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Everything posted by Bubblewrap

  1. The line from Trent Lane Junction to Weekday Cross was not a chord railway but double tracked with the high level station in the middle. Weekday Cross
  2. NO the L.N.W.R. trains ran along the Grantham branch as far as Saxondale Junction then onto the G.N.R. & L.N.W.R. joint line. It was not possible to get on to the Old Dalby line from the Low level Station. http://www.meltonmowbray.steamrailways.com/Harby%20-%20Stathern.htm You are confusing two completely different railways the Old Dalby route never ran into London Road Station it was the Midland Railway's new direct route(missing Leicester)to London(123 miles)the old route via Leicester &Trent. was(is) 126 miles.
  3. The Old Dalby route was always a Midland Railway line(opened 1879) Trains using this line always ran into the Midland station..
  4. The Luddite problems ended in about 1816 The burning of Colwick Hall & Nottingham Castle was connected to the rejection in the House of Lords of the reform bill of 1831. It seems that the crowd took exception to the Duke of Newcastle who owned Nottingham Castle & was a leading anti reform man in the House of Lords The fires were during Goose fair week. The Duke of Newcastle received £20,000 compensation for the damage concerned. There are several accounts of the "Luddite period" some of which I have if you would like a list please let me know.
  5. I like the guided missiles out side the mosque.
  6. Here's a photograph before the parliament Street shops were built. The bridge/southern entrance to Victoria was closed in 1959/60.
  7. We have one in Loughborough My wife & stepson have had a takeaway(delivered to the door) and I am assured it was very good. Mount Gurkha 31 Ashby Road Loughborough www.mountgurkha.co.uk
  8. It was only old horses that were used as they were all bergered.
  9. Posted before I know. Don't eat yellow snow no2
  10. So if you want to wind up the manager of your local TESCOS ask for a Shergar Burger.