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Everything posted by Stan

  1. There are just too many swimming events, the competition is too large and the swimming authorities should be much more ruthless in organizing their programme. It rewards too few disparate talents. We need more variety. Too many of the races are tailored for the same athletic type and repetitious in the talents they showcase. There is way too much doubling up generally, the same competitors swimming, time after time, in 'different' but actually very similar races If Michael Phelps was a one-man nation, he would have stood at number five in the Beijing 2008 medal table as of Wednesday evening.
  2. How about this one? The sporting spat between Britain and Australia plumbed new and comical depths yesterday as the most senior Australian Olympic official accused British athletes of lacking personal hygiene. After Rebecca Adlington's 400m freestyle gold set the tone for Britain in the pool here, John Coates, the head of the Australian Olympic Committee and an International Olympic Committee member since 2001, was asked for his thoughts. "It's not bad for a country that has no swimming pools and very little soap," he said.
  3. Whilst on the subject of Bulwell Common, does anyone remember this event I have just `discovered' Re: 1951 Plane Crash I remember the crash of an RAF Canberra onto the railway sidings alongside Bulwell Common
  4. Oink Oink!!! Tweet Tweet !!! There goes that flying pig again,Beefy.
  5. No, but I was dismayed by the Thunderous Silence on this site to the wonderful news,Beefy.
  6. Nicole Cooke wins first gold medal for Britain - Beijing Olympics 2008 Nicole Cooke got Britain's Olympic campaign off to a glorious start when she defied treacherous conditions to win gold in the women's cycle road race in a thrilling sprint finish.
  7. You had better,Pat,otherwise you will be doing `porridge like this pair! Noisy sex sessions land neighbour in court 08/08/2008 08:18AM BST Noisy sex sessions land neighbour in court. For two years Kerry Norris, 29, and boyfriend Adam Hinton regularly embarrassed neighbours with their all-night love-making.The couple yelled out obscenities while the headboard would bang against the wall ...
  8. Ha Ha Ha poohbear! I think rob thinks I look like the others,at the moment.
  9. You forgot the `Flatcap' poohbear.
  10. Without wishing to bring down the wrath of Rob upon myself,how about instead of `Slab Square' we could have ` Stab Square'
  11. Suggest you have a read through my posts,rob. Most of the newspaper quotes I choose are from the Telegraph or Guardian. Very few from the NEP. Certainly poor old England is so far behind Oz, it would be difficult for you all to comprehend. No ,its by no means perfect and already slipping since the socialists came to power,but as in the UK the people are awakening at last. Careful of the knives and bullets rob. OOps sorry,-forgotten you are not under 17 and thus immune. Iwonder if we should be substituting Rob for Martin in the following. Some believe that the blogosphere is a mere "cacopho
  12. How much longer do the British people have to tolerate a totally useless legal and police system? Parliament is overflowing with lawyers.They will not help. ALL suggestions welcome. The youth in question was 15 years(some youths of that age can be a formidable size) He was armed with an iron bar which could easily have killed Potter. Potter was UNARMED until he took off his belt in self defense. The right of self-defense (also called alter ego defense, defense of others, defense of a third person) is the right for civilians acting on their own behalf to engage in violence for the sake of
  13. Further. Provocation in English law. In criminal law, provocation is a possible defense by excuse or exculpation alleging a sudden or temporary loss of control (a permanent loss of control is in the realm of insanity) as a response to another's provocative conduct sufficient to justify an acquittal, a mitigated sentence or a conviction for a lesser charge. Provocation can be a relevant factor in a court's assessment of a defendant's mens rea, intention, or state of mind, at the time of an act of which the defendant is accused. The right of self-defense (also called alter ego defense, defen
  14. Note to the NEP after a pathetic legal verdict in Nottingham. DAD TOOK STRAP TO BOY OF 15 A Sneinton man ended up in court for retaliating against a 15-year-old boy who had hit him with an iron bar and put his daughter in a headlock. A pair of teenage boys had thrown eggs at Carl Potter's home in Skipton Circus, Sneinton, after his two daughters refused to go outside to meet them. The girls eventually went outside and the 15-year-old boy put one of them in a headlock. Potter, 38, was woken by the noise and chased the boy. The youngster ran into his house and came back outside brandishin
  15. In their last full year of operation before the (illegal) pit strike, British Coal made a loss of £485million. That figure excludes the subsidy received by British Coal from the electricity generating companies who were being forced to buy British coal at an above market price simply to keep unprofitable mines open. If this "subsidy" is taken into account, British Coal was losing £727 million per year. That is equal to £1.4 BILLION POUND in todays prices. How on earth you judge this to be "profitable" is beyond me. There was not a single power cut in the 11 years Mrs Thatcher was Prime Minist
  16. There wasn't a profitable coal mining industry in the UK since the 1960's, which is when most of the South Wales pits were closed. They were shut down by Labour's minister for energy - TONY BENN!
  17. I include Wales and Scotland togther with England and say Britains's coal-fields, sadly, were not profitable. Prior to Mrs T the coal industry was subsidised by the government owning it. The major coal customers eg the power stations were also nationalised and everyone paid a subsidy to the coal industry through their electricity bill. This fed though into prices and the UK was a country with relatively high inflation. Mining is a horrible, dangerous and dirty industry which was artificially kept going as a sort of branch of the social services. I know in the 'romance of coal' all those Wels
  18. It seems that the NUM were determined to break the `Iron Lady' In 1982 the National Union of Mineworkers accepted a Government offer of a 9.3% raise, rejecting their leaders' call for a strike authorisation.[39] The confrontation over strikes, ordered illegally without a national ballot in 1984–85 by the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in opposition to proposals to close a large number of mines, proved decisive.
  19. As a grammar school girl herself,I could never understand why as Education Minister she abolished the only way for the working and lower middle classes to better themselves. I think understanding Maggie is far more complex than breaking the NUM. For instance, with the possible oil wealth around the Falklands,how many remember how she would not allow the Argi`s to occupy them. How many of you made a vast killing if you bought your council house at that time? I had long departed the UK before Maggie emerged so never having lived through it cannot comment fully.However I will as a result
  20. There y`go. Learn something new everyday! The railways used a wide range of two and four wheeled, one and two horse, delivery vehicles. Technically a cart has two wheels and a waggon has four (road waggons have two Gs in their name, railway wagons have only one). So the horses pulled`waggons' Prior to the Scarab was the Scammel mechanical horse in service to the 60`s.
  21. ...and the drivers! Very unstable, replaced by a more squat looking 4 wheeled version,? name?
  22. They were petrol driven ,Poobear. I remember when the old horse drawn wagons were replaced by them. The railways had the yards all along the canal and across wilford Rd. to where the horses were stabled. Huge beasts they were!
  23. I think the beauty of this site is that is a record of the `oral history' of Nottingham and if it could be `backed-up' and edited, would be a good record for future generations to observe the habits and lifestyles of past generations. Please try to conserve as much as possible until some clever historian can weed out the pointless stuff and put the remainder into some sort of order.
  24. Found it H.G. They were council flats! Nottinghamshire Heritage Gateway | Research Pathways | Places ...A few examples of nineteenth century municipal housing survive, including Park View Flats, Bath Street, and Minitts Folly.