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Everything posted by carni

  1. Brew and AG, I'll never sing the correct words again. Well done Miducks. Thanks for the laughter.
  2. This is my post in the Southwell Workhouse Thread.
  3. Happy Birthday SueB48 Just Think, We've been pals for 69years. Have a Brilliant
  4. One of the Canals that we cycle on a regular basis is 'The Birmingham Mainline' starting for us at the 'Aldersley Junction' on the Staffs and Worc' canal. It has 21 locks over approximately 1 3/4 miles leading up to 'The Broad St Basin Wolverhampton'. Then on to the Wyrley and Essington Canal' to complete our journey visiting friends who live in the area. The outward journey is all up hill which makes the homeward journey a lot more pleasant. I thought that was bad enough until I saw your picture of the Caen flight. We love the canals Beekay, and have lots of choices of canals here in the 'Bl
  5. Go for it Beekay. We will enjoy seeing your work.
  6. Barry, it is quite common isn't it for men and women I remember being quite frightened when first diagnosed, but don't really think about it now. My heart problems started about a year after I started Thyroxine, so I don't know if they are connected. I take Thyroxine, Warfarin Bisoprolol,Lanzoprolol Atenolol, and I'm so grateful for it all. I cycle in good weather and excersize wise, that is it. None of my meds stop me from doing anything. The Warfarin is the one I watch. I don't drink alcohol anymore and I worry about accidents. Thats it. Enjoy life and laugh as much as possible. Best Medici
  7. Hello Staverton Girl, I have been on Thyroxine for twenty years for Underactive Thyroid. My weight still fluctuates, but most of that is family genes, and diet malfunctions. Looking at photos of paternal side, my Nan, and aunties are all 5ft rolypolies and I resemble them very much, so I try not to blame my thyroid entirely for my plumpness. I have had two heart ablations for AF, I now have another kind of arrythmia following the procedures. Have you been told by a professional that you might one day come off the Thyroxine, because when I was diagnosed in the late 1990s, I was what
  8. Sorry benj, we have been trying to remember his name but it's gone. I don't know if you can remember but, I think we were there to meet up with him after he had been to hospital for a check up. He was always very concerned about getting the message over to you men about getting checked for Prostate Cancer, as there are no early symptoms. I'm off to bed now, I bet it will drive me crazy trying to remember his name???????
  9. Was that the hat we had a collection in while you were gone benj. It wasn't my idea .....honestly. On second thoughts, I think the collection hat was a Crombie.
  10. Margie, when we are cycling on the towpaths we are often overtaken by joggers. It's all good fun though, we have a laugh with them as they pass by.
  11. Ayup benj. We missed you, hope you're feeling OK again.
  12. I used to do Cursive text at school and screw the paper up into little balls and flick it off my ruler at the lads.
  13. Is that Col or benj or both?
  14. I was thinking the same today AF. I'm hoping he's wooing the senoritas in Espana. Come back benj, we miss you miduck.
  15. The place and School are not places from my memory bank at all, as I never visited the area, but thank you Jill and PP for sharing. It's surprising how when people can talk about memories with so much enthusiasm it can spark off interest for the others as your posts have done for me. I love your pictures and descriptions. I would be thrilled if I could have the opportunity to do as you have, and visit All Hallows School Gedling once more. Every corner and room will evoke a memory for me as I'm sure it would for other past pupils. Have you any more pictures and stories
  16. I looked in the Civil Registration Marriage Index 1916-2005 on Ancestry .com to see what I could find. If I am correct in my findings, it looks as if Alma either lived in London in 1926 or travelled there perhaps to have a Celebrity wedding. Alfred J Hitchcock Alma A Reville Reg date O/N/D 1926 Reg District Kensington. Inferred County London
  17. Whey hey, Wizzy Phone You say. I've seen them things. Too quick for me Miduck. No one will let me touch their wizzy phones, even to look at photos, they hold it near me, but wont let me touch. Enjoy your prezzie.
  18. Happy Birthday DAVIDW Have A Great Day Thank you for all your help with my Family Tree.
  19. Well my day has started in the usual way. Two mugs of tea in bed (Yep, I did say two). Spoilt rotten this Gel. Downstairs now, I cup of coffee, three games of Sudoku with hubbs. Huh. He won all three this morning. Toast and honey to follow and now the best bit. Sitting in my usual chair by the Patio window eyeing our bird feeders. All the usual visitors, plus a newly gained Magpie. The feeder has numerous trays and seedy things hanging on it, one being a tray full of seeds etc plus some stale bread pieces. Directly above it there is a tray of water. The Magpie has just picked up
  20. Haha, If that's what they want to do, that's OK by me. I'll hold the camera.
  21. I know you are all right, but at 70yrs, 11months and some days old, dicky ticker, plus the other bits that don't work properly, if they would take me I probably couldn't afford the insurance ! Nope. the last aeroplane I went in was at the 'Goose Fair' 1953 and me mam said I cried all the way through the ride. The bloke wouldn't stop the ride for me to get off, and I have been no good since. if I am more than two steps off the ground since then , big panic. Besides ....I love Skeggy.
  22. Nope, Nudge nudge....Queens Avenue Gedling Pit estate. Not telling which house though.
  23. What a weird feeling. Here I am sitting on my sofa, laptop on knee, watching an image of an aeroplane two miles up in the sky carrying my son home from Barcelona. In fact in the time it has taken me to type this, he has passed Milton Keynes to Royal Leamington Spa and Coventry. Marvellous intit. Live Tracker shows, they are here YEH. And relax. Just got to wait for a phone call from Brum to say they are on the train and hubbs 'Dads Taxi' will be on his way. Fantastic............ I'm still not going up in one...........Looks like Skeggy forever with me!
  24. I know the market well PP. My second child was born at Penkridge, we lived there with relations for a few months in 1969 before moving closer to Wolverhampton. Your description of 'Genuine fake watches' made me laugh. On the market was a stall selling jewellery, watches etc, at a time when gold gate bracelets were the rage. I purchased two different style gate bracelets, and when I asked if they were gold, the seller looked at me and with a wink of the eye assured me they were real 'German Gold'. I still have them and not a bit of tarnish to be seen. Wink Wink. Every y