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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. Some chippies ought to...they serve the same old heated up crap.'We sell Pukka Pies'...says it all. There's a carvery near Huthwaite in the middle of nowhere. Early evenings you've got no chance of getting in the car park,in fact cops turn up regularly because of cars parked on the verges causing congestion.The foods fine and cheaper than fish and chips...and a greater variety. We all know the odd chippy that is brilliant,but the majority serve up the same old tat that's only fit for drunks staggering out the pub.Hence the amount chucked on the floor for the urban foxes to clear up.
  2. Came across this the other day Beefsteak...don't know if you've seen it. http://www.oldairfields.fotopic.net/
  3. I agree 100%... smokers could've done without where people were eating. Hence a seperate ventilated smoke room inside the pub.As it is we've all seen the results of crowds of smokers outside pubs.Instead of the noisy brigade being behind closed doors, neighbours and passers by have to put up with boozy behaviour spilling out into the streets.
  4. Reduce tax Yeah I can't see that happening either mate. I called in for one at lunchtime locally...there were about eight old timers in there...two with walking aids.Watching them hobble out into the cold for a roll up was painful.Why the hell they can't have a seperate warm room with extraction is beyond me.They wouldn't even need a bar in there...but no.....Blair & Co. knew best. What with the prices and the ban it's no wonder our British institution...the pub...is fast disappearing. And Limey...I've said it before...if the breweries had spent a few grand on proper extraction there
  5. There are many reasons for pub closures...Pubs run by accountants for the last twenty years,and the smoking ban hasn't helped.But you will see these posts on many forums. The very people saddened at the sight of empty high street shops,markets and pubs are the same people who fill the supermarkets every week. Destroying the very businesses they say they are sorry to have lost. Government policies have destroyed the Post Offices...the public have destroyed the rest themselves.With a bit of help from town planners who encourage the building of these supermarket parasites. As I type the telly
  6. That street could have been pedestrianised and the shops filled with 'Oldie Worldy' trades.It could have been a tourist attraction to include the caves underneath.But no....It's right on the edge of the Mall and architects could have made allowances to let it remain.....Criminal.
  7. They had paper from half the Brazillian Rain Forest in there...solid old victorian buildings...in this pic Capoccis is a typical sixties build....it looks like it's ready to fall down......Scruffy looking dump.I can't understand how they got planning for a building that doesn't fit in with it's neighbours....Having said that,let's face it they ruined Nottingham in the sixties...And we let 'em do it.
  8. Lucky there was never a fire....only one way in or out.They'd go nuts nowadays at that.Windmill gone now too...replaced by another modern monstrosity.
  9. It appears the earlier Capocci's building (right) bought next door and the two were rebuilt as they are now.
  10. In the very early sixties when it was the 49...next door was the Toreador,there was a room upstairs which I never went in.A couple of years later the Aces congregated at the Toreador ...long lines of bikes outside that the cops loved to walk up and down with their little books in their hands. When Pat Smith got the licence with Tony Olivero and changed the name to 'The Blade' most of us moved down Shakespeare Street to the 'L shaped room' which stayed open all night..much to the annoyance of a dentist who lived next door. Little guy called Mike ran that with a partner who's name I forget...t
  11. Albert Whitehead ran it,Marilyn was his girl friend.Free entrance packed it out after the pubs shut.Licence was 10.30 but they served lager and cider after hours...well Carlsberg 2% rubbish and apple crush,but the ****heads didn't know the difference after a night in the pubs.Bowls of peas and curry flew out.Through the air too sometimes.Best toilets in Nottingham if you were wearing wellies.
  12. I did...both there and the '49' on Burton Street.I was probably one of those 'scruffy hangers on' with Susan Maughan.We went there from a party in Mapperley Park.:tongue:
  13. Ah... the good old days.Lovely people.
  14. Whats that then?....a load of cash merchants...Night Club owners ...Scrapyard merchants...Car dealers...Fruit machine bandits.All those that were into the fiddles that the Kray brigade found so easy to blackmail and steal from. Impossible if they kept proper books. But these type of 'businessmen' never did,and still don't.The only people more corrupt are politicians and Lords.
  15. Pigalle was in Hockley and down Drury Hill...Which one came first and then moved I can't remember.
  16. I remember my Dad getting his Wolsey 680 in 1951...NTV 351 £1,000 eight shillings and a penny.He told me he put his name down for 'A' car and that was what came first.Very few being made in those days...you took what came into the showroom. And get this...it was bottle green...he didn't like it and had it resprayed black...Henry Ford would have been proud.99% of cars then were black.
  17. Didn't realize till I came across this that the pub was only built in the 1920s to replace this one.Whalebone in place over the door. Maybe the whalebone was a danger to public health...'Elf & Safety' donchano?
  18. Parked up to the rear of that box lorry is a 1.5 Riley or Wolseley 1500 so 1960 'aint far out. And smack in the middle parked facing and to the right of that lorry MAY be a mini. I wonder what happened to the whalebone over the pub doorway?
  19. Top right button...where??? Ah!...you mean click on my name.Not very clear on here.
  20. Been there... A visit to Tatton Park when my son aged seven disappeared from my side.An hour of panic searching with friends all round the lake.Eventually he was found at the main gate crying his eyes out.The staff were twenty feet away happily collecting money from visitors in their little hut.After calming myself and my son down.I went to the pay kiosk and gave them the biggest bollocking of their lives for ignoring a crying child. The feeling in your gut when a child goes missing is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
  21. The old 'Dagenham Dustbin'...had two of them,one an estate.Damn thing wouldn't start one day,a local mechanic reached in,flicked a switch and it then fired up.The switch was there to light up the two offside lights as a power saver when parking lights were the norm.It seems they also had a gismo fitted that stopped you starting up while the switch was in the 'on' position,so you couldn't drive off with only two lights on.
  22. So they can show off all the Yankee gear they've got now and get on the telly.That blokes perfectly safe unless he says something in Brazillian.Then the cops will rapidly don ski masks.
  23. Never understand why pubs don't do hot peas and mint...Just a bain marie cooker on low.No brain power needed,and a HUGE profit.they don't stink the pub out either like some of the crap they serve up. My old man looked forward to Goose Fair for one reason...Mushy peas. By the way have you noticed the weather?....somebody told it Goose Fair was on it's way...same on bonfire night.Rain Rain Rain...