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Everything posted by Bubblewrap

  1. #95 And my grand parents would have been 129 in September
  2. Near normal NO Nothing stopping stopping at Loughborough as of about 9 o'clock this morning
  3. My wife says I'm 67 going on 15
  4. Sixty seven & a half on Sunday.
  5. But these productions cost a lot of money so why not get it right ?
  6. Period drama things need to be correct I expect the costumes to be correct so why not the trains? After all it was set in the 1880s so if a motor car appeared are we going to complain Paulus ?
  7. My wife's ex husband's garden backs on to the railway at Barrow about 50 yards to the south of the bridge. The bridge also gives access to Barrow upon Soar station. But I couldn't get near enough to get any photos Reason for being there today? feed the cat,chickens & tortoises.
  8. #15 Sacrilege no excuse. Could have renumbered & renamed one of the preserved castles & kept them in green
  9. #1 I'm sure there must be locos in steam or steamable of the late Victorian period that would be available for film makers?
  10. The worse thing is in the last few years seven local(10 minuets walk) have closed. Since I have lived in Loughborough about half it's pubs have gone(about 30)
  11. Could do with that here. We have three MacDo's and lots of other American invaders too.
  12. Looks interesting I've made a note of the Victoria centre dates.
  13. Formed by retired politicians of all parties so they can carry on their fantasies
  14. My first piercing was done by a "friend" with a hot needle & I borrowed the sleeper. And yes I was p****d (that was in 1976)
  15. Got my second earring from repair this afternoon A friend of my wife is a jeweller http://www.beyondbling.co.uk/ Web site by my step son. So I am now wearing two earrings again
  16. I hope they did the camera down the throat before it was inserted into the "sunless" region?
  17. #90 Should have been on the railway late 1960s This TV series summed it up very well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh,_Doctor_Beeching!
  18. What will this lady look like when she's eighty?
  19. #2 I have no tattoos though What happens if you get fed up of them they are just as expensive to remove.
  20. I have both ears pierced The first it 1970 (ish) The second after a visit to Turkey in 2005 when I bought a very distinctive & expensive(over £100) pair of Gold earrings I wasn't paying that much only to wear one. P.S. They look like a nut(without the thread)Hexagonal