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Everything posted by FLY2

  1. Mary, I worked at Plessey, which took over Ericssons in about 1961. I was there on and off from 62, till 95, and they certainly didn't make Bendix washing machines at the Beeston factory.
  2. A gold star for anyone who can name all the companies that have sponsored Forest over the years. I'll kick off with Shipstones. Come on RR, roll em off !
  3. They are in theory an easy target Rob, but the police never seem to be taking any action. How many cars do you see these days with the front plate on the dashboard ? Easy to just drop on the floor when they're up to no good. Likewise, those plates that look very dark, and look to be reflective. Surely they're illegal !
  4. My main subjects of books I currently possess / buy are locally themed railway books, or biographies of musicians / groups that interest me, such as Ginger Baker, Jeff Beck, Tim Hardin, Rory Gallagher, Rod Stewart / Faces, Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Allman Brothers, and many on the blues and Rock Festivals.
  5. There's been some magnificent fiction written over the years. My favourites are Fredrick Forsyth things such as The Odessa File, The Day of the Jackal etc. Also some good forensic detective novels, especially by Patricia Cornwell.
  6. When my dad died in 76, I took over 300 paperbacks from mums house, ranging from Virgil, Homer and the like, to Penguin novels, and a multitude of war books. I've since read many, but most now have gone on car boots or charity shops.
  7. Sod Kindle, there's nothing like the real thing.
  8. Good to know Dave. There's many a bargain to be had there.
  9. We'll get better, I'm convinced of that. Yes the names. Despite having a programme, I was dumbfounded.
  10. Comforting to know that his 'husband' was at his bedside.
  11. No, it's not a city, but sad all the same. However, the topic has been in existence long enough. Maybe pointless complaining now.
  12. Saw Lizzie, and was hoping that she'd bring us some good luck. It wasn't to be.
  13. Drove through Misson, and near to Finningley. Cringed at the signs denoting Robin Hood Airport. I was pleased to see most villages had recently erected beautiful war memorials.
  14. Had a tootle through several North Notts villages yesterday, which are associated with the Pilgrim Fathers. Fascinating, and it is amazing just how far north Nottinghamshire actually extends to. I went up the A614, and then a leisurely drive east of the A1. I ended up at Brigg, in North Lincs, and had the most scrummy toffee and fudge cheesecake imaginable. Must return
  15. Whilst on the subject of beards. I currently sport a small moustache, and a beard that just covers the end of my chin. Probably a short cropped goatee I suppose. Over the years since my late teens, I've had full beards and short beards. Again, it's a matter of choice. Some I like, others I don't.
  16. My ex wife and I considered having plates with an amalgamation of shortened versions of our Christian names on it, but sadly never got round to it. I quite like personalised plates, as in most cases, it shows a bit of ingenuity.
  17. Me neither. Glad I'm not the only one !
  18. Nothing surprises me these days. We'll be back to just grunts and ug the way we're going.
  19. Another one that gets up my nose, is folk who end a sentence with "just saying". There was a chap I once worked with who did it constantly. It's as though they're on the defensive all the time, and are hesitant about saying their bit.
  20. I detest hearing people say 'Proper', instead of properly. 'I did it proper' is just plain ridiculous.
  21. I hate it when people follow every sentence they speak with 'YES'. It's as though they're vainly trying to convince you and themselves that they know what they're talking about.