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Everything posted by Bubblewrap

  1. With Watson Fothergill & Thomas Chambers Hine designed some of the best buildings in Nottingham.
  2. Not had to do a tax return for donkeys and as I'm on Pension credits(65 next February) I don't think the tax man will bother me again.
  3. Although one street each side has a different name & has been so for centuries. But some of the names have been changed. Poultry was known as Cook Stool Row South Parade ..............Timber Hill Cheapside.....................Rotten Row Beastmarket Hill...........Beast Hill Chapel Bar....................Bar Gate. Market Street..................Sheep Lane Badder & Peat Map of 1744
  4. It's the same further up Beestmarket Hill & Angel Row are only one sided streets the other side is still Long Row.
  5. No it was there in 1860 (Drakes Directory) & there were eight shops there BUT the first bit from the corner of the old exchange up to The Kirke White Tavern was known as Exchange Row till the present council house was built. There were Five public houses in the area of the Old Exchange before it was demolished to make way for the new "Council House" + about 50 butchers stalls in the "Shambles"
  6. Go & look at the corner of the council house opposite Exchange Walk Mick (street sign for Cheapside is there) My information is using "Ordnance Survey maps 50"(yes over four feet) to the mile done in the early 1950s & Kelly's Directories dated 1916,1925 &1928. The dividing point between The Poultry & South Parade is Peck Lane(got it wrong on earlier post)side of the Flying Horse.
  7. My first name is John but I've always been known as Andrew(Parents & Sister) Andy to any one else. How about Cher ?
  8. Hands that do dishes can feel soft as your face.
  9. It was that bad this lunch time I had to shelter in a PUB