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Everything posted by DJ360

  1. Similar thing for me much more recently. I heard about the Manchester bomb whilst at home. I'd never heard of Ariana Grande but it sounded just the sort of thing my youngest might go to.. and she lives in Manchester. I kept ringing for about an hour before she finally answered. She was really angry that I'd woken her up and was fine.. though a bit less than polite. I told her about the bomb but I don't think it registered, she just went back to sleep. Next morning she rang me. horrified. A couple of weeks later she ran in the Manchester 10k which was turned into a public act of defiance
  2. Awful stuff Nonna and an undeserved fate for some. I can only express my sympathies and hope things get no worse.
  3. Me sister married won o' them 'Ucknall lads. Eee wur born abaht 3 miles frum me. Ah've never understood a word e' sed. Ahh wus talkin' to 'im on't fone ternight un ahh still aventgorracloo worreesonabaht..
  4. Yer just etter shaht lahd an wave yer arms abaht. Daft bo99ers'll understand yer Queens English evenchulleh.... 'Cept in Uknull.... ovbyussleh'
  5. Frogs legs are very much like tiny chicken thighs.
  6. Or half. Govt have tightened the rules. But mostly, it's a DM article. designed to provoke a xenophobic response.
  7. Emulsion ALWAYS needs another coat. That's a given...
  8. That article is 5 years old. Just sayin'...
  9. You are right about Douglas Lawton AG. But I was I think mistaken about Dorothy Whyman's son.. Who would in any case not have been called Whyman, but Horton.. Dorothy's married name. Col
  10. I think it would have been 1967. Saw Geno there too.
  11. Yesterday ( Sunday) I took Mrs Col from the Grand Duchy, to Altrincham. All of 20-ish miles. She says she doesn't know the area.. Neither do I, but I can read a map, follow signs and use the satnav on my phone. The purpose was to meet a disembodied voice on a phone, who Mrs Col had been speaking to for about 20 years when gettnig translation work. I'd often taken those calls too. 'XXXX', was just a name from the XXX translation agency to us both but she was visiting friends in Altrincham so I ferried Mrs Col over today for a meet up. All very pleasant etc. I decided to leave them t
  12. Struggling to find a pic. Mal put one on 'Nottingham Way Back When' a while back, mainly of the old Moulin Rouge 'Dirt Mac' cinema, but it also showed the Golden Key. Another source for licensees in the 1890s lists: I'm now confused as to where Mansfield Road ends and Milton St starts. Main reason I don't participate much in discussion of old city centre stuff is because I simply don't remember that much. It's 48 years since I spent much time there. But I used to come home from college with a friend on Fridays around 1966. We'd have a couple of games of snooker somewhere a
  13. I've had this discussion on a couple of other sites. It was definitely the Golden Key. A tiny pub... next door, or very close to the Moulin Rouge cinema. I believe the Cross Keys was further down into 'town' Byard Lane I believe.
  14. That's it Lizzie, awful things can happen which are not your fault.. yet you can carry them with you forever. In all honesty I don't feel any guilt at all about my 'incident' now, but I do still recall how I felt at the time. It must have been close to unbearable for your Uncle. All we can do is try to drive sensibly, especially in the school hols etc. Another incident. I was driving through Skelmersdale, having picked up Mrs Col from her work. I was on a dual carriageway in a low cutting. There were a bunch of kids in shadow under a bridge on the opposite carriageway, who
  15. It doesn't look like anything near Moorbridge that I recall. I can understand the Arnold Rd idea, but the angle of road c.f. track looks too much for Arnold Rd. But then there were two Arnold Rd bridges. One crossed the Leen Valley Line between the Arnold Rd/Andover Rd. Gainsford Crs. junction... between it and Hucknall Rd. There would have been little building on the road around 1937. The next was the bridge over the track from Basford Northern (Basford and Bulwell) to Leen Valley Junction... just past Sunrise Avenue, off Arnold Rd. The 'new' bit of Arnold Rd from H
  16. Amazing how much heartache such incidents can cause. I sympathise with anyone this happens to, assuming of course that they are not at fault. Over 30 years ago I was driving down the village main street around 3:30 ish. I was passing a primary school on my left, which had those pavement barriers. On my right, was a bus, stopped at a bus stop, but with a car nosing out from behind..looking as if it might try to come around the bus. I was down to about 20 mph.. maybe less .. and I'd moved over to my left in case the car popped out from behind the bus. Next thing a lad shot out fro
  17. There's at least one more man with three stripes, just to the right of the officers. I have read that the RH&RFA went through lots of reorganisations and redesignations throughout WW1. Maybe that explains it. Maybe if it's a pic of the Reserve, they didn't all have full uniform? I really don't know. Incidentally, in the link to Jack's entry in the London Gazette, a close look at that shows they have printed 'Robber's Mill' not 'Bobber's Mill'. Frankly, given the amount of admin and organisation required at the time, with no computers, no internet etc., I'm amaze
  18. Here is a copy of an eMail sent to me by a cousin in 2015. I'd forgotten about it. I really must get all of this stuff properly organised while I can still remember my own name... It ties together my Grandad Jack Whyman, his half brother George Taylor Whyman, the 'Nut Yard/Bobber's Mill thread and a couple of pics I posted in another thread. Was it called 'Nostalgic Old Photos? All of these people are gradually coming together and becoming a part of a wider story, rather than just black and white photos. Col
  19. That's a very good point Lets. What I've posted is a scan of a photocopy, which was just handy but slightly less well defined than the original. I've used a magnifier on the original and it does indeed look like a bugle. In fact there is something dangling from the chaps thumb that may be some sort of lanyard attached to the bugle. The original is pasted onto a card backing which also has a small 'tab' (not shown here) with what looks like 'H.Q . Dewsbury', printed I think, but in an italic script. the 'Q' is a bit of a guess on my part.. it's not at all clear. So it could just be a photog
  20. Here is 50th Battery Royal Field Artillery. Undated picture but from looking at Jack it might be when he was discharged into the reserve in 1921? He is clearly older than in the pic I posted above. Jack is pictured bottom right, second row, just peeping out behind a couple of others. He never was one for pushing himself forward. The more I look the more interesting this pic is. Many have their 'ammo' belts hitched up quite high. Maybe to avoid covering their medal ribbons? Others have theirs quite low. Most men are wearing 'puttees', but one chap, th
  21. Struggled to get an image of the Gazette entry Ann found. This is the link. Jack is 9th entry down left hand column. 85932. Col
  22. Yes. I think myself lucky that my Grandad and my Dad returned safe, though my Dad was more than a bit 'damaged' by his experiences. One of my Grandad's brothers or half brothers died in France and his sister's son died in the far east during WW2 and is buried in a famous Cemetary there. I don't recall the details but I have them somewhere. The old memory is getting a bit shakey..
  23. A lovely gesture indeed Ann. I'm very very grateful for your efforts. I'd been searching the Gazette on and off for ages, but using his old service number, which was all I had. Col