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Everything posted by Stan

  1. It was ever thus, Mick. UK is so riddled with class divisions it will be almost impossible to change. I could quote hundreds of examples,but it would not change a thing. Take Doug Scott(working class Nottingham hero as example of climber,as we are on the subject compared with ,say Chris Bonnington ).What has been Doug`s reward? Doug Scott Everest was the first of Scott's "Seven Summits", the high points of each continent, and he had climbed four of them "before realising the other three existed." IT'S TEMPTING to suggest there have been only two great British mountaineers over the past
  2. ...I`d better clarify my last entry,the girls in the black suspender belts etc had NO dresses NO coats and it must have been at freezing point. Hope they had their `Vicks with them!
  3. One of the best wrestlers I saw went to school with me in the 50`s and to University . He was a brilliant `Tag ' wrestler as he was not all that tall. He became a National boxing champ also(Amateur) Finally became quite a good `Hand Surgeon! Name Pete Jordan.
  4. Finally arrived back in Oz yesterday,(19th Dec). Was -3 when we left London,30 on arrival in Adelaide! Beautiful sunshine clear blue skies,no crowds happy people! Just a BIG thankyou to Beefy ,Frank and Shirley who came to say `HELLO',SORRY Rob and Dennis did not make it and Mick was working. I must tell you about something I saw on the way to Hotel after meeting. Saw Hundreds of young women literally falling out of their little black dresses,7 girls in high boots and `Santa suits'(very `mini') and to top it off 3 beautiful girls in black bras,panties and suspender belts and black stockings
  5. Thanks for trying to make it Beefy,,-I`m just trying to relive a childhood fantasy as it will be some time before I visit Nottingham again. ...BOTH Friday and Saturday at 6 I shall be there ,Mick,prior to the 7 pm performances No I won`t be dancing in both! I saw `Red Giselle' in St Petersburgh 4 years ago, and this company are brilliant. Missed them last year as their theatre is falling down. Also I am going back to my childhood and seeing a genuine English panto on Saturday as this could be my last visit to UK for some time(too expensive for me) Try and make it some of you if you can Sta
  6. ...BOTH Friday and Saturday at 6 I shall be there ,Mick,prior to the 7 pm performances No I won`t be dancing in both! I saw `Red Giselle' in St Petersburgh 4 years ago, and this company are brilliant. Missed them last year as their theatre is falling down. Also I am going back to my childhood and seeing a genuine English panto on Saturday as this could be my last visit to UK for some time(too expensive for me) Try and make it some of you if you can Stan.
  7. Dear Fellow Nottstalgians, Due to an unforseen event,I was given 2 days notice by SWMBO to appear in the UK. As a result I shall be in Nottingham at the Royal centre on Friday and Saturday (7and 8 Dec)around 6pm in the bar if any forum member(and particularly Denis) wish to buy countless rounds of Chrissy drinks for us all. Stan
  8. ICE RINK SLIP-UP! Be the first reader to comment on this story 09:00 - 16 November 2007 The £350,000 ice rink being built in Old Market Square does not have planning permission. The National Ice Centre, which is behind the scheme, did not realise it was needed for the temporary structure. Now the city council, which owns the ice centre, will be asked to give permission on Wednesday - the day the rink opens. Liberal Democrat councillor Alex Foster, a member of the development control committee, said: "It's a blunder. Everyone has a responsibility to check if they need planning permissi
  9. and how is it going to affect the business of the established ice rink,which I am sure pays thousands in rates?
  10. Stan


    Well,oh Beefy one and Rob, how much do you HAVE to pay for a TV licence for all the `crap' on your channels? Ours is FREE yes NO CHARGE! We have so much sunshine over here that our electricity is also `free( from Gov. panels),and we do have sunshine here.
  11. Help required folks! I am in the market for a good quality plasma or LCD H.D. tv. All advice greatfully received. Stan
  12. Armstrong Whitworth Sea Slug ?
  13. WE WUZ ROBBED (Oh yeah!!!) Dismissing fears that he would become public enemy No 1 in England, Stuart Dickinson said he had reviewed the decision frame by frame yesterday and remained convinced that Cueto's left foot was in touch before he grounded the ball. The try that wasn't: Mark Cueto goes over the line The decision, which took an age as Dickinson looked at the incident from a series of different angles, was the key moment of the match. Had the 42nd-minute score been allowed to stand, then England would have narrowed South Africa's lead to a point. But Dickinson said: "There's no doub
  14. ...its just that I saw a documentary in which vast areas of Los Angeles with whole estates which could not be sold,and other cities e.g. Detroit ,Chicago, etc with streets of unsaleable houses. Also Auctions where houses were being passed in or sold for `a song'. I suppose its the old theme of `location,location.
  15. Surely house prices must be very cheap in USA at the moment with all the problems they have,-there must be astounding bargains if you keep a cool head and `haggle'
  16. Vulcan rules the skies again after £6m facelift Last Updated: 2:50am BST 19/10/2007 A Vulcan bomber took off for the first time in 14 years on Thursday. In pictures: The Vulcan flies again The Avro Vulcan XH558 was the last of the model to fly in 1993 when it was retired to an airfield in Bruntingthorpe, Leics. The restored Vulcan bomber takes to the skies After a £6 million restoration project it was returned to flight. The 645mph monster flew for about 20 minutes burning fuel worth more than £1,000. How many of you have ever seen a WHOLE squadron of Vulcans taking off together? I
  17. IMMSC... The aim of the International Maritime MetOcean Services Conference 2008 (IMMSC. 2008) ? Or were you talking about Agincourt? The Battle of Agincourt was fought on 25 October 1415 (Saint Crispin's Day), in northern France as part of the Hundred Years' War !!
  18. Conkers win is double over French Winner Ady Hurrell said his strategy was to "hit is as hard as I can" English sportsmen have completed a double over the French this weekend. Ady Hurrell, of Whittlesey, Cambs, took the World Conker Championship crown less than 24 hours after Les Bleus were dumped out of the Rugby World Cup. He beat John Ingram, representing France, in the final of the 43rd championships in Ashton, Northants. Train driver Mr Hurrell, 36, needed just two shots to smash the conker of his competitor, a 54-year-old Dordogne antiques dealer. !!
  19. Yes folks its true! England are now world beaters after downing France in the CONKER championships!!!
  20. EXCITEMENT BREWING OVER BEER FESTIVAL More than 410 beers from over 200 breweries across the country will feature at the Nottingham Beer Festival. Some 6,000 people are expected to descend on the festival this year. Making brewing 'greener' will also feature with the LocAle scheme. Run in conjunction with Nottinghamshire Campaign for Better Transport, LocAle aims to encourage all pubs in Nottingham to stock at least one beer which is brewed less than 20 miles away.
  21. Den, on reading your email, I noted that your mum has passed on. It must be recent as we only talked of her in the last few months? As to living overseas, Australia is as near paradise as it is possible to get for `quality of life,food,housing etc', but the native Aussies are without doubt the most racist I have ever encountered.Certainly native Nottingham people are the salt of the earth, its just the overcrowding,dirt and low standards of living,that I cannot cope with.Everything in life is compromise.