seems to have been a poor trade, with low wages and much child labour. Times were hard,