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Everything posted by tomlinson

  1. Behaving like sheep isn't confined to Facebook.
  2. Fair enough! Quote the number on the note and state where you lost it by post; get the letter notarised by a reliable person; i.e a doctor or bank manager - no, forget the bank manager; perhaps a doctor you've known for 30 years and was trusted by your grandmother. If you cannot carry out these actions by tomorrow, apply for a tax reduction.
  3. One of my bad habits, which annoys wife and family, is searching down the backs of chairs/sofas when we go out for a meal or coffee. You might say I'm a tight so and so. I often keep a sharp look out for money dropped in streets and had to argue with others doing the same thing on what I consider to be my preserve! One has to defend one's rights! I've often found silver and occasionally pound coins doing all this but the best find was a £5 note down the back of a chair. Does anyone else have finds like this to report?
  4. Working at a job teaching (sometimes) difficult adults and apprentices for weeks at a stretch and doing much preparation at nights and week-ends, I sank into depression. I found I didn't want to discuss things with others, including family, who had problems of their own, which they seemed to want to discuss with me. My release came in a good book. Having been retired for some years now, I do not miss work as do some, only the people I worked with, I'm enjoying myself very much being able to do what I like when I like.
  5. From my own experience, the armed services seemed to be a strange mix with regards alcohol. On the one hand, misdemeaners involving alcohol were severely frowned upon. On the other hand, there were more opportunities for going over top everywhere you looked. This club, that club; this rank's mess, that ranks mess; all had their own bar and the attitude of, 'give the lads a barrel of beer and they'll do anything for you', still persisted in my time. If you were a non/light drinker, you were a bit out of things. It's a national addiction and not a staple diet.
  6. I'm not sorry I started this site and I fully understand the point that some don't appreciate the examples so far dealing with cats. I could easily have said as another example of bad advice, 'At all times, pee into the wind', and the objections do illustrate that may of us have been affected by treatment/death of pets more than of people. Note 'us'! I've been there myself. I've said before in these annals that rightly or wrongly, I handle life these days with as much humour as I can and little is exempt.
  7. Interesting. Two posts with jokes about cats and requests for a 'Don't Like This' button. There have been lots of jokes about people but not one request for such a button!
  8. A 'smart' answer to the question, "Which is your greatest personal achievement"? is, " The next one".
  9. Got any bad advice? The best I've read was supposedly written in a newspaper advice column by Jerome K. Jerome on the subject of curing fits in cats. He wrote; hold the cat firmly between the knees and taking a sharp pair of scissors, make a clean incision in the animal's tail. It seems the cat's fits were worse as a result and the seeker of advice had hospital treatment.
  10. Let's be pedantic. SWMBO first appeared in the novel, 'She' by H.Rider Haggard, though I imagine a husband somewhere used it before that. I might have done it myself but I'm not quite old enough.
  11. Mantle piece clock, mirror above, horses, trout and a plaque on the wall, probably a windmill or waterwheel scene, the ornaments bought on the last holiday. I will say for the Goose Fair ornaments, they were great as chalk when marking the pavement for games!
  12. I don't pretend to know much about current affairs but I prefer to make up my own mind about things, without reading spin from a politically biased press. At one time I subscribed to 'Private Eye', which told as near to the truth as anything else I've read - as far as I could ascertain
  13. Being a poor sort of fisherman who knows, it isn't advisable to send your hook away for sharpening. It's too expensive and takes a long time in returning.
  14. Jim Slip. Neville Watt-Fitz Mee-Fitz William.
  15. The first time I saw Forest, they beat Crystal Palace 1-0 with a goal by Tommy Capel. Horace Gager was captain then. The other names I remember are Colin Collindrige - Wally Ardron - (?) Scott - Jeff Thomas - Noel Kelly. The others skip my mind, but happy days when it was a bag of chips on the way home, kids were passed over the crowd to the front and the Salvation Army Band entertained at half time.
  16. If there's a profit motive involved, trust no one.
  17. Goose Gog for gooseberry - Cogin for apple core - Giz a Goz for give us a look as with #53 or Give us a Dekko for the same thing.
  18. The bar of chocolate that was a layer of dark chocolate between two of milk chocolate. Caley's?
  19. It could be they have a suspicion there's a jehad against HRH and thought you were Salmon-rushti!
  20. Becky and her sister Ellie are my great nieces, the grandaughters of my brother Alan, now sadly passed away but no doubt proud wherever he is!
  21. Churches and mosques and synagogues make great indoor venues for everything except religion.
  22. I've always thought weddings, posh or plain, to be fairly meaningless these days when a great number of them last only a few years. You're just as married in a registry office as you are with the most elaborate ceremony costing thousands; there's no guarantee the union will last. Ask the royal family! A wedding may generate a good party but why not have one anyway!