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Everything posted by Stan

  1. We only lived off Union Rd for 1 year before moving to Bilborough (which believe me was quite a decent area in 1951) also I was only 11 at the time and certainly had NO interests in transvestites !
  2. I wrote a short answer on a topic a few minutes ago but it vanished before appearing on the page. I reckon its the CIA and MI5.
  3. Apparently can still get them.(from the `Oldest Sweet Shop in England' Liquorice Root Sticks (Spanish) The actual root of the Liquorice Plant! Famously used to make sweets, remedies and drinks! .£1.50 for 5 sticks Qty: Add to Cart ..Availability: In stock
  4. Thanks for jolting the old memory cells. These were a fond memory, 1/2 penny coloured water drink + Licorice root from a little shop half way down Pym St.
  5. Sorry Jill. I should have been more specific ".covered the areas of elocution " I was aiming at, not her comedy or appearance.
  6. Most sweet eaters have teeth like stars. `They come out at night'.
  7. Any one else think the character 5th from left ,2nd row looks like Bill Sykes? Also,is it just me ,but none of them seem to be smiling,and there are a few really `hard looking customers' the boys look pretty tough as well.
  8. Strange the many family links between the 2 areas(St, Anns and the Medo`s). I knew of many such when domiciled in Elm Grove. However when my father moved us to Union Rd for a larger house, I found that area much worse than Blue Bell Hill.
  9. In the 2006 Football World Cup, Australia reached the final 16. watched the match in Croatia to see Australia together with Brazil go forward, The atmosphere was truly electric as Australia pushed out the Croatian team. The thing Beefy is how insignificant is soccer (football) over here compared with Rugby (union and league) and AFL and even American football . It is interesting how a country of only 7 million (in 1945) could produce so many fine athletes. (just behind the real supermen the Kiwi`s)
  10. Thanks for the advice ,Ayup.Will try the new inverter.
  11. I didn't really realise that there is so much greenery near to the city centre until I took this shot. (nnsc) [] How wonderful it must have been in the time of R Hood Esq. when the same view would have been endless forest.
  12. Mid winter here,but outside its brilliant . Beautiful sunshine to top up my solar input and should reach 20C.Anyone Know the best (and cheapest )way of adding more panels (using the same inverter)
  13. Or native intelligence and drive. In my year at Blue bell Hill there were 2 classes of 50 and one of just under. Only 1 person passed the 11+ I will not comment on the education at the `Grammar'
  14. Didn`t do much for Sue did it? Still a mermaid only has to screech.
  15. Thought about Molten salt for storeage Ayup? While adoption of solar energy steps up around the world, two key challenges remain: how to store the energy created during the day so it can be used through the night and how to dispatch the energy to where it is needed. Both of these problems may be solved by coupling molten salt with concentrating solar power (CSP), according to a June 26 article in Renewable Energy World. Interesting also how several people I know (like Ayup) seem to `shine' after leaving the slums and confines of St. Anns
  16. Driving lessons.Never had one! I did have this pretty girlfriend however who borrowed her father`s car and she taught me everything I know (about driving) I think somewhere in these pages is the account of the driving test where I was told to take the next left and we ended up driving around Shippo`s Brewery.
  17. Think I`m crazy if you wish, but I always used to love wandering the back alleys and streets of St. Anns ,the Lace market ,etc. Full of human interest and surprise.
  18. Numerous things on in August ,Sheridan. I am being taken to a couple of concerts and: The Chatsworth Country Fair 30 August - 1 September 2013
  19. Lots of ex pats from Nottingham contribute here,Sheridan. Welcome. Where do you call home now? Not related to Mrs Bucket I hope!
  20. Oh yes he is! As an aside,today marked the death of the Hollywood Mermaid (Esther Williams) based on the life of an Australian (of course).
  21. I think he must be very hard up for work (bit like John Cleese after all his divorces),to have to resort to panto in Nottingham.
  22. Could have been,Beefy. However Anonymous takes the credit