Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. No, but not too far away. A few minutes walk from it
  2. So here it is.......not sure if this will be very easy or very difficult. These houses are no longer standing, but it's a location very close to the city centre I've cropped the photo to the left, because otherwise you'd get it straight away
  3. Ah, nobody told me that ...... I'll be back with one before long
  4. No, but I once knew a happily married couple called Bert and Joyce
  5. Finally, the clue I've been waiting for. I've been looking at his mug since this thread started and I knew I'd seen him somewhere before. I worked for British Midland at the airport in 1974-75 and it was all vaguely familiar The answer is !! ERIC DYER
  6. Have I imagined it, or do I remember the Co-op used to have pop lorries doing the rounds as well?
  7. I think the main reason it's closing is because there just aren't enough kids there to keep it going. Take a look at this link You'll see there were 174 kids and 19 teachers remaining. When I was there 66-73 there were around 1600 kids and 100 staff. I had a shock a couple of years ago when I looked at the place from Google aerial maps; half the buildings had been demolished even then, so the site still existed but there were big empty spaces where various buildings used to b
  8. To be fair to the place, it never seemed all that bad when I was there. I'd stopped living there by the early 1980s, but I always thought it was the 'least bad' of the various Estates. My parents lived there till the end of the 1990s, and if I'm up that way I occasionally drive through for a burst of nostalgia. Most people go out of their way to avoid it, but I go into it (ok only once every couple of years) and It looks much grimmer now than back then.
  9. I've just had a look at the edition I was referring to. Monday July 21st 1969. Cost 5d
  10. Just noticed this category. I became a new person a few days ago and I've already posted a few messages, but I'd missed the introduction bit. So a few days after the event, here I am Born and bred locally (guess where by the name) and I've lived in various places around Nottingham over the years. Old enough to remember Nottingham in the 60s before it was ruined by the planners. And I'm not quite at the retirement stage yet, but I'll probably be doing that here as well.
  11. Opposite the entrance to Victoria Station/Hotel. Not that I know it from personal experience
  12. Remembering when it was a broadsheet and made yer arms ache..... I've actually still got an example of one from back then. I kept a load of newspapers from the day of the moon landings (July 69, which makes me old) and one of them is an Evening Post from that day. The interesting bit is looking at things like the job adverts - £20 per week as an electrician; houses for sale (£1,500 in Arnold): cars - a 3 yr old Ford Anglia for £250, what was on tv in those days; Rolf Harris who played for Notts cricket in those days; Bolus, Stead being fined £5 for being drunk; Seems like a dream
  13. Weird how I can instantly remember it, but I've never thought about it for years. 117864 We were Varney Road, Clifton, and Southchurch Drive Clifton
  14. I'm new to this site, but I've been lurking and watching for a while. And I've been living in Nottingham for years, so I know summat about it. The Evening Post has been printed in Derby for a very long time (like, years) but they never wanted to admit it because obviously it wouldn't look very good as it's supposed to be a local paper. All Posts used to come in vans down the A52 before they became local, which is a bit of a joke